Saturday, 28 January 2023

Do Not Trust Googoosh

 Iranians like me are asking Crown Prince @PahlaviReza to step forward and lead Iran's 2022 AD or 1401 solar calendar to victory. Eventually, Crown Prince @PahlaviReza agreed to lead Iran's revolution to victory under one condition. Iranians had to vote for him. Ehsaan Karamy launched a petition on the website and asked Iranians to give their consent and the will to Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi to lead Iran's revolution. 

When people asked Googoosh about her vote, she refused to do so, and she made a racist remark toward Iranian Azeri in her concert when someone from her family called her in the US and asked her what the currency exchange rate in the US was. She laughed and continued her self-talk that she was an Azeri. She mocked Azeri people in her concert. It was a tactic the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) used to prevent Iranians from becoming one voice. The IRI employs the diversity of ethnicity as a countermeasure against Iranians to prevent the creation of class conciseness and cultivate an atmosphere of distrust among different ethnic groups in Iran. 

Googoosh is 72 years old woman who knows well that when the Islamic Republic of Iran collapses, new singers and new talents and skills will appear on the screen, and Iranians will forget Googoosh.

Therefore, Googoosh does not want regime change in Iran. It goes with bully Homa Sarshar and Parviz Sayyad, outdated stars who, after the regime change in Iran, must make resumes, learn the English language and gain employment. 

Iranians must stop giving them piggyback rides and let them gain employment in the real world. 

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