Saturday, 30 March 2019

The Issue of Head Scarf

Islamic Theology on Head Scarf:

The Koran instructs men and women to cover their bodies from each other. The Koran does not provide exact details on how to hide their bodies. However, the faith of Christianity is evident that a woman must shave her hair, and cover her hair with a garment so the falling angels would not seek their hands.

When the faith of Islam began to spread from Saudi Arabia to the rest of the world, it came in contact with other cultures. And each culture has its distinct values and defines what modesty means. Therefore, there is no one way for men or women to cover their bodies as the below pictures illustrate how women cover their bodies from one region is different than another area.

Historical Lesson:

When the US President was teaching Khomeini Hendi Machiavellian doctrine of fear, fraud, and force, Khomeini promised that Islamic laws regarding hijab would not be enforced in Iran. People believed in what he said because he was Prophet Muhammad's descendants. When Khomeini came to Iran with any feelings for Iranians, he asked his Revolutionary Guards to impose the Islamic laws in Iran. The first step was the hijab sumptuary laws. This Islamic law was a first stepping stone to marginalize women in society. The system developed policies that disregarded women's right to emancipation and turned into an invisible person.

Today, women are struggling against injustice in Iran and are asking to be free, and do not want to wear hijab. The regime is always ready to deploy its paramilitary forces in the streets and smack, slash, and tossing acids on anyone who does not obey the Islamic laws. In one case, four young individuals came together and made a song about "Happy Tehran," the system identified them, imprisoned them, and blacklisted their names.

Let Their Be Light:

Western politicians are aware of the dynamic of the hijab issue in Iran. Plus, women in Saudi Arabia are tired of hijab. They know for a fact that hijab would reduce their values as a human being. Plus, the veil turns the dignity of women into an emptiness. They become nothing but the servant of men.

Why are the politicians allowing women who wear the headscarf to come to Canada? Canada is a secular nation, and when women are immigrating to Canada and do not want to integrate into society, what will be the future of Canada? The question is not about clothes, and the problem is about the safety and security of Canada. At this very moment, politicians are only interested in making comments that they would gain votes and be elected or re-elected to the offices; they do not care what the future holds for them. They are short-sighted individuals.

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