The US Version of Building Nation
Sunday, 8 September 2019
Saturday, 7 September 2019
The US Imperialism
Post-Cold War, the world was enjoying stability and peace. There was no longer any nuclear threat from the former Soviet Union against the United States of America. The nations around the world were enjoying stability and security. It was a short dream for everyone. The US invaded by terrorist entities who were from Middle Eastern countries. The US stated that the terrorist and threatened its security. Therefore, the US became a victim of terrorism and had the legal right to defend itself against aggression from the terrorist entities to prevent future hostility against its nation. The US looked at Afghanistan and stated Afghanistan was a safe haven for terrorist entities to receiving training and carry their deadly agenda around the world. Plus, Afghanistan did not have human rights. There was widespread human rights violation such as women were not allowed to attend schools, or the laws were cruel and unusual toward offenders. The US appeared like a white knight shiny armor.
The US used media as an instrument to shape public opinion to justify its cause.
In 2001, post 911, the CNN aired a program which illustrated the Taliban Government in Afghanistan executed a woman in a football stadium. This short video clip enraged people about the issue of human rights violation in Afghanistan. The public concluded that the US war against Afghanistan would be a Just War. The US invaded Afghanistan and images of Taliban losing their power grip made news headline around the world.
In 2001, post 911, the CNN aired a program which illustrated the Taliban Government in Afghanistan executed a woman in a football stadium. This short video clip enraged people about the issue of human rights violation in Afghanistan. The public concluded that the US war against Afghanistan would be a Just War. The US invaded Afghanistan and images of Taliban losing their power grip made news headline around the world.
As time passed by the US military force began to lack planning to provide safety and security to Afghan people. The Taliban forces began to regain its territory in Afghanistan and undermining the authority of the central government and disregarding the sovereignty of Afghanistan.
The US soon will withdraw its army from Afghanistan and will hand over Afghanistan to the Taliban militant forces. Therefore, the US never had the intention of building Afghanistan. The US is no friend or ally of any nation.
In the grand conclusion for Afghanistan, the US did not use its nuclear capability to turn Afghanistan into the stone age. The US used its politics the same as the one; the US used in the Vietnam war, the US destroyed Afghanistan. Now, Afghanistan will be hand over to the Taliban who will wage war against Afghan people. Once, the Taliban forces establish themselves as a central government, and it will wage holy war against its neighboring countries.
Tuesday, 3 September 2019
My Life Motto
To win any situation is about to burn all bridges, so there is no retreat. When withdrawal is absent, the internal force of survival will kick in. Only winning is an option. Now, the internal energy is transforming and is forging into a formidable sword. This transformation is about to become the tip of the sword; there is nothing that can withstand that mighty force of the sword. Everything and everyone will bow to that sword.
Sunday, 1 September 2019
How I Broke the Cycle of Poverty
- There is a Persian poem that says from time of birth all the way to death pursue higher education.
- When I was attending the University of Toronto and was earning a Degree in Sociology. I learned about Max Weber's Sociological framework, who said individuals who earn higher education, they would have occupational mobility.
- Now, listen to these wise men what they are saying.
Tuesday, 27 August 2019
Friday, 23 August 2019
LGBTQ Right to Marriage
It was the late 90s, and I was about to graduate from the University of Toronto. I took several political philosophy courses, and those courses talked about the notion of citizen and subject. A citizen had legal rights. However, a subject did not have legal rights.
I knew that the LGBTQ community would have the right to marriage because they were a Canadian citizen and not a subject. And leaving in a secular country that religion is separated from politics, the LGBTQ community would have the right same as a heterosexual one.
Saturday, 17 August 2019
Tuesday, 13 August 2019
Thinking the Same Way
God in the Holy Bible says you do not take credit for your good deeds, and It is Me who is doing the kind acts of God. 1
I was reading Dr. Michael J. Sandel's book, "Justice What's the Right Thing to Do?" He asserts that when we are doing good, it should not be upon feeling good, but it is our civic duty to help others if we begin to help others because it makes us feel good. Then we will be selective in a manner helping others.
Therefore, we all think the same way when we are helping others. Let's not be boastful about kind acts, but be generous about it.
- Ephesians 2: 8-10
Sunday, 11 August 2019
Thinking Outside of the Box
It is essential to think outside of the box to develop new ideas. The ideas that are going to revolutionize our way of living and thinking. These revolutionary ideas are enabling us to move toward progress and modernity. The notion of progress and modernity are fundamental principles toward the greatness of humanity.
The notion of modernity and progress have hidden parts. The hidden elements are causing a dilemma for humanity to make progress and moving humanity toward modernity. The hidden parts are about rejecting traditional values, identities, and those golden values that they brought humanity to the current time. Now, turning back to those golden rules, it would be a betrayal to what made humanity to where they are now.
The notion of modernity and progress have hidden parts. The hidden elements are causing a dilemma for humanity to make progress and moving humanity toward modernity. The hidden parts are about rejecting traditional values, identities, and those golden values that they brought humanity to the current time. Now, turning back to those golden rules, it would be a betrayal to what made humanity to where they are now.
Thursday, 27 June 2019
Comparative Study
In 1219 Chenqiz Khan sent diplomats to Iran to start a trade with each other. However, Al ad-Din Muhammad rejected Khan's offer by executing the diplomats. Khan deployed its army against Iran and obliterated Iran.
Today, Canada arrested Ms. Meng based on an assumption, for violation of international laws. China has been taking an assertive approach toward this issue to the extent that no one knows how deep and far the damage is and will last.
Wednesday, 26 June 2019
Meng Wanzhou
Economic Situation:
1. The US caused economic unrest in Canada.
2. China is causing economic unrest in Canada.
Alleged Crime:
1. We do not know for sure if she committed the act or not. What we have here, it is the US version of the event.
2. Assuming if the act did happen in Canada, police has legal jurisdiction to make an arrest. If the act did not happen in Canada, police does not have legal jurisdiction to make an arrest.1
3. Police officers have legal jurisdiction. They cannot go outside of their jurisdiction to make an arrest.
1. China arrested Canadians for crimes.
2. Now, Canada is relying on US to help us to save our fellow Canadians in China.
Was it worth it? No. It would be beneficial to be pragmatic to call upon Interpol which has rights and responsibility to exercise legal authority around the world.
1. The US caused economic unrest in Canada.
2. China is causing economic unrest in Canada.
Alleged Crime:
1. We do not know for sure if she committed the act or not. What we have here, it is the US version of the event.
2. Assuming if the act did happen in Canada, police has legal jurisdiction to make an arrest. If the act did not happen in Canada, police does not have legal jurisdiction to make an arrest.1
3. Police officers have legal jurisdiction. They cannot go outside of their jurisdiction to make an arrest.
1. China arrested Canadians for crimes.
2. Now, Canada is relying on US to help us to save our fellow Canadians in China.
Was it worth it? No. It would be beneficial to be pragmatic to call upon Interpol which has rights and responsibility to exercise legal authority around the world.
Sunday, 16 June 2019
Police and Stress
- All jobs are stressful. A person who delivers newspapers to subscribers, s/he must meet its daily routine while fighting back sleep and during day times, s/he must sleep and may not be able to get sufficient rest because our body designed to sleep at night and not during day time.
- To become a police officer, it requires a person to have grade 12 who could make “$33,638 per year or $17.25 per hour. Entry-level positions start at $23,961 per year while most experienced workers make up to $41,316 per year.” However, a police officer in Canada makes more than $70,000.00 CDN a year. 1
- Police officers are engaging in racial profiling. Therefore, this is a factor for police officers to worry during trials.
- Police culture favors white male person and discriminates other members of society.
- When police officers are attending police academics, the instructors are teaching them to lie during trials. This is an excellent factor for police officers to become paranoid because they see the world through a prism a deception.
In conclusion, they do not have a good education and overpaid. They do not provide any service to society as a matter of fact police is counterproductive to society because they are doing more harm to the community than doing any good to society. We already know people who are engaging in misbehavior it is because they are suffering from mental health issues. Therefore, we need to allocate our resources toward programs which are helping people to overcome their mental health issues.
- “High School Student Salary in Canada.” Neuvoo, School Student.
- “What Is Racial Profiling? (Fact Sheet).” Ontario Human Rights Commission,
-, 19 Feb. 2019,
- Gillis, Wendy. “Anonymous Nationwide Officer Survey Aims to Uncover ‘Snapshot’ of Police Culture in Canada.”
Thursday, 13 June 2019
Failing Rate is High in Canada
I have noticed the failure rate is high in Canada. For example, people with talent in the field of arts; they do not stay in Canada, move to Hollywood. Another example, Canada has scientists, but Canada cannot build one jet fighter to defend its national sovereignty. Canada is asking the US or European nations for jet fighters.
I observed the society and saw two features in Canada that they are hurting Canada from progress. One, there is no real recruitment of talent to absorb talent in Canada. Last, I noticed people fight among each other rather than contributing to the growth of an organization.
I observed the society and saw two features in Canada that they are hurting Canada from progress. One, there is no real recruitment of talent to absorb talent in Canada. Last, I noticed people fight among each other rather than contributing to the growth of an organization.
Wednesday, 29 May 2019
Mr. Jason Kenny Cut Back on His Salary
Dear Mr. Jason Kenny:
You are a leader of Alberta who made a generous pay cut for the youth minimum wages. You discouraged them from becoming future entrepreneurs or inspiring them to have saving accounts.
It was an easy decision for you to cut back on the future of young people. Therefore, you need to cut back on the high taxpayer salary that you receive each month, which is generated by the youth hard working tax payers.
Mr. Jason Kenney Friend of Corporates
Mr. Jason Kenney helps his corporate friends not to pay taxes.1 Even, when the corporates must pay taxes, the Canada Revenue Agency forgives corporates for not paying their taxes. 2
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Jason Kenny is an Insane Man
About more than five years ago, when James Ateb was mayor of Mission. He and the council decided to have a bylaw that if a bylaw officer pass by a house and that bylaw officer deemed a house suspect of a grow-up, the bylaw officer would issue an infraction ticket for an amount of $5000.00 CDN. I knew that was bad by law because the constitution protects us from arbitrary arrest. Later on, BC Civil Liberty came with a tort law after the municipal government.
Today, I am reading The Globe and Mail, and Mr. Jason Kenny rolled back the minimum wage for youth in Alberta because they are in school. I doubt Mr. Jason Kenny ever read a book about human rights that Canada has a law it is called equal pay for equal work. He is discriminating youth people based on their age.
Last, remember when Saudi Arabia was going against Canada, he jumped on an airplane and went to Saudi Arabia and spoke against us. Most importantly, people, who want to run for offices in Canada they need to have a slight touch of understanding about laws in Canada.
He does not deserve my vote, either yours.
Tuesday, 21 May 2019
- Stop obsessing about this notion that a woman is having an abortion because a male person imposes his will against her. It is a way to deter a woman from exploring her options on how to deal with her crisis that she is going through. A woman may want to have an abortion for many reasons.
- Pro-life people are talking about saving a life. They vote conservative political parties. And when traditional political parties are forming a government, those political parties are cutting back on social programs such as Doug Ford’s government in Ontario.
- Rather than telling a woman what to do, think about the venues to explore her choices, so she makes the right decision that she believes it is right for her.
Sunday, 19 May 2019
The Game
This game is going on since 1980s. The US installed Khomeini in power with help of BBC. The US president besmirched Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi for human rights violation and there was no merit for his accusation. BBC gave platform for Khomeini to incite revolution in Iran. Since the regime change in Iran, the US is claiming that it will attack at the regime in Iran. The regime in Iran is a theocratic Shia - Sect and surrounded by Sunni -Sect nations. Every time, the regime is belligerent toward the US, the fantastic praise the regime in Iran and the nations feel insecure about their security because the rebel factions may attack at the national governments and the regime in Iran may attack at them like Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Therefore, the Sunni Sect nations begin to ask for the US military help as Saudi Arabia has been doing it since 1980s.
Thursday, 16 May 2019
Story of My Life
This is the story of my life that I would like to share with everyone. It begins when I lived in Iran and skipping Turkey and sharing a small portion of my life when I lived in Mission.
It was the mid-80s, the Iraqi airplanes were dropping bombs on us that it bought from the US. The regime in Iran bought weapons from the US like anti-aircraft (Iran Contra Affair). One night, Iraqi airplanes were going heavy, and the anti-aircraft made loud noises. I was standing under a stair with my father and was shaking hard. My father was holding my hand. He noticed that I was shaking. He asked me; why are you afraid? My voice my shaky and told him about the bombing. He asked me, can you do anything to stop it? I told him no. He said to me that there was no reason to be afraid of anything. I became calm and did not feel anything. He taught me the state of emptiness as Miyamoto Musashi talked about the state of emptiness. This is why I do not feel anything at the time of crisis. I hear and see everything at the time of crisis. I am at the state of emptiness when I am at crisis.
In 1987, I had a dream that I climbed a mountain, and it was in a night. Eventually, I reach a place. My mother is a religious woman and has a gift to interpret dreams. She told me, I will leave Iran (Iran means land of noble).
In 1988, the war between Iran and Iraq escalated at its highest point. My parents feared for safety and well-being of me. My father talked with some smugglers who smuggled me out of Iran to Turkey. When I lived in Turkey, I lived among gypsies in a cold house during winter times. I was when I lived in Turkey because I could not afford to buy food.
In 2005, I had a dream about a man who was holding two tablets, and He told me I would protect you. When I told my mother about my dream, she told me Jesus would protect you. (I am intentionally not disclosing a significant portion of my life) In 2009, I saw Him as He told me wake-up and go to bed. In 2009, I was sleeping under a Christmas tree, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a man who went through the wall and His clothes touched my face. This was the moment that I understood He wanted me to follow Him.
When I was living in my apartment, I could not afford to turn on the heat because I wanted the money to use toward my academic knowledge. One day, David Ross told me, your fridge would not turn on because your apartment is colder than inside of the refrigerator. Indeed, it did not turn on. One day, David Ross talked to his employer to share his employment with me. I had been left behind and called him, and he came to my assistance too many times. David Ross will always be my brother.
It was the mid-80s, the Iraqi airplanes were dropping bombs on us that it bought from the US. The regime in Iran bought weapons from the US like anti-aircraft (Iran Contra Affair). One night, Iraqi airplanes were going heavy, and the anti-aircraft made loud noises. I was standing under a stair with my father and was shaking hard. My father was holding my hand. He noticed that I was shaking. He asked me; why are you afraid? My voice my shaky and told him about the bombing. He asked me, can you do anything to stop it? I told him no. He said to me that there was no reason to be afraid of anything. I became calm and did not feel anything. He taught me the state of emptiness as Miyamoto Musashi talked about the state of emptiness. This is why I do not feel anything at the time of crisis. I hear and see everything at the time of crisis. I am at the state of emptiness when I am at crisis.
In 1987, I had a dream that I climbed a mountain, and it was in a night. Eventually, I reach a place. My mother is a religious woman and has a gift to interpret dreams. She told me, I will leave Iran (Iran means land of noble).
In 1988, the war between Iran and Iraq escalated at its highest point. My parents feared for safety and well-being of me. My father talked with some smugglers who smuggled me out of Iran to Turkey. When I lived in Turkey, I lived among gypsies in a cold house during winter times. I was when I lived in Turkey because I could not afford to buy food.
In 2005, I had a dream about a man who was holding two tablets, and He told me I would protect you. When I told my mother about my dream, she told me Jesus would protect you. (I am intentionally not disclosing a significant portion of my life) In 2009, I saw Him as He told me wake-up and go to bed. In 2009, I was sleeping under a Christmas tree, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a man who went through the wall and His clothes touched my face. This was the moment that I understood He wanted me to follow Him.
When I was living in my apartment, I could not afford to turn on the heat because I wanted the money to use toward my academic knowledge. One day, David Ross told me, your fridge would not turn on because your apartment is colder than inside of the refrigerator. Indeed, it did not turn on. One day, David Ross talked to his employer to share his employment with me. I had been left behind and called him, and he came to my assistance too many times. David Ross will always be my brother.
Saturday, 27 April 2019
Let Refugees Stay in Canada
I came to Canada as a landed immigrant. I graduated from several universities, working in non-profit sectors to enrich my community. I am a working volunteer with a non-profit organization.
People do not leave their countries willingly. They are forced out of their motherlands. They come to Canada with a total sense of insecurity and not knowing what will happen to them. Now, when people are coming to Canada, they feel love, and they are going to adopt Canada as their home, and they are loyal daughters and sons of Canada.
Thursday, 25 April 2019
Capitalism and Housing
Back in the 80s, the capitalist system reign supreme because of its free market economy. It championed itself from all facade of life such as housing. It was a common term by the capitalist nations to say that the communism economy did not value its citizens because the communist system would provide accommodation to people. It took away their choice and limited their choice.
Now, it is 2019, and the communist economic system is dead, and the capitalist system came to triumph over communism. Now, people in the capitalist world are begging for affordable housings, and governments are playing games with their people that the price of the house is high because of immigrants rather than dealing with the housing situation. Government says. Eventually, the price of housing will come down. It is just a matter of time. In the main time, people are not able to pay their rents, they are becoming homeless, people are doing drugs because they are in situations that they cannot deal with and using drugs to escape from their ugly realities.
Perhaps, we should begin to move toward Cold War Era time or communism to fix the situation of housing.
Friday, 5 April 2019
Denial of Global Warming
On Tuesday, April 02nd, 2019 I am reading The Globe and Mail. on Page A4 there are two articles side by side one article is about “Canada warming at rapid rate, study finds” and last article is about “Federal. provincial Tories launch fight against Liberals’ carbon Tax”.
People do not need to ride their cars all the times. They can walk to work, take public transit, or cycle to work. Hence, there is less pressure on consumption of fossil fuel.
Tuesday, 2 April 2019
Price of Fuel on Rise!
People do not need to ride their cars all the times. They can walk to work, take public transit, or cycle to work. Hence, there is less pressure on consumption of fossil fuel.
Saturday, 30 March 2019
The Issue of Head Scarf
Islamic Theology on
Head Scarf:
The Koran instructs men
and women to cover their bodies from each other. The Koran does not
provide exact details on how to hide their bodies. However, the faith
of Christianity is evident that a woman must shave her hair, and
cover her hair with a garment so the falling angels would not seek
their hands.
When the faith of Islam
began to spread from Saudi Arabia to the rest of the world, it came
in contact with other cultures. And each culture has its distinct
values and defines what modesty means. Therefore, there is no one way
for men or women to cover their bodies as the below pictures
illustrate how women cover their bodies from one region is different
than another area.
Historical Lesson:
When the US President was
teaching Khomeini Hendi Machiavellian doctrine of fear, fraud, and
force, Khomeini promised that Islamic laws regarding hijab would not
be enforced in Iran. People believed in what he said because he was
Prophet Muhammad's descendants. When Khomeini came to Iran with any
feelings for Iranians, he asked his Revolutionary Guards to impose
the Islamic laws in Iran. The first step was the hijab sumptuary
laws. This Islamic law was a first stepping stone to marginalize
women in society. The system developed policies that disregarded
women's right to emancipation and turned into an invisible person.
Today, women are
struggling against injustice in Iran and are asking to be free, and
do not want to wear hijab. The regime is always ready to deploy its
paramilitary forces in the streets and smack, slash, and tossing
acids on anyone who does not obey the Islamic laws. In one case, four
young individuals came together and made a song about "Happy
Tehran," the system identified them, imprisoned them, and
blacklisted their names.
Let Their Be Light:
Western politicians are
aware of the dynamic of the hijab issue in Iran. Plus, women in Saudi
Arabia are tired of hijab. They know for a fact that hijab would
reduce their values as a human being. Plus, the veil turns the
dignity of women into an emptiness. They become nothing but the
servant of men.
Why are the politicians
allowing women who wear the headscarf to come to Canada? Canada is a
secular nation, and when women are immigrating to Canada and do not
want to integrate into society, what will be the future of Canada?
The question is not about clothes, and the problem is about the
safety and security of Canada. At this very moment, politicians are
only interested in making comments that they would gain votes and be
elected or re-elected to the offices; they do not care what the
future holds for them. They are short-sighted individuals.
Thursday, 21 March 2019
Monday, 18 March 2019
The Victor Wrote the 1979 Revolution in Iran-Part Two
The Vision for Future of Iran:
Reza Shah Pahlavi founder of the Pahlavi Dynasty shared his vision for the future of Iran with His Son, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi to have a political-economic system that it was efficient and moved Iran toward enlightenment.
In 1963, Mohammad Reza
Shah Pahlavi developed a political-economy to move forward Iran from
dark ages toward enlightenment. Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi as head of
state of Iran called His vision White Revolution. In this system,
Iran would no longer struggle with the feudal system, and it would
move toward welfare-liberalism. Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi
introduced His vision to Iran's parliament and members of parliament
who had consent and will of their constituencies legislated Mohammad
Reza Shah's idea to transform Iran from dark ages toward
enlightenment. In this system, the cleric's domination of Iran
society came to an end. The people who worked in the market places,
they no longer had monopoly power over economic. Notably, women
became an equal partner to men.
Khomeini Hendi was an obscure man, who had an anarchy vision for Iran in this sense to rewind the time by moving Iran to the times of Prophet Mohammad. Therefore, Mr. Hendi's vision for Iran became appealing for other clerics and the people who were controlling the market place. They did not want to lose power and money. Mr. Hendi began to propagate his message to others that the King was an infidel, with the support of the market place, they caused people to come out of their homes and causing vandalism. Police used force to create social order, and secret police used their resources to apprehend the ring leaders. Mr. Hendi was one of the instigators and brought before the judicial system and found him guilty of his crimes. The system exiled him from Iran.
Khomeini Hendi was an obscure man, who had an anarchy vision for Iran in this sense to rewind the time by moving Iran to the times of Prophet Mohammad. Therefore, Mr. Hendi's vision for Iran became appealing for other clerics and the people who were controlling the market place. They did not want to lose power and money. Mr. Hendi began to propagate his message to others that the King was an infidel, with the support of the market place, they caused people to come out of their homes and causing vandalism. Police used force to create social order, and secret police used their resources to apprehend the ring leaders. Mr. Hendi was one of the instigators and brought before the judicial system and found him guilty of his crimes. The system exiled him from Iran.
Jimmy Carter's
Vision for World:
Mr. Carter was the US President; he did not like what he saw in the Middle East; he wanted to engulf the region in the flame of fire. He began a vicious campaign against Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi that the Pahlavi Dynasty was violating human rights in Iran. The Western media also besmirched the King for meritless and unsubstantiated crimes. Iranians grew angry at the King, and Carter was contributing to the fire of anger in Iran by saying that he supported the King of Iran.
The Regency
The King diagnosed with
cancer. He did not want anyone to die. The US ambassador in Iran
advised the King to leave Iran for a short trip. He left Iran and Dr.
Shapur Bakhtiar, who was opposed to the King. Dr. Bakhtiar formed a
regency government. Iranians loved Dr. Bakhtiar. Iranians wanted him
to lead Iran. However, Carter did not like the stability in Iran and
said: "I support Dr. Bakhtiar." Therefore, Iranians assumed
Dr. Bakhtiar was a puppet of the US.
Broadcasting Corporation:
The British Broadcasting Corporation began to give a platform to Khomeini Hendi from the beginning of the revolution that the King was against Islam and everyone had to be toppled from the regime. Even, Dr. Bakhtiar was an enemy of Islam. Mr. Hendi began to provoke Iranians to step out of their homes, and burning financial institutes, attacking at police stations, striking at military personnel while they were at their homes. The situation got out of hand.
The Arrival of Evil:
There were revolutionary songs that Khomeini was the leader of this revolution. People assumed that capital of Iran would be shifted from Tehran to Qom because Mr. Hendi wanted to go to Qom and continue his theological studies. However, he did not move to Qom. He stayed in Tehran and opened a butcher shop. He began to slaughter anyone or anything that stood in his way to having total control of power.
Future of Iran:
Future of Iran is bleak, considering the world is moving toward one global economy. The Western powers have an advanced economic system. They already are dominating other developing nations resources. Iran is not immune to harm to one global economy. Last, the regime in Iran implemented the libertarian economic in Iran. The chances of the system in Iran to collapse is slim because Iranians must work hard to provide for their basic necessity of life and have no time to think about politics.
Saturday, 16 March 2019
US Meritocracy
Last year, I was talking to a friend of mine about this man. According to the record, he was intoxicated all the times, and was attending in debauchery life style. When did he have time to read his university text books?
I read university text books, they are not easy to read and understand them. Those university text books are designed to fail you so you take that course one more time and university begins to make maximum profit from you.
I read university text books, they are not easy to read and understand them. Those university text books are designed to fail you so you take that course one more time and university begins to make maximum profit from you.
Is Canada Meritocracy?
We think Canada is meritocracy too. But we are wrong. These are two statements that I have been hearing from people.
1. It is who you know, not what you know.
2. It is networking. I call it nepotism.
1. It is who you know, not what you know.
2. It is networking. I call it nepotism.
Monday, 25 February 2019
Why Do I Believe in God and Jesus?
When everyone turned their back to me and left behind, God and Jesus did not turn their back to me. They grabbed me from the depth of darkness and brought me to light. They showed me the path to righteousness. I always will be a servant of God and Jesus. I no longer fear anyone or bow to anyone. I only fear God and Jesus and only bow to them.
Wednesday, 6 February 2019
Broken Down Social Justice System
This cold weather teaches us how our social justice system is broken down that we do not care for others welfare and well-being.
Power of Forgiving Others
Yesterday, I concluded that the world is full of hate and anger, I did not want to be part of it. I forgave everyone and anyone who hurt me or took action against me. I felt liberated and free from hurt and anger myself. From this point on, I will pray for my adversary to move toward the path of righteousness. Now, I am thrilled and thinking about my future.
Wednesday, 30 January 2019
Looking for a Job
If you're looking for a new job, the world is in desperate need of healers, lovers and kind people not merely employees. Work with your heart not merely with your certifications! Be original beautiful human being, all jobs on this earth you can do it!
Virtue of this week is being beautiful!
Virtue of this week is being beautiful!
Sunday, 13 January 2019
Today, I was reading my Bible, and a feeling came to me, when my adversaries are inflicting emotional pain in me, I should not transform myself in what they want me to become, but becoming what I envision for myself.
Does Constitution Matter?
Founder of a nation would make Constitutional Laws to prevent a government from falling into chaos. The Constitutional Laws are a system of check and balance to equalize power in a country. Therefore, people are not subjects but citizens of a nation. The citizens have legal rights which are protecting them from the system to cause harm to them. The Constitutional Laws are the mother of all laws. No one can make rules which are contrary to the Constitutional Laws. If anyone makes a law that is contrary to the Constitutional Laws, s/he violated their legal rights.
Recently, the Liberal Party of Canada, under the leadership of Right Honorable Justin Trudeau, a law legislated in the parliament that allows police officers to enter a person's house for suspicious of drinking alcohol or a police officer can stop a person for wary of drinking alcohol.
A rational mind asks questions like, does Constitution says a citizen has a right "9. Everyone has the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned."1 Therefore, how is it possible for politicians to pass a law which allows police officers to make an arrest not based on Reasonable Probable Ground, but base on suspicious activities?
The Government of Canada established on the fundamental principle of Peace, Order, and Good Government and it is embedded in the Legal Rights, it stipulates that "7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except following the principles of fundamental justice."2 Do Canadians feel secure some strange person walk in their home and demands test for alcohol?
The bottom line comes to this excellent point, does Canadian Constitution matter? Is it just a piece of paper that requires expensive lawyers to appear before a judge to debate an issue while people's legal rights violated and citizens relation with their government is broken down?
Wednesday, 9 January 2019
Stand for Your Constitutional Rights
Talk back and do not allow anyone to infringe your legal rights. If today you allow them to control your thoughts, tomorrow, they will decide for you what to wear. You may think, I am joking, no I am not. That is how the cleric acted after the 1979 Revolution in Iran.
I read your statement, and it is infringing people’s Constitutional Rights to:
“(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;” 1
“(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;” 1
Constitution is mother of all laws and no one should make a law which is violating the constitutional law.
All in all, we do not live in a police state or dystopia, we live in a democratic country which allows us to express our views, it is called Civil Society. However, we cannot say my personal belief represents the xxx view. People have rights to express themselves as long as those values associate with them and not the xxx.
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Medusa is the Mullah’s Turban
A Persian expression conveys a strong message about the role of mullahs in Iranian society: if a person lifts a mullah's beard, it rev...
Poverty is widespread in Iran. The suicide rate is on the rise, with no interest to decline in Iran. Children commit suicide, too, because...
On Friday, January 29th, 2021, Houshang Amir Ahmadi (Ph.D.) appeared at Mr. Alireza Meybodi's program to discuss his theory of having ...
Book Review of “The Memoirs of Nasrollah Tavakoli, The First Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army after the Islamic Revolution,” published b...