Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Stand for Your Constitutional Rights

Talk back and do not allow anyone to infringe your legal rights. If today you allow them to control your thoughts, tomorrow, they will decide for you what to wear. You may think, I am joking, no I am not. That is how the cleric acted after the 1979 Revolution in Iran.
I read your statement, and it is infringing people’s Constitutional Rights to:
“(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;” 1
Constitution is mother of all laws and no one should make a law which is violating the constitutional law. 
All in all, we do not live in a police state or dystopia, we live in a democratic country which allows us to express our views, it is called Civil Society. However, we cannot say my personal belief represents the xxx view. People have rights to express themselves as long as those values associate with them and not the xxx.
End note:
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