Saturday, 28 January 2023

@AlinejadMasih is Manifestation of Adolf Hitler

 Adolf Hitler published "Mein Kampf," translating it from Deutsch to English, meaning My Struggle or My Battler. The book "My Struggle" reflects how Hitler experienced World War I as a communication private who ran between armies to pass messages to them and lived as a destitute civilian post-World War I. He faced hunger, humiliation and rejection by society. Society created a monster out of him who wanted revenge against the culprits. Hitler lied and manipulated people's sentiments to acquire power. Hitler's actions were poison to the heart and soul of the German people and spread around the world.

@AlinejadMasih was born into an ultraconservative family, and his father obeyed the Islamic doctrine blindly without considering how his daughter felt in this modern world. Ms. Alinejad had one interview with Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and said that one day her father saw her without a hijab and angered him. He told her that he had disowned her. She wanted her father's love and affection, not his rejection of her. Such an incident caused an emotional scar on her. She tried to stand up for herself and deemed herself a legal entity, not an object for her husband to have offspring. She revolted against the Islamic Republic of Iran and left Iran to start a new life in the US.

Alinejad asked Iranian women every Wednesday not to observe the hijab law, and some women followed her request. Women put themselves in danger of the strict Islamic rules, and women's action for her request empowered Alinejad. 

Alinejad began to think for herself that women were desperate for freedom from the tyranny of Islamic laws and would do anything to defy the rules. She felt that she was the leader of Iran's liberation force. However, she did not have the ingredients of a leader. She needed to gain leadership skills and a love for Iranians and Iran. 

She did not love Iranians; when she appeared on a television program for an interview, the interviewer asked her, how do you feel that you are sitting somewhere safe and asking others to put themselves in danger? She did not have anything meaningful to say. 

On January 08th, 2023, Alinejad appeared as a participant to commemorate the PS752 atrocity of the Revolutionary Guard of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the surviving families. She gave a speech and said that we must unite to destroy Iran. Let's say she may have jetlag and all kinds of reasons she unintentionally uttered a statement that she did not intend to display. However, on January 27th, 2023, Alinejad released a speech of herself saying that she asked Iranians to put aside their differences and form a coalition against Iran because Iran was the root cause of all problems. The second time is not a mistake; she displays her inner truth about Iran because the video clip is chorographic, and she was not physically or mentally exhausted. She declared war against Iran. 

In conclusion, Adolf Hitler was a product of his environment and expressed his feelings toward Germany and the world through aggression. Masih Alinejad is also a product of her environment and communicates to others explicitly that Iran is the root cause of all problems and must be destroyed. Nobody in their right mind wants to see Iran wipe off the map except someone like Masih Alinejad. 

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