Sunday, 19 January 2020

Why Do We Forgive?

I am drafting this piece based on my account of life.  I am a forty-nine years old man.  I had my share of being hurt and emotionally abused by people as well as those close to me who push me to the dark corner of life — and reading the Holy Bible, which says that we must forgive people who hurt us. It is a struggle to forgive people. I am remembering those vulnerable moments being at the mercy of people who would exercise power on me and could not do anything to stop them from what they are doing to me.  Also, there is Zoroastrian faith, which has a tenet of good deeds, good words, and good thoughts.  How can I adhere to the above divine doctrine when people are acting evil against me?

I noticed the issue of forgiving others; it is not about me. It is about cultivating a healthy society that we want to live. By holding angry feelings inside of our minds, we are causing society to have regressed and not progress.  Therefore, it is important to forgive others to have the ability to move forward in life as a society.  Otherwise, dropping an anchor and holding on those negative feelings would not harbor productive result for anyone.

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