Thursday, 27 February 2020

Narges Khan Alizadeh

The Coronavirus outbreak in China began to spread around the world. The Chinese authorities denied that there was an epidemic issue. Chinese citizens traveled to Qom city and interacted with the clerics in Iran. The Islamic Republic of Iran wanted to celebrate its 41st anniversary of the revolution and did not want to cause panic. The regime in Iran denied there was a severe health issue. The scheme began to say that there was no health issue. The system asked people to take part in 22 Bahman to celebrate the 1979 Revolution in Iran. A few days later, there was a national election in Iran. The system asked voters to go to the polling stations and cast their votes to the candidates. 

Once the election was over, and the final result was available; the system unveils the mask of evil, it was another form of death and destruction for Iranians. Iranians infected with Coronavirus; the system acted indifferent toward their well-being and health. As always, the regime pursued its policy of self-gain at the cost of Iranians. 

When the Coronavirus was attacking Iranians mercilessly, it claimed Ms. Narges Khan Alizadeh on Tuesday, Feb 25th, 2020 , a 25 years old nurse at Milad Hospital of Lahijan. She graduated from the nursing academy with a big dream. However, she could reach her potentiality. The Islamic Republic of Iran ended her life so the regime would live one more day longer. If the Islamic Republic of Iran acted responsibly, it would take precaution measures and protected Iranians from the Coronavirus. Today, Ms. Alizadeh would be with us. 

I wrote this piece because I wanted to cherish her hard work. I want the world to know that we entrapped in this mass. We will stand side by side and will not allow distance to separate us.

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