Sunday, 15 November 2020

Constitutional Monarchy as the Best form of Statecraft


A constitutional monarchy is the state's name; it allows different political parties to participate in political life and political parties to form a majority or minority government formed according to people's will and consent.  

The constitutional monarchy has a king or a queen as the de facto head of state. The constitution limits the state's power by transferring the power to the political parties to legislate laws, and the judiciary system remains impartial and independent. The judiciary system interprets the laws and remains a body of the system to create social order and prevent power abuse. 

The constitutional monarchy system acts according to the constitution. The constitution is a living document that defines the state and government's role to create peace, good government, and order. The constitution may not be a written document. The system begins to perform according to a country's tradition, which practiced for quite sometimes. 

Having a written and unwritten constitution goes back to the king of England, John. He signed a treaty on June 15th, 1215, with Archbishop of Canterbury Stephen Langton to make peace with a group of barons revolted against the king. This treaty is known as to Magna Carta; it is the first written constitution. 

The Magna Carta provided legal rights to the protection of church rights, protection for the barons from illegal imprisonment, access to swift justice, and limitations on feudal payments to the Crown, to be implemented through a council of 25 barons. The king of England, John, and barons would rely on beneficial legal rights to gain an advantage in the royal court. 

Coming back to the constitutional monarchy's focal point is a form of monarchy that sovereign exercises authority by following a written or unwritten constitution. The constitutional monarch cannot act arbitrarily because the constitution's legal rights create boundaries for a monarch to act arbitrarily.  

The advantage of the constitutional monarchy resides in the notion of self-interest. Political parties are interested in being elected to offices and form governments. Political parties may not be interested in the general welfare of their constituencies. However, a king or a queen puts the interest of a nation at the forefront of everything. There are times that the power elite can help politicians manipulate public opinion and form a government. This government will use the legislative body to pass a law to benefit one percent of society, as C. Wright Mills discusses in his book "The Power Elite." In that case, a monarchy has the constitutional right to use her/his royal assent to dissolve the parliament to provide safety, security, and socio-economic nourishment for everyone. 

In conclusion, constitutional monarchy is the best form of statecraft; it has a constitution with tools like legal rights and a judiciary system to govern a nation. It allows citizens of a country to participate in political life and determine the direction of their government. A king or a queen prevents power abuse to happen. In Iran's free future, Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi Heir to Throne of Iran plays a vital role in bringing defragmented and disenfranchised Iranians to one place to work toward modernity, prosperity, and progress of Iran.

Copyright © 2020 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH

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