Saturday, 28 July 2018

Freedom or Racism?

Before anyone begins to have an outcry that the author of this paper is a racist person, think twice. I am not a racist person. I enjoy intellectual debate to expand my horizon and break away from a cycle of mental malnourishment.
A camera begins to roll and is an illustrating point of a family that they are under attack by a man who is using harsh words and is asking them to leave their province. However, the public does not know what the family tells a lone man before him approaching them. According to the family, the man is intoxicated. The question comes to mind that why did not the family leave the scene and avoid the whole scene? Is the family antagonizing the man? The family cannot claim that they are afraid of the man at the time because they outnumber him, and they are standing there and are arguing with him. At one point, it is clear that the man is smiling as he is arguing with the lone man.
Coming to this point, is it against the law someone to hold a view that Ontario is his province? Is it against the law to ask someone to leave his province? Because of the family, too, could ask the man to leave his province.
Overall, I am happy to see this matter if before the judicial system and no one is harmed. Hoping a debate would take place among lawyers in this matter and not easy plea bargain.

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