Dentist Hamed Esmaeilion @esmaeilion has become a regular guest of Power and Politics-Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) host Natasha Fatah to discuss the Woman (Women), Life, Freedom-Revolution (2022 AD, 1401 solar calendar) of Iran.
In one interview, Ms. Fatah says, Let me give you a specific concern that we are receiving. There is a concern about Reza Pahlavi; he may have been a progressive individual, but he represents a monarchy. He divided many in the diaspora; we do not want to go back to the shah; we want an elected official; it is unfair to what his parents did and pins on him that concern is there for people who are ethnic groups and religious minority groups.
Ms. Fatah Natasha Fatah @NatashaFatah and @CBC commented above. They illustrated how much they hate Iran by maliciously attacking the Pahlavi Family and Crown Prince @PahlaviReza to besmirch the reputation of the Pahlavi Family. Let’s examine @NatashaFatah and @CBC’s vicious attack that the Pahlavi Dynasty mistreated ethnic and religious minority groups in Iran compared with Canada’s ongoing human rights violations against ethnic groups in Canada and what Canada wants to accomplish by making the above statement.
Iran is a mosaic country composed of different ethnic groups, which stem from the founder of Iran Zamin, Cyrus the Great, whose mother was Mandana of Media. Media comprises Lur, Azeri, Bakhtiari and Kurd tribes of Iran. Cyrus, the Great’s father, was Cambyses I, who was a Persian. The diversity of Iran enriched and strengthened Iran’s cultural heritage, which enabled it to stand against the invasion of Alexandra the Great from Macedonia, the Arab invasion of Iran and the Changez Khan invasion of Iran. The diversity of Iran did not allow Iranians to fall apart but stand united against their adversaries.
Cyrus the Great is the founder of human rights, and his work spread across the globe. He is known to Babylonians as “The Liberator,” the Greeks as the “Law-Giver,” and the Jews as the “Anointed of the Lord.”
Cyrus the Great made sure Iran’s political culture firmly established on the premises of respect and dignity toward humans, which reverberated throughout Iran’s history as Reza Shah the Great and Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi I followed in the footsteps of Cyrus the Great to build Iran from the ashes of the ruin of the Great Game of Russia and England.
Cyrus the Great’s policy of respect for human rights echoed at the time of Reza Shah the Great when Nazi Germany persecuted Jewish; Abdol Hossein Sardari was a diplomat stationed in the Paris-France embassy. When the Nazi forces invaded France in World War Two, Jewish people had nowhere to go. Sardari made Iranian passports for them to travel to Iran to save their lives from imminent inhumane death. Reza Shah the Great protected all Jewish people in Iran and did not allow anyone to cause injustice to them.
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi’s domestic policy toward religious and ethnic minority groups was evident. They practiced their faiths and cultural identities without fear. To name one, individuals adhered to the Bahai faith; they never faced persecution.
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi promoted Iran’s cultural diversity as everyone spoke their languages and dressed in their cultural heritage.
Canada is owned by a handful of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASP) like the Irving Family, who control the legislative bodies and how laws are legislated to protect the interest of a few. Consequently, the First Nations are deprived of economic prosperity. First Nations do not have access to basic needs such as hospitals, clean running water, or education. First Nations women are giving birth in their vehicles on the way to the hospital, and no government is interested in building hospitals for them.
Canada has a long history of genocide by separating children from their parents and placing them in residential schools to convert them to white culture. Thus, the First Nations numbers in the prisons are higher than others as well as a high suicide rate compared to others.
Canada has a long history of racial profiling, and no one is doing anything to stop it.
The list of Canada’s human rights violations does not stop here. Canada has a long record of human rights violations.
It is essential to understand what @NatashaFatah and @CBC are trying to accomplish by fabricating lies against the Royal Family and Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi.
It is important to understand Canada made a financial gain from the 1979 Revolution in Iran by allowing the actors of the Islamic Republic of Iran to use Canada as an economic nest which is contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada, “section 83.19 (1) Everyone who knowingly facilitates a terrorist activity is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years.” Just one example among many examples, Canada allowed Rafsanjani to build HWY 407 in Ontario. Canada took a direct part in stealing money from Iranians. Therefore, the money was not invested in Iran—shame on Canada.
In conclusion, @NatashaFatah and @CBC are evil actors using irrelevant issues to prevent Iran from liberating itself from the tyranny of the Islamic Republic of Iran. They are dividing and conquering Iranians with frivolous ideas. Canada wants the Islamic Republic of Iran to remain in power because it is Canada’s income source. It does not care how many Iranians are dying in cold-blood murderers of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Iranians should not allow Canada to infiltrate them and divide them. They need to unify themselves against all the sources of disunity.