Thursday, 19 November 2020

Why Will the Islamic Republic of Iran Collapse?



The Islamic Republic of Iran has two fundamental failures. One, the regime in Iran is a failed state. Last, the regime in Iran is a rogue state. Therefore, it is an ideal candidate for the US democrat to support the regime in Iran.

The Failed State of Islamic Republic of Iran:

The regime in Iran disregarded the welfare of Iranians. In 2006, Export Development Canada released a report about the income gap in Iran. 10% of the Iranian population possessed 75% of Iran's wealth. As a result, 90% of Iran's population owned 25% of Iran's wealth. The Islam Republic of Iran is a kleptocracy system. The obvious example is the Rich Kids of Tehran, while others are starving to death or sleeping on the rooftop of people because they cannot afford to pay rent.

The Rogue State of Islamic Republic of Iran:

The regime in Iran is sponsoring terrorism around the world. Thus, the US war machine plays the role of global constable1 and sells its weapons to the nations that their national security is threatening with Iran's regime. 


Mr. Ahmad Kasravi said in his book about the future of Azerbaijan that Iranians would determine the fate of Azerbaijan. Iranians must decide their future and not other foreign entities to determine the future of Iran.

When Democrat Jimmy Carter orchestra the 1979 Revolution in Iran with the help of the BBC and other world powers, Iran's economy flourished under the leadership of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. 

The world does not want Iran as an independent nation that controls its sovereignty. The world economy is a small one. An advance Iran is posing an economic threat to other industrial countries. 

The regime in Iran does not have the support of Iranians. If the regime in Iran had the support of Iranians, the month of Aban-November of the year 1398-2019 massacre would not happen.

The regime killed somewhere between 1500 to 8000 persons, from a youth to an ordinary person asking for social justice. The administration will go, not because I say, but because the system has no credit anymore among Iranians. 


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