Thursday, 16 February 2023

Iranians Are Suffering From Political Depression

The 1979 Revolution in Iran is subject to many discoveries, considering Iran had a national border with the former Soviet Union with a history of five invasions of Russia against Persia and the annexation of Iranian territories. The conflict between Russia and Iran escalated during the Cold War because Russia's feudal system transformed into a communist system with the philosophy of global domination. Iran's national safety and security threaten daily. Homa Katouzian, in his book "Musaddiq and the Struggle for Power in Iran," asserts the Red Army was ready and stood by Iran's doorstep to conquer it in 1953. Thus, a reader understands such an event harmed Iran as it would be forgotten from people's memory and become part of the national integrity of the Soviet Union's sickle and hammer flag. 

The Tudeh Party of Iran (Red), a sympathizer of the Soviet Union, carried out many terrorist actions against the Pahlavi regime (Blue) to undermine the safety and security of the Pahlavi regime with the final goal on its mind to topple the regime. Other left-wing factions joined the Tudeh Party of Iran to do regime change by employing terrorism.

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, the head of the state of Iran, was a devoted Muslim. He used the faith of Islam as a countermeasure against the left-wing atheist factions by satisfying the religious factions' needs and wants, such as building mosques, resource centers, and financial aid. The religious faction enjoyed prestige society because the religious figures appeared close to God.

Iranians forgot the history of the Safavid dynasty (from 1501 to 1736) and that the clerics in this era invented the Shia sect of Islam-adhered to the 12 Saints—the last Saint Mehdi is hidden from ordinary view. Furthermore, the clerics cultivated an atmosphere of the occult for Mehdi that during the judgment day, Mehdi would resurrect to save the world from destruction, and those who were faithful to God's commandments, shall become his companions and enter the eternal kingdom of God. The rest of the people would usher to God's lava, volcanic eruption, boiling water, and unclean environmental factors. The religious faction was not loyal to the King. They, too, engaged in terrorist activities against the Pahlavi Kingdom because they wanted to bring down the Pahlavi Dynasty and establish their Islamic Republic of Iran. Such an agenda was kept secret by the cabal of clerics from the public.

The left-wing factions (Red) were neither advancing toward their goals nor the religious faction. They combined their ideologies and invented Marxis-Islamist political ideology. This coalition is known as the unholy alliance of "Red and Black" in Iran's history.

The Red and Black forces caused unrest in Iran with high magnitude to destabilize the Blue Kingdom, such as attacking police officers, secret police service-SAVAK, military personnel, domestic and foreign dignitaries and foreign visitors in Iran. 

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer and kept his illness silent from the public. The King needed medical treatment to cure his illness. The complex situation of revolt in Iran was not helping the King regain his health. It was a time-out for the King to rest somewhere to seek medical treatment and regain his health to deal with the issue of the revolution in Iran. The King left Iran to seek medical treatment, which created a power vacuum in Iran, and Khomeini returned to Iran after 15 years of exile. Khomeini began to murder the members of the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces in a kangaroo court. Once he purged the threat of a coup, he launched the second wave of purging the left-wing factions. 

As a result, the Black faction monopolized the power that no one expected and came as a shock wave for everyone. The blind side of the Red and the Blue is that they forgot several centuries of a power struggle between the clerics, monarchists, and the red faction, resulting in a zero-sum outcome. 

The 1979 Revolution in Iran caused a political depression for Iranians. It prevented Iranians from different political ideologies from understanding each other and trusting one another so that they could put their differences aside and form a coalition to liberate Iran from the tyranny of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Iranians are clashing with each other over past grievances which have no relevance to today's political climate because today's political actors are not following past political ideologies (not all political actors). The political actors are following the new world order to remain relevant in today's world affairs to rebuild Iran from the ashes of ruin like a phoenix.

Finally, the Islamic Republic of Iran is a system which monopolizes the power unexpectedly from the Red and the Blue with brute force. The action of the clerics caused a shockwave among Iranians that the religious actors outsmarted them in the complex game of politics. 

Iranians walked toward political depression, causing Iranians from different walks of life to walk away from each other. Iranians can begin to trust one another and come together to stop the madness in Iran. Otherwise, the political depression in Iran will lead Iran toward suicide. The choice is yours.

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