Friday 28 February 2020

Mehran Modiri

Mr. Mehran Modiri appeared on the state media and began to censure Iranians for following domestic politics and how Iranians are following foreign political actors on social media. Mr. Modiri encourages people to distance themselves from politics and forget about Coronavirus.

According to Stephen Brooks, "Canadian Democracy: An Introduction" Second Edition. Page 4, he cited "politics arises from the fact of scarcity. In the real world, all people cannot satisfy all of their desires to the fullest extent. Limits on the stock of those things that people desire - such as wealth, privacy, clean air and water, and social recognition - ensure that conflicts will take place between rival claimants. These conflicts explain why politics comes about. But politics is about more than the fact of conflict. It is also about how rival claims are settle."

Mr. Moridin likes to see people are ignorant, and he is telling people ignorance is a blessing. He does not care people are dying because of Coronavirus; money has no meaning for him. He can travel around the world and spend money with his girlfriend. He has a secure job in the state media. He eats well, and everything is giving to him.

Now, let's look at the other side of the equation of inequality. Iranians are selling body organs to buy food when the economy is moving downward with no prospect of upward; they have no money to pay rents, pay electrciy, or water. Thus, they go hungry to bed.  Just look at the bodyweight of people in Iran, it says who is part of the system, and it is not part of the system. Thos individuals are part of the system; they are pleasantly plump. Those individuals are not part of the system, and they are slim.
Regarding why some Iranians are giving air masks to others to protect themselves from Coronavirus, it is because of the class conscience of Karl Marx.  

In conclusion, it is clear how in-touch Mr. Modiri and individuals like him are. They do not care about the welfare and well-being of Iranians. They can see people are dying due to hunger and Coronavirus, and appear on the TV and make mockery from their pain and suffering. Mr. Modiri and an individual like him practice the policy of ignorance is a blessing because, in this light, he and others like him can plunder Iran's wealth.

Thursday 27 February 2020

Narges Khan Alizadeh

The Coronavirus outbreak in China began to spread around the world. The Chinese authorities denied that there was an epidemic issue. Chinese citizens traveled to Qom city and interacted with the clerics in Iran. The Islamic Republic of Iran wanted to celebrate its 41st anniversary of the revolution and did not want to cause panic. The regime in Iran denied there was a severe health issue. The scheme began to say that there was no health issue. The system asked people to take part in 22 Bahman to celebrate the 1979 Revolution in Iran. A few days later, there was a national election in Iran. The system asked voters to go to the polling stations and cast their votes to the candidates. 

Once the election was over, and the final result was available; the system unveils the mask of evil, it was another form of death and destruction for Iranians. Iranians infected with Coronavirus; the system acted indifferent toward their well-being and health. As always, the regime pursued its policy of self-gain at the cost of Iranians. 

When the Coronavirus was attacking Iranians mercilessly, it claimed Ms. Narges Khan Alizadeh on Tuesday, Feb 25th, 2020 , a 25 years old nurse at Milad Hospital of Lahijan. She graduated from the nursing academy with a big dream. However, she could reach her potentiality. The Islamic Republic of Iran ended her life so the regime would live one more day longer. If the Islamic Republic of Iran acted responsibly, it would take precaution measures and protected Iranians from the Coronavirus. Today, Ms. Alizadeh would be with us. 

I wrote this piece because I wanted to cherish her hard work. I want the world to know that we entrapped in this mass. We will stand side by side and will not allow distance to separate us.

Sunday 23 February 2020

The United Nations is Failing Iranians

The United Nations is failing its obligation to protect Iranians from crime against humanity. It is the mandate of the United Nations with the Responsibility to Protect (R2P or RtoP). It is a global political commitment that was endorsed by all member states of the United Nations at the 2005 World Summit to address its four key concerns to prevent genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity. It is according to the United Nations "138. Each state has the responsibility to protect its populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity. This responsibility entails the prevention of such crimes, including their incitement, through appropriate and necessary means. We accept that responsibility and will act in accordance with it. The international community should as appropriate, encourage and help States to exercise this responsibility and support the United Nations in establishing an early warning capability."1

The United Nations is fully aware since the inception of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The theocratic regime developed a domestic policy of purging anyone who speaks contrary to their views. The system in Iran has a long record of crime against humanity. This paper cannot write every incident and everyone's name here. However, the regime in Iran during the month of Aban, the year 1998 (Solar Calendar), killed over 1500 individuals during a peaceful protest. They were asking for a minimum standard of living. It is an acceptable policy. Why is the United Nations silent in this issue?

The regime in Iran apprehended several individuals without cause and the regime in Iran in violated their United Nations Declaration of Human Rights:

Article "1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."

Article "5. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."

Article "9. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention, or exile."

Notably, among the individuals in custody, there is a woman with the name of Samaneh Norouzi, who has breast cancer and is pain. The regime in Iran denies medical treatment to her. Why is the United Nations silent about this matter?

Mr. Abolfazl Bahrampour has Islamic legal knowledge, who appeared on the national television. He said, according to Koran, the individuals are arrested, the system must cut their fingers and toes, inflicting excruciating pain, which would lead to their deaths. Why is the United Nations is silent in this matter?

According to the recent national election, the election result reflects 42% of voters. It is less than half. It means the system in Iran does not have the will and consent of Iranians to govern, and it is an illegitimate system. It is ruling Iranians with Iron Fist.

Kindly, the United Nations uses its legal system to end the tyranny in Iran and emancipates Iranians from ruthless rulers. The United Nations must fulfill its obligation, which is the Responsibility to Protect (R2P or RtoP).


سازمان ملل متحد وظیفه خود را برای محافظت از ایرانیان در برابر جنایت علیه بشریت ناکام می کند. این وظیفه سازمان ملل با مسئولیت محافظت (R2P یا RtoP) است. این یک تعهد سیاسی جهانی است که توسط همه کشورهای عضو سازمان ملل در اجلاس جهانی 2005 تأیید شد تا چهار نگرانی اصلی خود را برای جلوگیری از نسل کشی ، جنایات جنگ ، پاکسازی قومی و جنایات علیه بشریت برطرف کند. بنا به گفته سازمان ملل متحد “138. هر كشور وظیفه دارد از جمعیت خود در برابر نسل كشی ، جنایات جنگ ، پاكسازی قومی و جنایات علیه بشریت محافظت كند. ما مسئولیت این مسئولیت را می پذیریم و مطابق با آن عمل خواهیم کرد. جامعه بین المللی باید ، در صورت لزوم ، کشورها را به انجام این مسئولیت تشویق و کمک کند و از سازمان ملل در ایجاد قابلیت هشدار اولیه حمایت کند. “
سازمان ملل از بدو تأسیس جمهوری اسلامی ایران کاملاً آگاه است. رژیم تئوریک برای پاکسازی هر کسی که بر خلاف نظر آنها صحبت می کند ، سیاست داخلی ایجاد کرد. این سیستم در ایران سابقه طولانی جنایت علیه بشریت دارد. این مقاله نمی تواند هر حادثه و نام همه را در اینجا بنویسد. با این حال ، رژیم در ایران در ماه آبان ، سال 1998 (تقویم خورشیدی) ، طی یک اعتراض مسالمت آمیز بیش از 1500 نفر را کشت. آنها خواستار حداقل زندگی بودند. این یک سیاست قابل قبول است. چرا سازمان ملل در این شماره
ساکت است؟
استان در ایران دارای شخصیت شخصی است و می توان آن را دستگیر کرد و در ایران در نقض اعلامیه حقوق بشر سازمان ملل متحد: ماده “1. همه انسانها با کرامت و آزادی و مساوی به دنیا می آیند. ماده “5- كسى را نبايد شكنجه كنيم يا شاهد شكنجه و مجازات ظالمانه ، ضد انساني و تحقيرآميزاسن گيرند.” ماده “9. هیچ کس نمی تواند دستگیرگر ، زندانی یا تبعید خودسرانه ای باشد.”
نکته قابل توجه ، در بین افراد بازداشت شده ، زنی به نام سمانه نوروزی وجود دارد که مبتلا به سرطان سینه است و درد دارد. رژیم در ایران معالجه پزشکی را با وی انکار می کند. چرا سازمان ملل در مورد این موضوع سکوت کرده است؟
آقای ابوالفضل بهرام پور دارای دانش قانونی اسلامی است که در تلویزیون ملی ظاهر شد. وی گفت: براساس قرآن ، افراد دستگیر شده اند ، سیستم باید انگشتان و انگشتان پا را بریده و درد تحریک کننده ای ایجاد کند و این منجر به مرگ آنها شود. چرا سازمان ملل در این زمینه ساکت است؟
مطابق انتخابات ملی اخیر ، نتیجه انتخابات 42٪ از رای دهندگان را منعکس می کند. کمتر از نصف است. این بدان معناست که سیستم در ایران اراده و رضایت ایرانیان را برای اداره کردن ندارد و یک سیستم نامشروع است. این حاکم بر ایرانیان با مشت آهنین است.
با مهربانی ، سازمان ملل متحد از سیستم قانونی خود برای پایان دادن به استبداد در ایران و رهایی ایرانیان از حاکمان ظالم استفاده می کند. سازمان ملل متحد باید تعهدات خود را که مسئولیت حفاظت از آن است (R2P یا RtoP) انجام دهد.

Thursday 20 February 2020

Do not say; I did not know

When I watched this video clip, it brought tears to my eyes. I could not hold myself back from not crying. I see Iranians trap in the hands of a few individuals in the name of Allah. Iranians have no right to pursue happiness in any shape or form because the system treats them as slaves. Iranians have no dignity or self-respect. The entire system is about the notion of security.  Everyone is posing a threat to the safety of the system. Thus, no one is secure because the system is paranoid and is seeking protection from unknown harm. What is that unknown harm which is causing the system to feel insecure? The system in Iran did not have consent and the will of Iranians to govern them. It is an illegitimate system and using fear, fraud, and force to rule Iranians.

It comes to this point when the system is feeling insecure; it cannot have a democracy and the rule of law. It has a policy of anarchy. A democratic system allows political life to flourish in a nation.  The political parties represent different political ideologies to the voters and how those political ideologies are going to shape public policies. When the day of election comes, voters are going to the polling stations and cast their voters to the political parties. In the process, one political party has the majority form. It forms a majority government for a set time of frame to govern a jurisdiction by passing laws in the parliament. The system in Iran does not have political parties. The political parties are reflecting the will and interest of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Sign of God or Ayatollah knows better than anyone else who has the final word. Thus, the voting system has no meaning—people who are running for the offices the system selects them and not by people. Therefore, people are running for the offices, and they are representing the system and not the people of Iran.

I saw a woman in her wedding gown. It was the happiest moment of her life. All of a sudden, the security forces are ambushing the wedding ceremony and are disrupting the wedding. She could not hold her balance, and she lost her control and set on the ground. I could not control myself and began to cry. I began to ask myself, why are they doing this to her? She wanted to be happy and share a moment with friends and families. It was about starting a new chapter of her life. However, the regime in Iran wanted to illustrate to others that it had the power to destroying anything.  I recall the "Brave Heart" movie, and her husband stood up for his wife and justice restored.

I began to think about the Nuremberg Trial. When the Nazi's stood before the judicial system, they claimed that they did not know they were causing harm to people. They were following orders from Hitler. However, the legal system refuted their claims. Some executed, some faced long term prison sentences, and some committed suicide.

Therefore, history is going to reverberant in Iran. The security forces in Iran who are causing terror to Iranians, a day will come that they face street justice, kangaroo court, and due process that will hold them accountable and responsible for their actions. Do not say; I did not know.

Saturday 15 February 2020

PM Justin Trudeau and Javad Zarif

Dear Right Hon, PM of Canada Justin Trudeau:

When FLQ engaged in terrorist activities in Quebec, your father was Prime Minister of Canada, and he did not negotiate with the FLQ. The Islamic Republic of Iran is a terrorist entity. There is no room for diplomatic engagement with the alien regime in Iran, which is murdering innocent individuals.

عزیز راست گرامی ، نخست وزیر کانادا جاستین ترودو:
هنگامی که FLQ در کبک مشغول فعالیت های تروریستی بود ، پدر شما نخست وزیر کانادا بود و او با FLQ مذاکره نکرد. جمهوری اسلامی ایران یک نهاد تروریستی است. در ایران جایی وجود ندارد که تعامل دیپلماتیک با رژیم بیگانه داشته باشد ، که افراد بی گناه را به قتل می رساند.

When the former mayor of Toronto Mel Lastman shook hand’s of Hells Angles, the Toronto Star criticized him because the Hells Angles lack morality.

Mr. Javad Zarif is a person who is less than Hells Angles. The kind of crime someone like him committed to reaching to that post, and it required him to hurt and harm others gravely.

هنگامی که شهردار سابق تورنتو مل لستمن دست هلز زاویه را تکان داد ، ستاره تورنتو از وی انتقاد کرد زیرا زاویه های جهنمی فاقد اخلاق هستند.

آقای جواد ظریف فردی است که از Hells Angles کمتر است. نوع جنایتی که کسی مانند او مرتکب شده تا به آن مقام برسد و این امر او را ملزم می کند که به شدت صدمه دیده و به دیگران آسیب برساند.

Not Voting During Election Time in Iran

به گفته ایمانوئل کانت ، فیلسوف سیاسی ، وقتی شهروندان رای خود را در صندوق های رأی می دهند ، شخصی رضایت خود را می دهد که توسط افراد برگزیده در دفاتر اداره شود.

یک کشور دارای چندین حزب سیاسی است. این احزاب سیاسی نماینده طیف گسترده ای از ایدئولوژی های سیاسی هستند. شهروندان در حال دستیابی به یک ایدئولوژی سیاسی هستند که رأی خود را به یک حزب سیاسی می دهند. یک حزب سیاسی با کسب اکثریت آرا و تشکیل دولت است. آن را دولت اکثریت می نامند. این امر رضایت و اراده مردم را برای تصویب قوانینی در مجلس ارائه می دهد که این نشان دهنده خواست مردم برای اداره یک ملت است.

من برمی گردم به بند اول این بحث عدم رای گیری در زمان انتخابات. وقتی ایرانیان شهروند نباشند و مشمول نشانه خدا یا آیت الله باشند (این کفر است که کسی او را بخاطر اولین ستون اسلام که وحدت خداست ، خدا را صدا کند) به یک رای رأی نمی دهند. رضایت خود را برای حاکم کردن آنها داشته باشند. جمهوری اسلامی ایران دولتی ندارد زیرا هیچ حزب سیاسی خارج از دیدگاههای اسلامی وجود ندارد. جمهوری اسلامی ایران دولتی دارد که بر ایرانیان حاکم است و بر ایرانیان حاکم نیست.

بنابراین ، جمهوری اسلامی ایران دموکراسی نیست و رأی دادن معنایی ندارد.
According to political philosopher Immanuel Kant, when citizens are casting their votes in the ballot boxes, a person is giving her/his consent to be governed by those individuals elected to the offices.

A country has several political parties. These political parties are representing a wide range of political ideologies.  Citizens are taking a side on a political ideology cast their vote on a political party. One political party wins the majority votes and forms a government; it is called a majority government. It has consented and will of people to pass laws in the parliament, which is reflecting the will of people to govern a nation.

I am coming back to the first paragraph of this discussion of not voting during the election time.  When Iranians are not citizens and are subjects of Sign of God or Ayatollah (it is a blasphemy someone to call her/himself Sign of God due to the first pillar of Islam which is the unity of God), they do not vote to a state to have their consents to rule them. The Islamic Republic of Iran does not have a government because there are no political parties outside of the Islamic views. The Islamic Republic of Iran has a state which is ruling Iranians and not governing Iranians.

Therefore, the Islamic Republic of Iran is not a democracy, and voting has no meaning.

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Islamic Republic in Iran Will Collapse

The Islamic Republic of Iran will collapse. I am reading military strategy books. When an enemy cannot escape and face death, without doubt, soldiers fight hard to escape death. For example, when a captain wanted to invade another country, that captain would burn ships so soldiers would not have hope of retreat — applying the above concept in Iran. Iranians are facing death, whether they like it or not. Iranians will revolt in massive numbers to destroy the regime in Iran.

جمهوری اسلامی ایران فروپاشید. من کتابهای استراتژی نظامی را می خوانم. وقتی دشمن نمی تواند فرار کند و با مرگ روبرو شود ، بدون شک سربازان برای فرار از مرگ سخت می جنگند. به عنوان مثال ، هنگامی که یک کاپیتان می خواست به کشور دیگری حمله کند ، آن کاپیتان کشتی ها را می سوزاند تا سربازان امیدی به عقب نشینی نداشته باشند - با استفاده از مفهوم فوق در ایران. ایرانی ها با مرگ روبرو هستند ، خواه دوست داشته باشند یا نه. ایرانیان برای انهدام رژیم در ایران تعداد زیادی قیام خواهند کرد.

Monday 10 February 2020

Hollywood and Islamic Republic of Iran

During the 1979 Revolution in Iran, the revolutionary people had a slogan, it said, "Equality and Brotherly." It is equivalent to this statement, "Brotherly Relief." The idea was to create a classless society. However, after the 1979 Revolution, the above slogan wiped out of people's memory.  The system established its version of social hierarchy. It was a system of the cleric and their associates who were loyal to the Islamic Republic of Iran. The cleric selected by Allah and destined for greatness. The rest of society did not have any worth value. 

The cleric's social hierarchy uses the Revolutionary Guard and other paramilitary groups to cause fear in society by killing individuals. Recently, the cleric died 1500 individuals because they staged a peaceful assembly. 

The Revolutionary Guard has its Hollywood, too. It hires actors and actresses. Now, these actors and actresses are part of the Islamic Republic of Iran's ideology.  They perpetuate the Islamic Republic of Iran's plan to control the masses.
The point of this paper is here. Hollywood should not give awards to Iranian actors and actresses. These individuals are elements of the regime in Iran. Why is Hollywood giving prizes for bad behavior? Why is Hollywood supporting terrorism? Kindly click on the link, and this man's name is Shahab Hosseini. He is praising the head of state of Iran Khameini (Ayatollah means Sign of God, and anything associating with God is a blasphemy). Why did Hollywood give this man an award? What does Hollywood know about this man?

In conclusion, I hope people will be coming together and would not allow the regime in Iran, which is sponsoring terrorism, to be able to export its agenda to Hollywood.

در طول انقلاب سال 1979 در ایران ، مردم انقلابی شعاری داشتند ، گفت: "برابری و برادرانه". معادل این جمله است ، "امداد برادرانه". ایده ایجاد جامعه بی طبقه بود. با این حال ، پس از انقلاب 1979 ، شعار فوق از حافظه مردم پاک شد. این سیستم نسخه خود را از سلسله مراتب اجتماعی به وجود آورد. این یک سیستم روحانی و همرزمان آنها بود که به جمهوری اسلامی ایران وفادار بودند. آخوندی که از جانب خداوند برگزیده و عظمت را مقدر ساخته است. بقیه جامعه هیچ ارزشی نداشتند.

سلسله مراتب اجتماعی روحانی از سپاه پاسداران و سایر گروه های شبه نظامی استفاده می کند تا با کشتن افراد باعث ترس در جامعه شود. اخیراً ، روحانی 1500 نفر درگذشت زیرا آنها مجمع مسالمت آمیز برپا کردند.

سپاه پاسداران هالیوود نیز دارد. این بازیگران و بازیگران را استخدام می کند. اکنون این بازیگران و بازیگران بخشی از ایدئولوژی جمهوری اسلامی ایران هستند. آنها برنامه جمهوری اسلامی ایران را برای کنترل توده ها زنده می کنند.

نکته این مقاله در اینجاست. هالیوود نباید به بازیگران و بازیگران ایرانی جوایزی اهدا کند. این افراد عناصر رژیم در ایران هستند. چرا هالیوود به خاطر رفتار بد جایزه می دهد؟ چرا هالیوود از تروریسم حمایت می کند؟ لطفا روی پیوند کلیک کنید و نام این مرد شهاب حسینی است. وی در حال ستایش رئیس دولت ایران خامینی است (آیت الله به معنای نشانه خدا است ، و هر چیزی که با خدا ارتباط داشته باشد ، کفر است). چرا هالیوود به این مرد جایزه داد؟ هالیوود از این مرد چه می داند؟

در پایان ، امیدوارم مردم دور هم جمع شوند و نگذارند رژیم در ایران ، که حامی تروریسم است ، بتواند دستور کار خود را به هالیوود صادر کند.

Shohreh Aghdashloo & Afshar

Ms. Aghdashloo cannot go back to Iran after the 1979 Revolution in Iran because the regime found her ethics to be against Allah. Now, she is living in a self-imposed exile. However, the element of the scheme, like Ms. Afshar, was coming in the US and embraced by her enemy.

Ms. Aghdashloo cannot go back to Iran to take a picture, why is she posing with her enemy? She is aware that in one incident, the regime killed 1500 people in cold blood. How does Ms. Aghdashloo is sleeping at night?

خانم آغداشلو پس از انقلاب 1979 در ایران نمی تواند به ایران برگردد زیرا رژیم اخلاق او را خلاف خدا دانست. اکنون او در یک تبعید خود تحمیلی زندگی می کند. با این حال ، عنصر این طرح ، مانند خانم افشار ، در آمریكا می آمد و دشمن او را در آغوش می گرفت.

خانم آغداشلو نمی تواند به ایران برگردد و عکاسی کند ، چرا با دشمنش در حال نمایش است؟ او می داند که در یک حادثه ، رژیم 1500 نفر را در خون سرد کشته است. چگونه خانم آغداشلو شب هنگام خواب است؟

 می آمد و دشمن او را در آغوش می گرفت.

خانم آغداشلو نمی تواند به ایران برگردد و عکاسی کند ، چرا با دشمنش در حال نمایش است؟ او می داند که در یک حادثه ، رژیم 1500 نفر را در خون سرد کشته است. چگونه خانم آغداشلو شب هنگام خواب است؟

Friday 7 February 2020

Ebi and مهناز افشار

In 1979, the revolutionary forces imposed their will against you arbitrarily with the magnitude of losing your life. Thus, you are not going to Iran to preserve your life. Plus, you are not allowed today to step on the divine land of Iran to have a concert. 

Since 1979, the cleric regime in Iran is killing children of Iran to prevent another uprising in Iran. Since 1979 the theocratic regime is plundering Iran's wealth.  Since 1979, the government in Iran created two classes, one class that is part of the inner system. Last, there is a class that is not part of the order or outside.  Individuals are part of the system; they enjoy a free ride society. Ms. Mahnaz Afshar is part of the inner system, who benefit from Iran's wealth, and she made progress. On the other hand, people who stood up for Iran killed or now they are living in exile. 

Mr. Ebi, how could you sit beside Mahnaz Afshar, whose hands are tainted in the blood of people?

در سال 1979 ، نیروهای انقلابی با بزرگی از دست دادن زندگی شما ، اراده خود را به طور خودسرانه علیه شما تحمیل کردند. بنابراین ، شما برای حفظ زندگی خود به ایران نمی روید. به علاوه ، شما امروز مجاز نیستید که در سرزمین الهی ایران قدم بگذارید تا کنسرت برگزار کنید.

از سال 1979 ، رژیم آخوندی در ایران کودکان ایرانی را به قتل می رساند تا از قیام دیگری در ایران جلوگیری کند. از سال 1979 رژیم تئوریک در حال غارت ثروت ایران است. از سال 1979 ، دولت در ایران دو کلاس ایجاد کرد ، یک طبقه که بخشی از سیستم داخلی است. آخر اینکه ، یک کلاس وجود دارد که جزئی از سفارش یا خارج از آن نیست. افراد بخشی از سیستم هستند. آنها از یک جامعه سواری آزاد لذت می برند. خانم مهناز افشار بخشی از سیستم درونی است که از ثروت ایران سود می برد و پیشرفت کرد. از طرف دیگر ، افرادی که برای ایران ایستادگی کردند ، کشته شدند و یا اکنون در تبعید زندگی می کنند.

آقای ابی ، چگونه می توانید در کنار مهناز افشار که دستانش در خون مردم لخته شده است بنشینید؟

Book Review of "The Memoirs of Nasrollah Tavakoli, The First Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army after the Islamic Revolution," published by Ibex Publishers Inc., in 2014 by Peyman Adl Dousti Hagh

  Book Review of “The Memoirs of Nasrollah Tavakoli, The First Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army after the Islamic Revolution,” published b...