Sunday 29 November 2020

Lesson Learned from the Coronavirus

 In December 2019, the Coronavirus began to scorch the world, destroying families, businesses, and the global market to ground zero. All humans worldwide hold each other's hands to save humanity from the Coronavirus's death and destruction and not knowing the nightmare will come to an end.

The scientific world predicted that the Coronavirus might continue its path of destruction for several years because the vaccine and medication would take several years to develop and save humanity from the grip of death. The Coronavirus was devouring everything in its path.

However, humanity did not give-up in light of imminent darkness. The scientistic community remained steadfast in discovering the new vaccine and medication to save humanity.

The scientific community worked around the clock without rest to solve the Coronavirus domination around the world. Others also contribute to others' well-being who worked around the world to keep the world a safe place for everyone else. From the Public Works of a local government who collected garbage from the streets or offices, a mother or father kept their families safe or entertained them inside their homes because they could not go outside of their homes. Notably, the medical teams who walked on the battlefield of the Coronavirus in their offices or hospitals to save patients from inevitable death. Some medical staff paid a high price for saving other lives. They are the heroes who acted selflessly.  

In conclusion, the Coronavirus came unannounced with a vengeance to eradicate humanity from the surface of the earth. The scientific world asked people around the world to prepare for the possible worst-case scenario. Every moment passed by, and every person, the light was becoming dim to save humanity from the death of Coronavirus. However, people did not lose hope in the worst case possible. Humanity remained firm in light of darkness and kept moving forward. As the light came out of dark clouds and light began to shine and brighter than before. Now, just imagine humanity works toward global peace, global hunger, economic progress, and prosperity for all nations. The above idealistic values were a few that mentioned humanity could accomplish more to have a better world for everyone and not a few powerful countries.

Copyright © 2020 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH

All Rights Reserved

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