Saturday, 7 September 2019

The US Imperialism

Post-Cold War, the world was enjoying stability and peace. There was no longer any nuclear threat from the former Soviet Union against the United States of America. The nations around the world were enjoying stability and security. It was a short dream for everyone. The US invaded by terrorist entities who were from Middle Eastern countries.  The US stated that the terrorist and threatened its security.  Therefore, the US became a victim of terrorism and had the legal right to defend itself against aggression from the terrorist entities to prevent future hostility against its nation.  The US looked at Afghanistan and stated Afghanistan was a safe haven for terrorist entities to receiving training and carry their deadly agenda around the world. Plus, Afghanistan did not have human rights. There was widespread human rights violation such as women were not allowed to attend schools, or the laws were cruel and unusual toward offenders. The US appeared like a white knight shiny armor.
The US used media as an instrument to shape public opinion to justify its cause.

In 2001, post 911, the CNN aired a program which illustrated the Taliban Government in Afghanistan executed a woman in a football stadium. This short video clip enraged people about the issue of human rights violation in Afghanistan.  The public concluded that the US war against Afghanistan would be a Just War. The US invaded Afghanistan and images of Taliban losing their power grip made news headline around the world.

As time passed by the US military force began to lack planning to provide safety and security to Afghan people. The Taliban forces began to regain its territory in Afghanistan and undermining the authority of the central government and disregarding the sovereignty of Afghanistan. 

The US soon will withdraw its army from Afghanistan and will hand over Afghanistan to the Taliban militant forces. Therefore, the US never had the intention of building Afghanistan. The US is no friend or ally of any nation. 

In the grand conclusion for Afghanistan, the US did not use its nuclear capability to turn Afghanistan into the stone age. The US used its politics the same as the one; the US used in the Vietnam war, the US destroyed Afghanistan. Now, Afghanistan will be hand over to the Taliban who will wage war against Afghan people. Once, the Taliban forces establish themselves as a central government, and it will wage holy war against its neighboring countries.

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