Sunday, 16 June 2019

Police and Stress

  1. All jobs are stressful. A person who delivers newspapers to subscribers, s/he must meet its daily routine while fighting back sleep and during day times, s/he must sleep and may not be able to get sufficient rest because our body designed to sleep at night and not during day time.
  2. To become a police officer, it requires a person to have grade 12 who could make “$33,638 per year or $17.25 per hour. Entry-level positions start at $23,961 per year while most experienced workers make up to $41,316 per year.” However, a police officer in Canada makes more than $70,000.00 CDN a year. 1
  3. Police officers are engaging in racial profiling. Therefore, this is a factor for police officers to worry during trials.
  4. Police culture favors white male person and discriminates other members of society.
  5. When police officers are attending police academics, the instructors are teaching them to lie during trials. This is an excellent factor for police officers to become paranoid because they see the world through a prism a deception.

In conclusion, they do not have a good education and overpaid. They do not provide any service to society as a matter of fact police is counterproductive to society because they are doing more harm to the community than doing any good to society. We already know people who are engaging in misbehavior it is because they are suffering from mental health issues. Therefore, we need to allocate our resources toward programs which are helping people to overcome their mental health issues.

  1. “High School Student Salary in Canada.” Neuvoo, School Student.
  2. “What Is Racial Profiling? (Fact Sheet).” Ontario Human Rights Commission,
  3., 19 Feb. 2019,
  4. Gillis, Wendy. “Anonymous Nationwide Officer Survey Aims to Uncover ‘Snapshot’ of Police Culture in Canada.”

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