Tuesday, 28 January 2020

The Islamic Republic of Iran Stops Violence Against Iranians


In 1979, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi abdicated his Peacock Throne in favor of his people and left Iran. The King's decision caused a power vacuum in Iran. The cleric cabal took advantage of the power vacuum and exploited the situation by disregarding the universal principles of the electoral process. The cleric faction drafted two questionable referendum statements saying that they were not contested in the political process. The cleric faction claimed to have a shocking 98.2% approval from the public.

Therefore, the cleric faction established an Islamic Republic state. It did not have any legitimacy to form itself; it lacked the consent and will of the people.
The Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) banished other political parties and did not allow people to form political parties. Also, the IRI eradicated all grassroots movements in Iran and executed anyone who questioned the authority or had a suggestion about the direction of the regime. Therefore, the IRI violated the United Nations' Article 1 through Article 30. The IRI did not have the inherent right to govern Iranians; it was political parties that had to inherit righto govern people. Without political parties, Iranians were nothing but subjects and not citizens of the IRI.

The IRI was treating Iranians as subjects with a high cost for them. The IRI had an agenda to become a regional power and allocated the national revenue from oil export for its military expedition, neglecting the needs of Iranians. The IRI also faced economic sanctions and caused Iran's economy to collapse, allowing the poverty rate to reach 8.1% in a country of 82 million. And the unemployment rate was 12% as Iranians struggle to pay for the basic necessity of life. The head of state, Sign of God or Ayatollah Ali Khameini, hid Iran's revenue in his foreign bank accounts. It estimated that he had $ 95 billion.

Since the inception of the IRI, it inflicted physical harm and property harm to people with a final goal in their minds to cultivate an atmosphere of fear to keep Iranians from speaking against the system. The system became more belligerent and brutal by ordering security forces to attack anyone who was operating a business and vandalizing private property. The IRI placed sharpshooters on building rooftops to shoot people in the head and not return their dead bodies to their families so that they could bury them. Last, the IRI shot down one Ukrainian Airplane intentionally to avoid a military confrontation with the US. 

In conclusion, the IRI was not established on fundamental principles of peace, order, and good government. The IRI founded on the Machiavellian principles of fear, fraud, and force. This petition is asking the Secretary-General of the United Nations, His Excellency António Guterres, to use the legal structure to stop the IRI's violence against Iranians and allow Iranians to live in a state of peace and freezing all the assets of the clerics as well as the Revolutionary Guards. Furthermore, the petition is pleading with the Honorable Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, to freeze all assets of the cleric and their associates in Canada. This petition also asks that anyone in the country who has a relationship with the IRI is deported back to Iran. If s/he has Canadian citizenship, s/he should lose that citizenship. 

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