Friday, 28 February 2020

Mehran Modiri

Mr. Mehran Modiri appeared on the state media and began to censure Iranians for following domestic politics and how Iranians are following foreign political actors on social media. Mr. Modiri encourages people to distance themselves from politics and forget about Coronavirus.

According to Stephen Brooks, "Canadian Democracy: An Introduction" Second Edition. Page 4, he cited "politics arises from the fact of scarcity. In the real world, all people cannot satisfy all of their desires to the fullest extent. Limits on the stock of those things that people desire - such as wealth, privacy, clean air and water, and social recognition - ensure that conflicts will take place between rival claimants. These conflicts explain why politics comes about. But politics is about more than the fact of conflict. It is also about how rival claims are settle."

Mr. Moridin likes to see people are ignorant, and he is telling people ignorance is a blessing. He does not care people are dying because of Coronavirus; money has no meaning for him. He can travel around the world and spend money with his girlfriend. He has a secure job in the state media. He eats well, and everything is giving to him.

Now, let's look at the other side of the equation of inequality. Iranians are selling body organs to buy food when the economy is moving downward with no prospect of upward; they have no money to pay rents, pay electrciy, or water. Thus, they go hungry to bed.  Just look at the bodyweight of people in Iran, it says who is part of the system, and it is not part of the system. Thos individuals are part of the system; they are pleasantly plump. Those individuals are not part of the system, and they are slim.
Regarding why some Iranians are giving air masks to others to protect themselves from Coronavirus, it is because of the class conscience of Karl Marx.  

In conclusion, it is clear how in-touch Mr. Modiri and individuals like him are. They do not care about the welfare and well-being of Iranians. They can see people are dying due to hunger and Coronavirus, and appear on the TV and make mockery from their pain and suffering. Mr. Modiri and an individual like him practice the policy of ignorance is a blessing because, in this light, he and others like him can plunder Iran's wealth.

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