Saturday, 7 July 2018

I watched this video clip; it is a good one to watch. The video clip is discussing how the notion of class conflict has broadened in the realm of sexual identity and race. The 1% is controlling all facets of society. The left side of the political spectrum is calling for an egalitarian society. 

The person on the video clip says that the left side of the political faction has gone too far in their agenda to create an egalitarian society. Therefore, he no longer endorses the left side of the political party, but now he aligned with the right side of the politics.

Now, it is time to do a reality check. People in the US cannot afford to pay an ambulance fee; they prefer to die and not to live. There is no chance for people to have advancement, the system created a fake illusion that anyone can do better. However, the number of homelessness is on the rise in the US.

Therefore, it is straightforward for someone to say walk away from progress and let's preserve the status quo and backwardness which is moving forward in his life no matter what.

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