Monday 13 January 2020

Intentionally Killing Them

We, Iranians, though, if we do not speak against the system, we are safe. After the airplane incident, the regime proves to us that we are not safe if we do not speak against the system. So, speak now, out loud, it is not worth being silent.
This is not a random video clip. This person had full knowledge of where to stand and what time to make this video clip in a pitch-black night.

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Book Review of “The Memoirs of Nasrollah Tavakoli, The First Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army after the Islamic Revolution,” published by Ibex Publishers Inc., in 2014 by Peyman Adl Dousti Hagh

  Book Review of “The Memoirs of Nasrollah Tavakoli, The First Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army after the Islamic Revolution,” published b...