Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Race in Canada

These days, we are witnessing a big wave of racism in Canada for several factors:
  1. The issue of racism never was discussed in Canada.
  2. The effect of racism disguised under a banner of hidden racism.
  3. The point of racism in Canada shifted to the US and covered the issue of racism with honey.
Therefore, today Canada is experiencing racism, and the voice of racism is coming from a mouth of individuals that the least we are expecting because they were not challenged in their private sphere and made believed that Canada has no race issue. 

  1. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/toronto-transit-passenger-tells-woman-to-go-back-to-china-in-shocking-video/ar-BBLkeBO?ocid=spartanntp
  2. https://montrealgazette.com/news/canada/fists-fly-and-so-does-a-megaphone-as-refugee-crisis-inflames-local-politics-in-toronto-area/wcm/78e97e55-5f57-4ac3-b04b-145f8c19b517. Everyone is illegal immigrant, except the Aboriginal people.

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