Sunday 19 January 2020

Thank You Canada

On Wednesday, January 08th, 2020, the Revolutionary Guard in Iran's airspace brought down one Ukrainian passenger airplane down without any survivor. The aircraft was coming to Canada, and fifty-seven passengers were with Iranians passports or had dual citizenship. 

Right Hon, PM of Canada Justin Trudeau allocated $25,000.00 CDN toward each person who perished in the airplane incident.1 Right Hon, Premier of Ontario Doug Ford awards 52 scholarships, and each scholarship is for an amount of $10, 000.00 CDN in honor of the fifty-two victims of the airplane. 2

The regime in Iran does not have consent and will of its people to govern; the regime in Iran is asking the US deliberately to impose more economic sanctions. While the cerlic's children, as well as the Revolutionary Guards and their other offshoots of militant groups' children, are living a carefree lifestyle and created a free ride society for themselves. At the same time, others are unable to find a loaf of bread for themselves.

Thank you, Canada, for caring for Iranians.


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