I am walking on memory lane and remembering the times I lived in Sanadaj on a military base with my parents. Tall mountains surrounded the residential area of the military base with ice caps on top of them all year round. Sometimes, we would go to the town to do shopping, and the store owners could not speak the Persian language and would say stay here with their body language; we would remain in their stores, and the store owners would come into the stores with another person who could speak the Persian language. They would help us with what they could, and we would leave the stores with fond memories.
I attended the University of Toronto and enrolled in Politics 101 course. One book that students had to read, plus the other two books required readings. The first book was “Canadian Democracy: An Introduction” Second Edition by Stephen Brooks, published in 1996 by Oxford University Press. I am trying to remember the exact page; the book discussed the notion of social justice and referred to Iranian Kurds as deprived of basic needs such as roads, hospitals, and schools. As he mentioned, Mr. Brooks was right about what he was saying to his students: Iranian Kurds are deprived of basic needs. I remember my father, who shared a story about his work with us. He worked at the Military Tribunal, and a portion of his military career involved questioning the accused. A man was brought before him for concealing an assault rifle in his house. My father asked him, why do you have the assault rifle in your house and hidden on your wall? He replied to my father that he lived in a village with his wife and infant child, and his prize possession was several sheep. When a pack of wolves attacked them, he could use his rifle to defend his family and property. He kept his rifle in plastic inside the wall to prevent moisture from damaging his gun. The riffle was hidden in the wall for safety reasons and was not concealed from anyone.
The reality of being behind times reverberates throughout Iran due to the “Great Game” Russia and England played with Iran. Consequently, Iran remained behind modern European countries.

Iranian Kurds need more basic needs. The story is not exclusive to Iranian Kurds, Iranian Arabs, Iranian Azeris or Iranians from Sistan and Baluchistan or any ethnic groups in Iran. It is a result of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s kleptocracy policy. Therefore, the Islamic Republic of Iran must be replaced with the kind of state they want, and political parties form a government. While Iranians strive for their liberation, western countries wish to install their actors in Iran to safeguard their economic interests. The US and Canada are working around the clock to ensure @Maryam_Rajavi, Hamed Esmaeilion @esmaeilion, Masih Alinejad @AlinejadMasih, Nazanin Boniadi @NazaninBoniadi and Abdullah Mohtadi @AbdullahMohtadi to become the political leaders of Iran and implement the federal political apparatus to disintegrate Iran among its ethnic groups. Once again, the European countries are playing the “Great Game” with Iranians to keep Iran behind modern times, and understanding the notion of intersubjective will save Iran from its destruction.
Abdullah Mohtadi @AbdullahMohtadi
On February 08th, 2023, Republican Congressman Tom McClintock tweeted, “Pleased to be joined by @BradSherman & 164 bipartisan colleagues in introducing H. Res. 100 – supporting the Iranian people’s desire for a democratic, secular, & non-nuclear Republic of Iran & condemning violations of human rights & state-sponsored terrorism by the Iranian Govt.”
The resolution of the US Congress selected @Maryam_Rajavi, the leader of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, by advocating the removal of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Maryam Rajavi will become the head of state of Iran as a president of Iran.
Political philosopher Immanuel Kant in his book “Perpetual Peace and Other Essays,” asserts on page 109, article 5, “no nation shall forcibly interfere with the constitution and government of another.”
The US has no legal jurisdiction to determine any course of action for Iran because the Universal Declaration of Human Rights article 21 stipulates that “Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.” At no time did anyone vote for the US to act on behalf of Iranians, nor did Maryam Rajavi, except Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, ask Iranians to give their consent and the will to act on their behalf. Ehsaan Karamy launched a petition on the change.org website titled “Prince Reza Pahlavi is my representative” and asked Iranians to sign the petition. So far, it has garnered over 400 000 signatures. Therefore, Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi has the legitimacy to act on behalf of Iranians, not the US or Maryam Rajavi.
Iranian Canadians escaped Iran to live in Canada and do not want to see the Islamic Republic of Iran’s agents anymore. However, Canada has a long history of sheltering the elements of the Islamic Republic of Iran. These elements have ties with terrorist organizations and are well-known actors of human rights violators. They immigrate to Canada and engage in illegal activities such as money laundering. As a result, their illicit activities caused the housing crisis in Canada.
Canadian politicians care less about the well-being of Canadians. They care about their campaign contribution and garner supporters to vote for them to be elected or reelected to the offices of their constituencies.
For example, Heather McPherson is an NDP Member of Parliament (MP) who appeared in the Power and Politics program. She rejected the motion of designating the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard on the terrorist list. However, she is playing the “Great Game” policy with Iranians who tweeted, “#ZeynabJalalian is a #Kurdish women’s rights activist imprisoned in Iran since 2008. Zeyneb has been subjected to torture, held in solidarity confinement & denied health care.”

Ms. McPherson makes the sound of it that Iran is the occupier of Kurdistan. However, Cyrus the Great’s mother is Mandane of Media, and the Media tribe comprises Kurds, Azeri, Lur, and Bakhtiar. Cyrus the Great’s father is Persian. Therefore, Kurds are part of Iran’s political and social identities.
Canada has been playing its “Great Game” for a long time, and always Canada using Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) to give a platform to unwanted characters to spread their hate around the world. CBC is interviewing Hamed Esmaeilion @esmaeilion, Masih Alinejad @AlinejadMasih, and Nazanin Boniadi @NazaninBoniadi, who support separatist Iranian Kurd Abdullah Mohtadi @AbdullahMohtadi.
Bernard-Henri Lévy @BHL has many invisible hands in every corner of the world. He supports Hamed Esmaeilion @esmaeilion, Masih Alinejad @AlinejadMasih, Nazanin Boniadi @NazaninBoniadi, and Mohtadi @AbdullahMohtadi to separate Iran’s Kurdistan from Iran. Bernard-Henri Lévy @BHL has his version of the history that Iran was called Persia and changed its name from Persia to Iran because of Aryanism. Reza Shah the Great changed the name of Persia to Iran because of the “Great Game” to stop England and Russia from disintegrating Iran among its ethnic groups.
In conclusion, let’s compare the intersubjective of His Excellency Amir Abbas Hoveyda with the Islamic Republic of Iran. Mr. Hoveyda appeared in the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Kangaroo court to defend himself against the accusations of corruption on earth which carried the death sentence. During his trial, he said only Iranians care for each other, and each country cares for its own. The Islamic Republic of Iran’s henchman, Hadi Ghafari, executed Mr. Hoveday in a cruel, bloody, and thirsty way. Now, Ghafari’s children and grandchildren are living in Canada and make campaign contribution to NDP.
The Islamic Republic of Iran’s actors often say they care less for Iran. They belong to the Islamic world and serve only the interest of the Islamic world.
The US and Canada also care about their intersubjective and care less about human rights in Iran. As long as Iran’s financial resources are depleted and deposited in the US and Canada, the rest is ancient history.
Iranians should forget that western countries would provide them with resources to rescue Iran from the tyranny of the Islamic Republic of Iran because Iranians have nothing in common with the west. They must put their differences aside and form a strong bond with each other to topple the Islamic Republic of Iran.
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