Friday, 6 November 2020

The Islamic Republic of Iran is Part of Global Village

 The US Presidential election caused the theocratic regime in Iran to pay close attention to the democrat candidate Mr. Joe Biden, who during the Obama Administration soften the tone of economic sanction against the regime in Iran, allowed the cleric regime to pursue its nuclear ambition, plus, the regime in Iran received $150 billion financial aid. On the other side of the US, the Presidential battlefield was incumbent Mr. Trump with hardcore economic sanction against Iran's regime, which caused Iran's currency to lose its value to 42,000 rials worth one US dollar. This economic tragedy was accompanied by a high inflation rate as the price of goods rose every one hour. The sellers were reluctant to sell their products because they did not have the financial power to buy products and sell products.   

President of Iran, Mr. Hasan Rouhani, says that he feels indifferent about who will be elected to the White House. The next moment he changes his mind and says he prefers Mr. Biden and not Mr. Trump. The reality is that we are living in a Global Village. It means that art and life, global politics, and the global economy are interconnected and not separate entities. 

The world of art and life connects people to different parts of the world. For example, Japanese youths enjoy the Hollywood lifestyle and pretend to be Elvis and enjoy American music pieces. 

The information in this global village rapidly exchanged among nations that they are not sharing national boundaries. For example, when Izmir's city faced a natural disaster and caused the buildings to collapsed due to one earthquake. Everyone around the world became aware of the natural disaster, and most people around the world saw a little girl trapped in the rubble of a building, and a firefighter saved her life.  

In the 90s, when Mr. Mel Lastman was mayor of Toronto, Mike Harris was Premier of Ontario. There was a discussion to have a red district in Toronto, similar to Holland's red district.  The federal government was also toying with the idea of decimalizing marijuana. The above proposals turned down quickly because the US had a domestic policy of war on drugs and complications about the legality of having a red district. Some states support red districts, and some states rejected red districts.  Toronto could not have a red district, and Canada could not decimalize marijuana because the Canadian laws need to be in harmony with the US laws. This is a form of state crafting which is bringing nations closer to one another. 

In the 90s, one English man in one dragon nation's financial district committed fraud and caused the dragon nations to have an economic crisis. The reverberation of economic turmoil in the dragon nations felt in Canada. 

The nations around the world are interconnected from life and art, economy, and politics. The US has the ultimate power to decide which nation will face economic sanctions. Mr. Biden is planning if he is elected to the White House, he will nullify some of Canada's economic partnership. 

In conclusion, how is it possible for Mr. Rouhani to say that it did not matter who will be elected to the White House? When the US President will decide on the direction of the regime's nuclear proliferation. The US already destroyed the economy in Iran with its sanctions. The other nations are not allowed to economic ties with the regime in Iran. Therefore, the regime in Iran is depriving Iranians of the basic necessity of life. Whether Mr. Rouhani admits it or not, the Islamic Republic of Iran is part of the global village and needs to develop harmonious strategies with other nations.

Copyright © 2020 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH

All Rights Reserved

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