Sunday, 12 August 2018

Canada has Poor Human Rights Record, Too.

  1. Immanuel Kant in his book "Perpetual Peace" says no nation to interfere in another country domestic affairs to have peace. Why did Canada question Saudi Arabia's human rights? Canada has a worst human rights record. The Aboriginal people in Canada represent 3% of the population, and they represent more than 50% of the prison system. 
  2. The Holy Bible says do not judge others, not to be judged. Plus, it means do not blame others and look inside of yourself and will discover your own mistakes. Canada has racial profiling issues in Canada and is doing nothing to fix it.1
  3. The United Nations is another example of the Western power to dominate nonwestern nations.
  4. I am not attacking at anyone or trying to make anyone feel bad. In my view, it is a racist view that the rest of the world must follow the West. Be like we or we are going to destroy you.
  5. I know my words came forward strong, but someone needs to say something here. Saudi Arabia must defend its national sovereignty. Otherwise, the US 1979 Revolution in Iran, will happen in Saudi Arabia.

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