Saturday, 5 May 2018

City of Toronto and Bylaws

When I lived in Toronto at times of Barbara Hall and Mel Lastman as mayor of Toronto, I felt the same way as others did. I thought that the system overloaded the streets with bylaws to generate revenue for the City.

1. Residences cannot park their cars at night without permits.  Residencies were already paying property taxes. Why should they pay for the permits?
2. The city of Toronto has too many parking enforcers that they walk around the city and issue tickets to people.
3. Playing mind games with people. I remember that Bloor St., E., and W., and Yonge Street signs would change all the times for left-hand change. Notably, when we repeat one action several times, our mind goes on pilot motion and begin to repeat the same act over and over. Therefore, there are always police officers who are standing at the corner and issuing tickets to people.
4. In one case that I was involved. I was driving on Bloor Street East., and there was one street before Yonge. The sign always said that a driver could make a right-hand turn. Thus,  I turned. However, there was a time limit for making a right-hand turn. And the City covered that sign during a specific timeframe. Therefore, police stopped me and issued me a ticket. How did I feel at that time? I did not feel good whatsoever. Here, the Mike Harris government declared war against poor people like me that we could not afford to pay our rents and now I had to work harder. We do not make over $100, 000.00 CDN a year. We work hard for our monies.
5. I decided to take the matter before the judicial system. It was in this moment that the judges began to complain to the media that the City issued too many tickets. The judges decided to dismiss the infractions, and the above violation of mine did not see daylight in the court.
6. Last, the City of Toronto regulated so many no right-hand turn and police officers are waiting at the corner of the streets and issuing tickets to people.
Therefore, the City of Toronto is using police to generate revenue for its budget.

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