Thursday, 20 February 2020

Do not say; I did not know

When I watched this video clip, it brought tears to my eyes. I could not hold myself back from not crying. I see Iranians trap in the hands of a few individuals in the name of Allah. Iranians have no right to pursue happiness in any shape or form because the system treats them as slaves. Iranians have no dignity or self-respect. The entire system is about the notion of security.  Everyone is posing a threat to the safety of the system. Thus, no one is secure because the system is paranoid and is seeking protection from unknown harm. What is that unknown harm which is causing the system to feel insecure? The system in Iran did not have consent and the will of Iranians to govern them. It is an illegitimate system and using fear, fraud, and force to rule Iranians.

It comes to this point when the system is feeling insecure; it cannot have a democracy and the rule of law. It has a policy of anarchy. A democratic system allows political life to flourish in a nation.  The political parties represent different political ideologies to the voters and how those political ideologies are going to shape public policies. When the day of election comes, voters are going to the polling stations and cast their voters to the political parties. In the process, one political party has the majority form. It forms a majority government for a set time of frame to govern a jurisdiction by passing laws in the parliament. The system in Iran does not have political parties. The political parties are reflecting the will and interest of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Sign of God or Ayatollah knows better than anyone else who has the final word. Thus, the voting system has no meaning—people who are running for the offices the system selects them and not by people. Therefore, people are running for the offices, and they are representing the system and not the people of Iran.

I saw a woman in her wedding gown. It was the happiest moment of her life. All of a sudden, the security forces are ambushing the wedding ceremony and are disrupting the wedding. She could not hold her balance, and she lost her control and set on the ground. I could not control myself and began to cry. I began to ask myself, why are they doing this to her? She wanted to be happy and share a moment with friends and families. It was about starting a new chapter of her life. However, the regime in Iran wanted to illustrate to others that it had the power to destroying anything.  I recall the "Brave Heart" movie, and her husband stood up for his wife and justice restored.

I began to think about the Nuremberg Trial. When the Nazi's stood before the judicial system, they claimed that they did not know they were causing harm to people. They were following orders from Hitler. However, the legal system refuted their claims. Some executed, some faced long term prison sentences, and some committed suicide.

Therefore, history is going to reverberant in Iran. The security forces in Iran who are causing terror to Iranians, a day will come that they face street justice, kangaroo court, and due process that will hold them accountable and responsible for their actions. Do not say; I did not know.

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