Saturday, 4 February 2023

Why do some Republican People Fear the Leadership Role of Crown Prince @PahlaviReza for the Liberation of Iran?

 In the past two days, I received two messages regarding the leadership role of Crown Prince @PahlaviReza in bringing the Islamic Republic of Iran down. Their legitimate concern is that they expect a post-collapse of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi declares himself the victor and may become the head of the state of Iran as an absolute monarch.

I put myself in their shoes to understand their words and build a relationship with them to build Iran together.

 وکالت به چه کسی، ایران احتیاج به فردی ندارد که در آینده مانند پدر و پدر بزرگ مستبدش بخواهد بر میهن ما فرمانروایی کند. ایران احتیاج به یک جمهوری دمکراتیک دارد که در آن همه بتوانند آزادانه به هر حزبی رأی بدهند. فراموش کرده اید که در دوران محمد زضا “شاه” یک حزب بیشتر وجود نداشت، آنهم خزب خود “شاه” 

We are not living from 1925 to 1979. We are living in times of political logic. Crown Prince @PahlaviReza asked for Iranians to vote for him because political philosopher Immanuel Kant defines the notion of a vote as having consent and people’s will to act in their best interest. Thus, he gains legitimacy to work on our behalf.

Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi said many times, He appeared before dignitaries, and they wanted more action from Him.

We voted for him and garnered “444,501 have signed” 1. Thus, Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi has my consent and the people’s will to act in our best interest.

The above action does not determine the future of the state of Iran. The above step provides strategies for Iranians to bring down the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In a blueprint format, post-collapse of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi and other individuals, perhaps someone like you, could join together to form an interim government and discuss how the question for a referendum to be drafted for Iranians to vote for a type of state, a republic system or a constitutional monarchy system.

Once Iranians decide on a type of state, people make their political parties from various political ideologies compete with each other to collect votes from people. The one that has the majority votes would form a government. (I am also aware of proportional representation).

Coming to your points, you are asking for a republic system, the meaning of democrat, mistakes of King of Kings, Light of Aryan Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. 

When you say that you only recognize a republic system, you unintentionally exercise authority against others who want a constitutional monarchy system. I see many benefits in constitutional monarchy based on Iran’s political culture. The founder of Iran Zamin is Cyrus the Great, whose father is Cambyses I, he is a Persian, and his mother is Mandana of Media. The Media tribe comprises Kurds, Lur, Azeri, and Bakhtiar.

Democrat means to support democracy or the rule of the people. It does not matter what form of a state people will decide for Iran, whether it is a republic or constitutional monarchy; it must have a constitution which safeguards and protects citizens’ legal rights. 

King of Kings, Light of Aryan, and Chief of Commander of the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces had many errors in public policies. It was a mistake to have one political party (Rastakhiz Party) to represent the diversity of Iranian needs and wants. 

In conclusion, you have a right not to vote for Crown Prince @PahlaviReza to rescue Iran from the demise of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi does not have control over the Iranian Armed Forces. Thus, he cannot form a junta state. He has people on his side. 

I am ending it with this question. How many Mahsa Amini, Navid Afkari, Pouya Bakhtiari and many more people must die that we understand we must put our differences aside and hold each other’s hands to liberate Iran from the tyranny of the Islamic Republic of Iran? 

I am Iranian-Azeri, speak the Persian language with an accent, and love it. I love Iran and love Iran’s cultural heritage.




  1. Brooks, Stephen “Canadian Democracy: An Introduction” 2nd Edition. Published 1996. Oxford University Press.
  2. Bealey, Frank “The Blackwell Dictionary of Political Science,” Published 1999. Blackwell Publisher.

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