Sunday 19 May 2019

The Game

This game is going on since 1980s. The US installed Khomeini in power with help of BBC. The US president besmirched Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi for human rights violation and there was no merit for his accusation. BBC gave platform for Khomeini to incite revolution in Iran. Since the regime change in Iran, the US is claiming that it will attack at the regime in Iran. The regime in Iran is a theocratic Shia - Sect and surrounded by Sunni -Sect nations. Every time, the regime is belligerent toward the US, the fantastic praise the regime in Iran and the nations feel insecure about their security because the rebel factions may attack at the national governments and the regime in Iran may attack at them like Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Therefore, the Sunni Sect nations begin to ask for the US military help as Saudi Arabia has been doing it since 1980s.

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