Monday, 18 March 2019

The Victor Wrote the 1979 Revolution in Iran-Part Two

The Vision for Future of Iran:

Reza Shah Pahlavi founder of the Pahlavi Dynasty shared his vision for the future of Iran with His Son, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi to have a political-economic system that it was efficient and moved Iran toward enlightenment.

In 1963, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi developed a political-economy to move forward Iran from dark ages toward enlightenment. Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi as head of state of Iran called His vision White Revolution. In this system, Iran would no longer struggle with the feudal system, and it would move toward welfare-liberalism. Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi introduced His vision to Iran's parliament and members of parliament who had consent and will of their constituencies legislated Mohammad Reza Shah's idea to transform Iran from dark ages toward enlightenment. In this system, the cleric's domination of Iran society came to an end. The people who worked in the market places, they no longer had monopoly power over economic. Notably, women became an equal partner to men.
Khomeini Hendi was an obscure man, who had an anarchy vision for Iran in this sense to rewind the time by moving Iran to the times of Prophet Mohammad. Therefore, Mr. Hendi's vision for Iran became appealing for other clerics and the people who were controlling the market place. They did not want to lose power and money. Mr. Hendi began to propagate his message to others that the King was an infidel, with the support of the market place, they caused people to come out of their homes and causing vandalism. Police used force to create social order, and secret police used their resources to apprehend the ring leaders. Mr. Hendi was one of the instigators and brought before the judicial system and found him guilty of his crimes. The system exiled him from Iran.

Jimmy Carter's Vision for World:

Mr. Carter was the US President; he did not like what he saw in the Middle East; he wanted to engulf the region in the flame of fire. He began a vicious campaign against Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi that the Pahlavi Dynasty was violating human rights in Iran. The Western media also besmirched the King for meritless and unsubstantiated crimes. Iranians grew angry at the King, and Carter was contributing to the fire of anger in Iran by saying that he supported the King of Iran.

The Regency Government:

The King diagnosed with cancer. He did not want anyone to die. The US ambassador in Iran advised the King to leave Iran for a short trip. He left Iran and Dr. Shapur Bakhtiar, who was opposed to the King. Dr. Bakhtiar formed a regency government. Iranians loved Dr. Bakhtiar. Iranians wanted him to lead Iran. However, Carter did not like the stability in Iran and said: "I support Dr. Bakhtiar." Therefore, Iranians assumed Dr. Bakhtiar was a puppet of the US.

British Broadcasting Corporation:

The British Broadcasting Corporation began to give a platform to Khomeini Hendi from the beginning of the revolution that the King was against Islam and everyone had to be toppled from the regime. Even, Dr. Bakhtiar was an enemy of Islam. Mr. Hendi began to provoke Iranians to step out of their homes, and burning financial institutes, attacking at police stations, striking at military personnel while they were at their homes. The situation got out of hand. 

The Arrival of Evil:

There were revolutionary songs that Khomeini was the leader of this revolution. People assumed that capital of Iran would be shifted from Tehran to Qom because Mr. Hendi wanted to go to Qom and continue his theological studies. However, he did not move to Qom. He stayed in Tehran and opened a butcher shop. He began to slaughter anyone or anything that stood in his way to having total control of power.

Future of Iran:

Future of Iran is bleak, considering the world is moving toward one global economy. The Western powers have an advanced economic system. They already are dominating other developing nations resources. Iran is not immune to harm to one global economy. Last, the regime in Iran implemented the libertarian economic in Iran. The chances of the system in Iran to collapse is slim because Iranians must work hard to provide for their basic necessity of life and have no time to think about politics.

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