Sunday, 8 January 2023

Constructive Criticism of Dolat 4 Iran @Dolat4Iran or


The Dolat 4 Iran group claims to be a civic organization to respond to the current unrest climate of Iran. The spokesperson is Mr. Majid Zamani (@thisismajid). 

On December 13th, 2022, the Dolat 4 Iran group YouTube channel posted its first video clip on YouTube (دولت برای ایران - YouTube), followed by its second video clip posted on YouTube on December 19th, 2022 (دولت برای ایران" مشروطه‌ی حقوق اساسی را به عنوان نظام نوین حاکمیت ایران پیشنهاد کرد" - YouTube), and its final video clip, which was posted on YouTube on December 24th, 2022 (بدون نفرت به رفراندوم قانون اساسی خواهیم رسید - YouTube). 


Every person may claim that s/he acts in a manner free from bias. However, every person has values and belief systems which shape their way of life as the only correct way to live and becomes a capstone for a person to cultivate an atmosphere of peace in communities. 

The author of this paper will be examining the three video series of the Dolat 4 Iran group to understand how Dolat 4 Iran's sought to accomplish peace in Iran.


This paper will commence on January 06th, 2023, and each week will give one constructive criticism based on each video clip. 

Structure of the Paper:

The journey of this paper will begin with the introduction, parts, and synopsis.

Part 1 of 3:

The first video clip is one hour, eight minutes and three seconds.

The video introduces Mr. Majid Zamani as a successful businessperson who created jobs in Iran and had 350 employees. The interviewer asked him, what did inspire you to involve yourself in politics? Mr. Zamani replied to his question by saying that he used business to improve Iran's quality positively by influencing political actors in Iran. He asserted that he believed in cultivating a work atmosphere that would make meaningful changes in Iran's political landscape. There was a turning point in his view toward the Islamic Republic of Iran when he witnessed the Islamic Republic of Iran shut down PS752 civilian aircraft. The other issues lingered over his head and illustrated that the Islamic Republic of Iran needed to move in the right direction. However, the Islamic Republic of Iran's foundation prevented Iran from moving in the right direction. The Islamic Republic of Iran failed in the area of its nuclear program to negotiate with the international community, and its domestic policy on COVID-19 failed to protect Iranians from the widespread of COVID-19. The situation in Iran is deteriorating. He divided Islam into two sections, Islam and Iran. 

In the section on Islam, the faith of Islam lost its reverence among Iranians, and lying, deception, and falsely accusing others became a current currency among Iranians. He said to compare before the 1979 Revolution people's view about Islam and post the 1979 Revolution people's view about Islam. He said the Islamic Republic of Iran hurt the faith of Islam. The systems in the past 500 years of Iran's history have not damaged the religion of Islam, like the Islamic Republic of Iran. 

In foreign relations, the Islamic Republic of Iran failed to safeguard and secure the interest of Palestinian because before, the Islamic Republic of Iran interfered in the affair of Palestinian and Israel. Israel was under pressure from external forces to recognize the rights of the Palestinian people. Israel was no longer under pressure from external influences. Israel enjoyed an excellent relationship with external parties due to the Islamic Republic of Iran's stand against Israel.

Majidi asserted that the 1979 Revolution occurred due to the US Armed Forces and the US government's intervention in the domestic affairs of Iran by directing the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces. As a result, the Islamic Republic of Iran never took action in the best interest of Iranians to provide peace for Iranians. The Islamic Republic of Iran gave points to foreign countries to pursue its nuclear ambition. Majidi claimed Iranians' purchase power declined. 

Majidi concluded that the above actions led Iran's politics in the direction that there was no turning point. 

Majidi did not join politics because of the above events. He entered politics because there was no alternative. Iranians outside of Iran did not do anything meaningful to provide an alternative platform against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iranian expatriates had hollow slogans. Therefore, it caused hopelessness among Iranians.

Majidi asserted that Iranians rejected the Islamic Republic of Iran because they lost hope for a better future. 

Majidi asserted that Iran was walking toward Syria's scenario because the regime in Iran would not stop its plan, and Iranians would not stop their revolt against the regime in Iran. 

The interviewer pointed to Majidi that the Islamic Republic of Iran was spreading the propaganda Syria scenario to stop Iranians from the revolution. How do you address the above matter? Majidi said that I offered a proposal that Iranians asked for themselves. The Islamic Republic of Iran could not stop the revolt in Iran. The Islamic Republic of Iran was a failed state.

He had the plan to use civil disobedience to use against the Islamic Republic of Iran. He would employ coercive methods against the Islamic Republic of Iran if civil disobedience did not work.

The interviewer said that the people who participated in the 1979 Revolution did not like what was unfolding. They would not take part in 2022AD/1401 solar calendar revolt. What would you like to say to support the Islamic Republic of Iran? Majidi said that Iranians could not handle the current politics in Iran due to the rise of poverty and the failed state of the regime. He also mentioned that Iran's regime used excessive force against people illegitimately because the Islamic Republic of Iran's constitution has a clause for peaceful assembly. The result was the reign of terror in Iran.

Majidi only recognized some of the assembly as legitimate because their slogans and approaches needed to meet the Dolat 4 Iran group mandate. There was an alternative approach to reaching the final destination. 

At 18:50, Majidi said we could not oppose the Islamic Republic of Iran's path and approach. We could use the Islamic Republic of Iran's tactic to accomplish our goals.

The interviewer asked Majidi, what do you want to achieve for Iran? Majidi said that he wanted to create something that the Islamic Republic of Iran did not have. Majidi defined the notion of Dolat (state) as a good fortune for people; he had a plan with four clauses. He dreamed of passing the current time toward an ideal position encompassing all four clauses. The next step was justice for the actors who shaped Iran for the past 100 years. The next step was looking at the future and what we wanted to accomplish. He said that what he meant was that it was a "Pathway Toward a Dream" and that it did not exist under the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It was already drafted and would be released as a living document. 

The interviewer asked Majidi, could you become a peacemaker between individuals revolting against the establishment and those who wanted to preserve the regime? Majidi said he stood on the segment of Iranians who wanted a peaceful assembly, and the security forces did not have legal rights or religious grounds to use deadly force against people. He said he did not believe the (2022) movement had a higher degree of intellectuality than the past campaigns. There were words and violence that they stood against his ideas and plans. Regardless of the circumstances, the Islamic Republic of Iran was solely responsible and accountable for what was unfolding because it had the prerogative to use force. It prevented people from forming peaceful assemblies. 

The interviewer asked Majidi if you were a reformist. Where did you stand on the reform movement? Majdi replied that he advocated the reform movement for a long time and collaborated with significant actors who supported the reform movement. It was my civic duty. He believed the reform movement was intellectual in Iran compared to the 100 years of activities. The reform movement in Iran was dead. The reform movement wanted to move Iran toward civil society; it was the opportunity Bakhtiar (Shapour Bakhtiar - Wikipedia) wanted to build a better Iran. The reform was founded on the principles of moving Iran forward and intellectual movement. However, it was defeated. It was time to step over the original version of the reform movement and reinvent a new version of the reform movement within the framework of fundamental principles of reform, conservative values and intellectuality because the current climate of Iran was a by-product of the reform movement in Iran. 

At 28:56, he asserted that the 2022 revolt in Iran was the by-product of the reform movement in Iran. He called for a referendum to have a new contract. We could not become a fascist system. He believed in working within the system to the system to bring a better version of the system. The reform would happen by applying a change in the constitution. 

He admired the reform movement for several minutes as a champion of civil society in Iran.

At 25:30, he said that Hokomat (government) had come and left. However, he used the word society; I used the word people, that people formed the government and people's will and values shape the government's policy and direction. People's choices and values should not make a dictator. 

Majidi covered the issue of environmental issues which mattered the most for Iran. Majidi claimed that brain-drain, it caused a shortage of capital knowledge. 

Majidi said that Iran lacked experts to move Iran's economy, which caused Iran's economy to regress. The world moved away from fossil fuels, and it was time to seek alternative avenues to have a source of energy. 

Majidi did not want anger to shape the future of Iran and wanted to have a state which was not a source of rage. He wanted to have transparency and clarity in the plan for regime change. He wanted an interim government to have a plan for regime change in Iran. 

At 49:00 minutes, he said that the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iranians must open a door of discussion to prevent bloodshed in Iran.

At 54:48 minutes, he said he wanted his pious Muslims to flourish in Iran and not lose anything. 


  1. Mr. Majid Zamani contradicted himself from time to time. He believed the regime in Iran was open for reform. However, he advocated for regime change. It was unclear his stand for the regime in Iran.
  2. It was clear that he wanted to continue the path of the Islamic Republic of Iran, employing a referendum to change Iran's constitution.
  3. Majidi felt that the Islamic Republic of Iran was about to collapse due to failed domestic and foreign policies, and the power vacuum was on its way. Thus, he made a political nest to play as a political actor.

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