Monday, 2 November 2020

Human Rights Violation of Canada against Iranian-Canadians

 Mr. António Guterres

Secretary General of the United Nations

Human Rights Violation of Canada against Iranian-Canadians

I am asking you to help Iranian-Canadians live in Canada in a state of peace, and the theocratic regime in Iran cannot pose a life-threatening situation to me. This letter will address how Canada supports the theocratic regime's terrorist activities, how police Canada has no interest in Canadians' well-being, and only the United Nations can secure Iranian-Canadians' well-being. 

I want to take this moment to bring to your attention how Canada is violating Iranian-Canadians human rights under:

Article 3.

"Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person."1 

In 1978, Iran's revolutionary forces used brute forces to confront the Pahlavi's security apparatus by performing street justice. Post the 1979 Revolution, the Islamic Republic of Iran used a reign of terror to eradicate the voice of reason inside of Iran. The theocratic regime in Iran lacks confidence in itself and feels insecure at all times. It thinks that the outside world is moving to topple the Iran regime and does not tolerate any voice of reason. The administration of the cleric's regime in Iran develops a network of assassinates outside of Iran to eliminate those individuals that Iran's regime feels a threat to its security. The rulers in Iran has a long history of assassinating the voice of reason in European countries and North American nations. 

In 1980, David Belfield assassinated Ali Akbar Tabatabai, and the Canadian Government allowed him to use Canada as a base to escape to Iran. Interestingly the former Governor-General of Canada's husband revealed how Canada allowed Mr. Belfied to commit a crime in the US and used Canada to go to Iran.2

Canadian politicians accept campaign contributions from the regime's elements in Iran and are allowing Iranians politicians to come to Canada and have investments in Canada. For example, Mr. Hashemi Rafsanjani built HWY 407 in the Province of Ontario under the public policy of Private-Public-Property. Later on, the above HWY sold to one Spanish investor. When Rafsanjani was doing money laundry in Canada, Argentina issued a search warrant for his arrest due to an act of terrorism. Canada also violated its Criminal Law 83.1. 3

The Canadian Government intentionally and willingly allowed Rafsanjani and his family to use Canada as a base for economic prosperity. At the same time, the Canadian Government allowed Trojan Horses to come to Canada. 

The Trojan Horses of the theocratic regime in Canada has been active in Canada for a long time. They are identifying Iranians who are the voice of reason and peace. They are contacting Iranians who have family members in Iran and are uttering a threat. The Iran regime has a history of carrying an act of atrocity like the mass-murdering of Iranians in 1988.

In Canada, the Trojan Horses have been very active for several months and committed two murders, and Canadian police have done nothing. About six months ago, the regime's Trojan Horses killed one Iranian-Canadian man in Toronto, ON, and authority has done absolutely zero to bring the culprits to justice. 

On October 23rd, 2020, Mr. Mehdi Amin lifeless body discovered by friends and police at his residence, and the police are doing nothing to prevent another assassination from happening. The assassins are walking freely, and most likely, they are aiming at another target to eliminate from their list.

Article 7.

"All are equal before the law and are entitled without discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination." 4

Canadian police forces are corrupt, and they work with organized crimes. The Canadian police forces allow BC casinos to become a safe haven for organized crimes to do money laundry. 5

Canadian police forces do not like racialized minority groups. 75% of Canadian believe Canadian police forces are racist.6 Most importantly, when times come for Iranians, the police forces are less interested in protecting them. For example, Thomas Donald Bruce McArthur was targeting Middle Eastern men, and mostly Iranian persons; the rainbow community stated that the Toronto Police Service did not act in good faith to protect the victims.

In conclusion, the Canadian Government does not care about Iranian-Canadians' well-being who are entitled to peace and security under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Canadian Government is more interested in campaign contributions from the Trojan Horses. I am asking Mr. António Guterres to step forward and stop the killing field in Canada. 

Thank you



c.c. Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau

c.c. MP, Bill Blair 


  2. April 27th, 2006 <> November 02nd, 2020.
  5. July 27th, 2018 <> November 02nd, 2020.
  6. July 07th 2020 <"> November 02nd 2020.

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