Saturday, 19 May 2018

The American Way of Life

On Thursday, May 17th, 2018 Mr. Aaron Schlossberg came in contact with a man who was speaking Spanish with several individuals at an establishment. Mr. Schlossberg did not like the individuals in the establishment were speaking Spanish. He decided to approach the individuals aggressively to stop them from speaking  Spanish because they lived in the US, and they must speak English. The following day, Mr. Schlossberg appeared on other social media video clips that Mr. Schlossberg approached public in the street in a hostile manner. Therefore, he could not control his inner emotions and allowed his feelings to monitor and give direction to him.
Mr. Schlossberg was an attorney and the governing body of lawyers in the New York currently revoked his license to practice law until he will clear the air.

I was watching the "Gang of New York" movie, and there was a character with the name of Bill the Butcher, who did not like newcomers. He berated the newcomers for not being able to speak the English language. He called himself a native and believed he was above the others. I began to interrelate the above movie to the incident of Mr. Schlossberg who berated several individuals in an establishment who did not speak English. Furthermore, Mr. Schlossberg was not an isolated incident Mr. Donlad Trump was the same way, too. He made comments that they were derogatory toward minority groups in the US.

I began to think about Mr. George Bush Jr., who claimed that the terrorist entities attacked at the US because of the way of life of America.

Therefore, the American way of life was a central theme for the Americans, and it reverberated throughout the US history that everyone must speak English, and adopted the American lifestyle. 

The US had not changed, it had remained at its infancy stage. It needed to open the door of dialogue with each other and discuss the past mistakes and removes barriers among each other. However, currently, the individuals that they placed in the governing body to govern, they used a heavy hand to administer. It did not solve problems. In fact, it contributed to political turmoil in the US as during election times someone like Mr. Trump would stir emotions and would get elected to an office and began to abuse the system. It was time to talk with each other and not slap each other in the face.

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