the 90s, I enrolled at the University of Toronto to earn a Bachelor
of Arts-Sociology. In the late 90s, a man told me that the Islamic
Republic of Iran opened its trade door with Canada. He suggested to
me I should work with the Federal Government. I told him it was
morally wrong because the regime in Iran executed the Imperial
Iranian Armed Forces in the absence of due process. In 1988, the
regime apprehended the left-wing factions, tortured them, such as
raping women before execution. It was wrong working with the power in
Iran. To me, it was repulsive working with the theocratic regime in
Iran. I also ask him this question. Would you work with Nazi? He said

also heard the news from the mayor of Toronto, Mel Lastman, and the
premier of Ontario, Mike Harris were announcing projects and were
saying at no cost for taxpayers. It was strange to me how it was
possible to build something, and it did not cost anything. As time
passed by, I became aware that the clerics were investing in Canada.
The news became so big that the Jewish community began to speak
publicly to stop Iran's regime from investing in Canada.
Iranian dissident community in Canada became frustrated with Canada
and the Iran regime, deemed occupier of Iran to have economic ties. I
wrote letters as much as I could to stop two systems from plundering
Iran's wealth and depriving Iranians of economic prosperity.
was very concerned about Rafsanjani's investment in Canada because of
the Trojan Horses. I knew the money that he invested in Canada; it
was not without human error. I knew those human errors would cost
November 25th, 2020, the Global News ran an article about
Member of Parliament Majid Jowhari wh who assisted the Islamic
Republic of Iran to circumvent the economic sanctions.
It does not come as a surprise to me.
I am looking back, someone like me cannot write English, someone like
me who is not an author. However, I used a pen as an instrument of
enlightenment to prevent Canada and the theocratic regime in Iran
from plundering Iran's wealth and making Canada a safe country.
also went through hardship for not taking that job with the Federal
Government. I slept in a cold apartment building. I was not dying in
my apartment and was not living in my apartment. I was living in
purgatory. I applied for many jobs, and employers would not hire me
because I spoke English with an accent. I was hungry. My apartment
unit was so cold that when I would woke-up in the morning, I was
coming out of a blanket, and my nose had blood running out of my body
because the room temperature changed suddenly.
was worth it that I followed Pslam One of the Bible. I am not
encouraging anyone to read the Bible; I am not encouraging anyone to
convert to Christianity. The wisdom in Pslam One which says do not
associate with the rotten apple of society, keep an honorable
is Harboring Terrorism:
October 16th, 2006, there were several legal severe pieces
of evidence appeared on the surface which proved that in the past and
current Canadian Governments have been collaborating with well known
Hezbollah terrorist organization and this Hezbollah terrorist
organization is managed by the Islamic Republic of Iran, and one of
the key player of this terrorist organization is Mullah RAFSANJANI,
who on October 19th ,
1998, invested in HWY 407 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and "Minister
for Privatization" means the Minister without Portfolio with
Responsibility for Privatization or such member of the Executive
Council designated by the Lieutenant Governor in Council to exercise
the duties and powers of the Minister for Privatization under this
act…transfer includes convey, sell, grant, transfer, lease,
license, charge, mortgage, encumber, grant an easement, assign and in
any other way deal with dispose of all or part of a minister of the
Crown's or ministry's interest in assets comprising or relating to
Highway 407."
At face value, the Canadian Governments at all material times have
been motivated by the greed of enhancement of economic interest in
Canada. As a result of their blindness by economic interest, the
Canadian Governments provided an opportunity for the Hezbollah
terrorist group to come to Canada and to make a juicy profit from HWY
407 of "revenue was $69.6 million [Canadian Fund], up 24% from
the corresponding quarter of 2000"
with Canadian money so that the Hezbollah terrorist organization
could harbor their terrorism at broad. Most importantly, the
Hezbollah terrorist is murdering people at broad, and interestingly
their Trojan-Horse Soldiers are coming to Canada in the disguise of
businesspersons. There is one eternal question why Trojan-Horse
Soldiers are allowed to go to Canada? Canadians need to know, and
Canadians will know.

October 16th, 2006, one open letter was written and was
electronically mailed [e-mail] immediately to his Right Honorable
Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen HARPER. There was no response from
his office as if there was no reason to become a concern. On October
31, 2006, Persian-Journal posted the open letter to the Prime
Minister of Canada. According to the Persian-Journal, the open letter
to the Prime Minister of Canada was well received by higher people.
Prime Minister of Canada never responded to the letter. When
Canadians cast their vote, Right Honorable Prime Minister of Canada
Stephen HARPER gave his word to Canadians that he would form a
Government that will be held accountable and responsible to
Canadians. So far, he contradicted himself. Quite frankly, he is
assisting terrorist individuals like RAFSANJANI; what a proud record!
Evidence for Canadian Involvement in International Terrorism:
to Koran, "O ye who believe! There are Indeed many among the
priest And anchorites, who in falsehood Devour the substance of men
And hinder (them) from the Way Of Allah. And there are those Who bury
gold and silver And spend it not in the Way Of Allah: announce unto
them A most grievous penalty."
there is severe legal evidence that Iran's former president, Mullah
Ali Akbar HASHEMI RAFSANJANI, a vital player of the Hezbollah
terrorist organization, is investing in Canada. Plus, his son Mehdi
HASHEMI RAFSANJANI {I am also aware of his younger son Yaser} and his
daughter Faezeh HASHEMI RAFSANJANI are investing in Canada, as well
the Islamic Republic of Iran. Mullah RAFSANJANI has made the
staggering investment on Highway 407 or Trojan-Horse, which is
located in the Province of Ontario, Canada, and Center Point Shopping
Center Mall in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
to the current available document point its finger
at Ali Akbar HASHEMI RAFSANJANI file number is "CIC2004001660
Citizenship and Immigration Canada Media 6/14/04 0:00 any documents,
memos, reports, letters, emails, voicemail transcripts or other
written or recorded material concerning direct foreign investment by
companies and
individuals of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Canada {Trojan-Horse
including but not limited to Highway
407, the Centerpoint
shopping Center in Toronto.
Also, any material on visits, official or unofficial, to Canada by
members of the Iranian government, and/or family members of former
Pres. Ali
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani (aka
Rafsamjani), including son Mehdi Hashemi
Rafsanjani (aka Rafsamjani), and daughter Faezeh Hashemi.
Timeframe January 01, 2000-June 14, 2004."
to above evidence, there is one more peculiar evidence that what
appears to be RAFSANJANI is residing in city of Lava in Province of
Québec, Canada or he has someone in Province of Québec, Canada, who
is acting behalf of him or RAFSANJANI has an entourage in Canada
because according to this document he claimed his insurance;
"CAIR_06_04.txt CRA2003023024
Canada Revenue Agency Academic 2/9/04 0:00 "All records and
information in possession of the CCRA regarding the theft of a
computer from its ...members of former Pres. Ali Akbar Hashemi
Rafsanjani (aka Rafsamjani), including son Mehdi Hashemi Rafsanjani
(aka Rafsamjani), and daughter Faezeh...
Fri, September 09 2005 15:44:08
Mullah RAFSANJANI, or/and his family and certain individuals of the
Islamic Republic of Iran obtained Canadian Citizens, Landed
Immigrants status? There was no answer from Right Honorable Prime
Minister of Canada Stephen HARPER for the above questions and how the
current Canadian Government is accountable and responsible to
Canadians? And how is it any different than the Liberal Government?
Trojan-Horse Soldiers are in Canada.
is a severe problem with allowing Mullah RAFSANJANI to come to Canada
and invest money in Canada. First, and most importantly, Mullah
RAFSANJANI is a convicted criminal. In 1965, he was involved in His
Excellency, Prime Minister of Iran "Hassan Ali-Mansur."
At the time of the assassination, RAFSANJANI was a member of the
terrorist group known as "Fada'iyan-e Islam (Devotees of
RAFSANJANI was incarcerated during PAHLAVI Dynasty due to other
terrorist activities. After the inception of the Islamic Republic of
Iran, he appeared in front of the camera. He took credit for his role
in the assassination of His Excellency, Hassan Ali-Mansur.
RAFSANJANI's dark days are extended to the late 90s' there was an
internal clash among the Clerics who would control Iran? Particularly
after Khomeini HENDI Machiavellian's death, the Clerics waged a
brutal war against each other over power in Iran. Several
intellectuals were caught in the middle of mayhem that they were
speaking against Iran's severe theology state. RAFSANJANI was one of
the masterminds that he was involved in murdering the liberator's
voice. RAFSANJANI's horrific act of slaughtering people was known as
"chain killing," not "serial killing." One
Revolutionary Guard, with the name of Akbar GANJI. He claimed that he
was converted to secularism! He revealed the killers' identity, and
he pointed his finger at RAFSANJANI as one of the murderers.
RAFSANJANI is a cold-blooded murderer; there is no doubt that serious
criminal charges are pending against him by his victims and surviving
families; once Iran's tyranny theology state will be ousted, he will
be brought before International Tribunal same as Saddam HUSSIEN did.
RAFSANJANI is investing in the real estate and construction industry
in Canada. The question is this, where is the money coming from that
he can invest in Canada? RAFSANJANI will claim that he has a
pistachio farm. However, the pistachio farms cannot generate such a
substantial amount of money for this Cleric to make extravaganza
investment overseas. There is no doubt that he is stealing money from
Iran's oil and wealth, and is investing stolen cash in Canada and
according to the Canadian Criminal Code "section 322. (1)
Theft-Everyone commits theft who fraudulently and without color of
right {honest mistake} takes, or fraudulently and without color of
right converts to his use or the use of another person, anything
whether animate or inanimate, with intent, a) to deprive, temporarily
or deposit it as security, the owner of it, or a person who has a
special property or interest in it, of the thing or his property or
interest in it; b) to pledge it or."
If RAFSANJANI is assuming after removing Clerics in Iran, he will fly
to Canada and won't face legal consequences. He is wrong. Holding
Canada accountable, as well as responsible for RAFSANJANI's theft.
Making this statement, when a person commits shoplifting and comes
out of a store and sells the stolen property to another person, and
when the buyer is aware, the good was stolen. Thus, the buyer also
has committed theft; the buyer is an accomplice of theft and guilty
of theft crime.
Mullah RAFSANJANI is stealing Iran's oil and wealth, he is most
likely stashing money in Swiss banks, UBS and Credit Suisse, and
London-based HSBC because the above banks stopped to maintain
relations with Iran,
when he is not stashing in the bank, he is investing in Canada.
Iranian people are the only people who are a victim of this Cleric
theft. In March 2006, Export Development Canada published an article
concerning miserable conditions in Iran. In this article, it has
mentioned that "structural reforms: The new government strategy
of addressing the economic disparities in Iran
75% of national income is
in the hands
of 10% {Iran's
population is 70 million}, is a major challenge, but it is the core
of Iran's key structural problems for future development"
which means 90% of Iranians are in economic hardship and providing
other sources in order "to provide a vivid example of the
deplorable state of the economy, the dollar, which was pegged 70
rials in 1979, is now pegged at 8,000 rials. There is such poverty
that some parents are driven to sell
their organs to
feed their families. Very young girls are reduced to prostitution,
and an
increasing number of children beg for
their daily breed. Malnutrition is
widespread." When RAFSANJANI is stealing Iran's money and is
investing that money in the construction industry in Canada, he is
hurting the Iranian people; he is a cruel man without moral value.
Export Development Canada made a statement that "significant
levels of corruption and a complexity bureaucracy continue to
underline the challenging nature of Iran's business climate."
Another source pointed out that "a small minority controls most
of the country's wealth. Millions of Iranians have fallen below the
absolute poverty line. Runaway inflation has forced men and women to
seek second and, in some cases, third, jobs."
RAFSANJANI is one element of corruption in Iran that he is in an
unchecked, unbalanced power position in Iran to steal Iran's oil
money and wealth and invest in Canada. There is a third source from
Ms. EBADI reported and gave an account on the degree of corruption in
Iran; she mentioned that when she was "a lawyer, it was my job
to advance my client's case-to win back his money or his property, or
to defend him against unjust allegations…indeed, what was the point
of showing up in a courtroom, pretending to act out the legal
process, when it all just came down to deal making in the court
chambers? On two occasions, when the judge had nothing left to say,
he declared that strands of my hair were poking out and adjourned
deal-making on the grounds of my bad
deserve to know as Madam Zahra KAZEMI an Iranian-Canadian journalist,
who was murdered intentionally in the hands of the Clerics in Iran,
and Canada did not take a firm position against the Clerics in Iran;
why is that? There is also a second case, which involves Dr. Ramin
JAHANBEGLOO falsely accused of espionage in Iran and Canada. It did
not illustrate a leadership role in his matter; why is that? Does oil
matter for Canada or human beings matter for Canada? That is the
heart of the above questions? Because according to surviving victim
testimony, on September 02nd, 2004, Hachemi, son of Madam
Zahra KAZEMI, stated, "when I asked Foreign Affairs Minister
Pierre Pettigrew [on July 27] to expel the Iranian ambassador, his
reaction was that was outrageous… I don't believe [Canada will]
pressure the Islamic Republic of Iran unless they have beneficial
[economic] interests [to do so]."
Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew was a Member of the Liberal
Party, and the Liberal Party is genuinely motivated by money and show
me the money, baby, and will shake this body for you. On November
20th, 2006, News Staff released an article line
"Opposition attack Tories over foreign policy." Honorable
Bill GRAHAM, which is no stranger to Foreign Ministry portfolio
position, stated: "…this government [means the current Red
Tory] foreign policy is being driven by pre-conceptions, deception,
self –delusion and arrogance…Graham said Harper's meeting failed
to achieve anything, saying Harper did not get a foreign investment
or tourism agreement he was supposed to get."
Regardless of a person's political affiliation, Canadian politicians
are blinded by money. They do not care or even consider humans'
value, most importantly, how Madam Zahra KAZEMI and Dr. Ramin
JAHANBEGLOO contributed to Canada's academic field, for the
politicians show me the money and will shake this body for you like
salt and pepper. It is sad.
deserve to know that money which is generated by RAFSAJANI in Canada
will backfire on Canadian Citizens at some close point in the future.
According to Dr. R. Henderson is a strategic analyst with the
Canadian Security Intelligence Service took a quotation from New York
Times "We [Iran] have learned that preserving our independence
and survival in this unsuitable international climate is not possible
without science, technology and the necessary tools, Iranian
President Rafsanjani."
What is so clear about the above direct quotation that the Mullahs
are aiming and pursuing their ultimate goal to have the nuclear
capability with the intention of nuclear bombs, and Canadians are
paying the Clerics in Iran to build their nuclear bombs, so one day,
those nuclear bombs to hit Canadian soil. According to the Islamic
Clerics, Christian and Jewish reside in Canada are infidel and must
kill them.
William Millward is a strategic analyst with the Canadian Security
Intelligence Service, discussed the Clerics' role as a problematic to
world security and highlighted several gloomy records of the clerics
in "Iran's alleged nuclear ambitions; its opposition to the
Middle East peace process; its support for terrorism in the region;
its internal human rights abuses; assassinations of those opposed to
the regime abroad."
Government is fully aware of where RAFSANJANI revenue, which is
generated in Canada, is going. He is financing and organizing
terrorism on a global scale. According to "Anti-Terrorism
Legislation introduced that gives increased powers to Government
Agencies to investigate Charities and Exempts Lawyers from Reporting
Obligations…1) Bolster client identification, record-keeping and
reporting measures applicable to financial institutions and
intermediaries 2) Allow the Financial Transactions and Reports
Analysis Center of Canada ("FINTRAC") to disclose
additional information to law enforcement and intelligence agencies,
and to make disclosures to additional agencies 3) Allow the Canada
Revenue Agency to disclose to the FINTRAC, the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service information
about charities suspect of being involved in terrorist financing
to Protect Innocent Individual from Terrorism:
to Criminal Code of Canada Terrorism Interpretation 83.01 (1)
Definitions…Canadian means a Canadian Citizen, a permanent
residence within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Immigration
and Refugee Protection Act or
a body corporate incorporated and continued under the laws of Canada
or a province…entity means a person, group, trust, partnership or
fund or an unincorporated association or organization…terrorist
activities means a) an act or omission that is committed in or
outside Canada…”
of Terrorism 83.02 of Criminal Code [C.C.]“ providing or collecting
property for certain activities-Everyone who, directly or indirectly,
willfully and without lawful justification or excuse, provides or
collects property intending that it be used or knowingly that it will
be used, in whole or in part, in order to carry out a) an act or
omission that constitutes an offence referred to in subparagraphs a)
(i) to (ix) of the definition of “terrorist activity” in
subsection 83.01 (1) or b) any other act or omission intended to
cause death or serious bodily harm to a civilian or to any other
person not taking an active part in the hostilities in a situation of
armed conflict, if the purpose of that act or omission, by its nature
or context, is to intimidate the public, or to compel a government or
an international organization to do or refrain from doing any act, is
guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a
term of not more than 10 years” there
is also 83.03 “providing, making available, etc, property or
service for terrorist purpose-Everyone who, directly or indirectly,
collect property, provides or invites a person to provide, or to
makes available property or financial or other related services a)
intending that they be used, or knowing that they will be used, in
whole or in part, for the purpose of facilitating or carrying out any
terrorist activity, or for the purpose of benefiting any person who
is facilitating or carrying out such an activity, or b) knowing that,
in whole or part, they will be used by or will benefit a terrorist
group, is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to
imprisonment for a term not more than 10 years.”
83.03 “Using or possessing property for terrorist purpose a) uses
property, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, for the
purpose of facilitating or carrying out a terrorist activity or b)
possesses property intending that it be used or knowing that it will
be used, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, for the purpose
of facilitating or carrying out a terrorist activity, is guilty of an
indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not more
than 10 years.”
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