Monday, 21 May 2018

Mr. Jordan Peterson caught the attention of the news because he believes Bill C-16 which is advocating individuals rights to their preferred choice of pronouns, it cannot be exercised because individuals are born male or female. Thus, there is one way of life, and that is the traditional view about gender. A person is born male or female, and there is no alternative view about gender. Mr. Peterson did not shy away from his beliefs and began to speak loudly in the public domain.  He invited to several shows, and the hosts asked him questions about his political views, he denies them. For example, Mr. Peterson appeared at "Nightly News with Lester Holt," and the host asked Peterson, were you a radical right wing? Peterson denied that he was a radical right wing. He replied to the question that it was a silly question because there was no evidence to support Mr. Holt's claim. When the host asked him about his political view. Peterson asserted that he had no political view. Mr. Holt said that your fans were the radical right wing. Mr. Peterson began to reinvent the whole notion of fan that those individuals subscribed to his YouTube channel were not fans. According to Mr. Peterson Rock stars had fans, he had individuals that they were listening to him carefully due to the complexity of the issues that he was discussing with his audiences. Thus, they were not just fans.  At some point, he talked with BBC the title of the segment of the show was "Who is Jordan Peterson?" He said that when he was in the talk shows, he always talked about politics, and he was not talking politics.

Therefore, Dr. Peterson, who had a Ph.D. in clinical psychology to illustrates to him that he was a radical right wing. He denied that he spoke politics, but he did speak politics.

Point One:

Mr. Peterson always was using the concept of no evidence to run away from reality by saying there was no evidence to support a claim that he made a political statement. In the academic arena, it was easy to tell a P.h.D candidate there was no evidence so they would study more. However, in real life, there were pieces of evidence that he spoke politics when he stepped in the realm of politics and rejected Bill C-16. He took a stand against the Canadian parliament. Now, he did not want to stand-up for his cause and wanted to run away as if the real world was a playground for him. Mr. Peterson was not worthy of a person to listen to his views when he did not want to stand by his conviction.

Point Two:

Mr. Peterson was a radical right wing. Just look at his YouTube channel and could see him decorated his YouTube channel with the name of God, and gave an impression of being a church by displaying color image at the corner of his YouTube channel. Therefore, Mr. Peterson was running away from his own identity that who he was as a person. He was not worthy of watching him or following him.
All in all, Mr. Peterson was unable to reach to himself and to understand who he was as a person and was not in a position to tell others they were male or female. Mr. Peterson knew how to dress well for his conservative photo shoots, but he had no idea that who he was as a person. Mr. Peterson was a man who did not stand by his political views and used every scape goals to run away from reality. It would be beneficial for him to continue his work in the area of the cartoons where he would be able to engage the younger audiences that they were interested about simple ideas and did not involve in taking a stand by an idea. He was not a man of honor; he was a man who only wanted to play. Let him play in the playland where he was comfortable to expresses his view with his friends.

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