Saturday, 14 January 2023

Three Stooges of the West

Three Stooges of the West – House of Intellectual (

 Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi had an interview with American journalist Mike Wallace in the late 70s. Wallace asked Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, do you want me to read the CIA report about you? The King told him yes. The reporter told the King that the CIA says the King is an unreliable ally of the US. The King obfuscates for a moment. Then the King tells the reporter that the US wants the King as a stooge, and he is not.

In 1979, the western powers (France, England, the US, and West Germany) came together on Guadeloupe Island and discussed the future of Iran and other Middle East countries. They wanted to purge the King and the Middle East region as they succeeded in what they wanted.

The western power established the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) to drain the wealth of the Middle East countries. The western countries made a substantial amount of wealth from the IRI’s terrorist activities in the region by selling weapons to Middle East countries.

The Islamic Republic of Iran’s expiry date has arrived, and the power vacuum reverberates before the collapse of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Western countries like Canada and the US want to make sure their stooges are in the right places, like Masih Alinejad (@AlinejadMasih), Hamed Esmaeilion (@esmaeilion) and Nazanin Boniadi

Masih Alinejad has a long history of exploiting women in Iran by launching White Wednesdays. Women would leave their homes by removing their scarf in public areas to defy the Islamic Republic of Iran’s hijab laws. These women would videotape themselves and would send the footage to Masih Alinejad. While these women were walking in the streets, the moral agents would arrest and charge them with hijab laws, plus other criminal charges of sedition. Masih Alinejad would show these videotapes to the US dignitaries to gain leadership attention from the US dignitaries.

Did Ms. Masih Alinejad hire lawyers to defend those women in Iran who faced imprisonment for defying the IRI’s hijab laws? She never spends a dime on them.

Why did Ms. Masih Alinejad defy the Islamic Republic of Iran’s laws? Ms. Alinejad was born into an ultraconservative family struggling to pay their bills. Her father took part in the 1979 Revolution because Khomeini promised Free Ride Society platform. The promise that was never delivered to people. Masih did not like the living condition, revolted against her family and establishment, and left Iran. She changed her Muslim name to a Christian name. The act of changing her name from a Muslim to a Christian name. It meant that she had changed and was a new person. She takes pictures with high-profile individuals to prove that she has made progress from her past and is not the person she used to be.

She is associating with Iranian separatists. On January 08th, 2023, she appeared on Mel Lastman Square and gave her final thought about Iran. She said Iran must be vanquished. Same as her. She changed her name because she wanted to vanquish her past and identity, and now she wanted to vanquish Iran.

Ms. Masih Alinejad regularly appears on Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC); the US made a fraudulent case for her that the IRI wanted to assassinate her.

Hamed Esmaeilion, by profession, is a dentist who travelled to Iran before the IRI shot down PS752, which claimed the life of his wife and young daughter.

The individuals who travelled to Iran never wanted to participate in any movement against the IRI. They did not want to burn the bridge. After the IRI brought down the PS752, they turned against the IRI. It is a marriage of covenant for them. Hamed Esmaeilion and other individuals like him want to seek revenge against the regime in Iran. They are interested in something other than what is good for Iran. Esmaeilion, the leader of PS752, removed the Lion and Sun emblem from Iran’s flag during the rallies. It is a direct assault on Iranian identity. For example, Canada’s Maple Leaf emblem results from Canadian identity. It was rejected when it was suggested to have three maple leaves because the Canadian demographic was composed more of English, French and First Nations.

Let’s Ask Esmaeilion, what did he do before the shot down of the PS752 for Iran’s liberation? Zero. He was part of the IRI. He regularly appears on CBC and Iran International. The @KoochehChannel YouTube channel plays an excellent public relation campaign for Esmaeilion. Most Iranians respect the Pahlavi family and regret participating in the 1979 Revolution. Most Iranians display love for Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi. @KoochehChannel comes and uses the social status of Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi as a good character and narrates a story to connect Crown Reza Pahlavi to Esmaeilion.Esmaeilion dislikes Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi. He displayed his displeasure toward Pahlavi, who appeared in the PS752 movie. Esmaeilion refused to shake Pahlavi’s hand.

In some cases, @KoochehChannel transforms Esmaeilion into a crusader, like when Esmaeilion was going to take the IRI to the International Court of Justice. Once the IRI was found guilty of the charge, the IRI would pay reparations to the surviving family, as was the case for Muammar Gaddafi, who paid blood money due to his terrorist activity of bringing an airplane down. Eventually, it caused Gaddafi to collapse. @KoochehChannel grabs stories from different news sources and makes one childish story for twenty minutes.

Nazanin Boniadi wrote on her Twitter profile about her profession as an actor, not an actress. One more time, what did she do for the liberation of Iran before Mahsa Amini’s death which was a catalyst for the uprising in Iran? She hovers around Ms. Alinejad and associates with Iranian separatists to disintegrate Iran among its ethnic groups. Ms. Boniadi also appears on the CBC and other news outlets.

In conclusion, Iranians need to open their eyes to ensure opportunistic people are not hijacking Iran’s 2022 AD or 1401 solar calendar revolution. West wanted to make sure Iran’s wealth was deposited in their countries by promoting stooges like Alinejad, Esmaeilion and Nazanin.

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