Saturday 27 March 2021

Mullahs in Iran Worship Demons

It is not unique to the Islamic Republic of Iran to worship demons to gather intelligence and ghouls to accomplish their goals.

Queen Elizabeth I had John Dee as her advisor, who used black magic to gather intelligence for Queen Elizabeth I. On one occasion, Queen Elizabeth I wore a classic dress with eyes and ears on her dress as a design. The eyes and ears signified that she was listening and was watching people's actions and thoughts with the magic power of John Dee.

The mullahs in Iran are using the magic power of demons to maintain the regime in Iran and control the masses in Iran. It begins with the head of state of Iran, Ali Khameini gave the title of Sign of Allah or Ayatollah to himself. He considered himself equal to God. He appeared on Iran's national television and talked about the supernatural world of jin. Khameini stated that the world has principalities, and a jin rules each principality. The natural conclusion made from his speech about the jin that Khameini had the jin as his privy council to rule Iran.

The theological schools teach people not to talk to the hidden world because people did not know who was talking to them. The voice or apprehension maybe an evil character.

The way evil is seeking to rule the world; the entity identifies a weak soul, who would follow the order of the evil entity. The vulnerable soul offers hers/his services to the entity in return for wealth and treasure f this world.

The evil entity will provide factual statements to the weak soul like Khameini to remain in power. Plus, the evil entity gives the wealth and treasure of the world to Khameini. Khameini's eyes are blinded with power and glory and would do anything to remain in power at cost. The evil entity asks the weak soul like Khameini to shed people's blood, torture people and burn them alive. The evil entity enjoys seeing people are suffering and in pain. Notably, the evil entity can see people are suffering during torture and are being burned alive. The evil entity is unlike humans being in that humans can be at one place at one time. The evil entity does not have humans limitations and can be anywhere more than one time and one place.

Aleister Crowley practiced the art of black magic and called himself the Beast 666. He burned living creatures alive and engaged in all kinds of rituals to be close to the Darkside. Mr. Crowley was welcome during World War Two to interview Rudolf Hess to know how much Hess knew about demons. Therefore, demonology is part of politics.

Hitler's World War Two strategy was on the premise of black magic to conquer the world.

The US President Benjamin Harrison and many distinguished scholars attended the Hellfire Club, where they burn alive cats to access the hidden world.

I am preserving the above parallel reasoning with the contemporary situation in Iran that how Khameini is acting in the best interest of evil which is real.

I am very confident that many people ask themselves Mr. Navid Afkari was a young man with so many dreams. Afkari did not commit a crime, but the regime in Iran tortured him to his death. Afkari has two other brothers in prison under trumpet charges and conviction. While their mother is crying for her children's release from prison. Why? Khameini provides nourishment to the entity to be happy by observing the pain and suffering of people so Khameini can remain in power in Iran.

I am very confident that many people ask themselves the mullahs burn the Cinema Rex of Abadon and burn the passengers of the PS 752 flight. Why? Because the evil entity seeks pleasure in human pain and suffering and burning is the best way for the evil to have optimal pleasure.

In conclusion, the Islamic Republic of Iran's history is full of pain and suffering of innocent individuals that had nothing to do with any crime. The mullahs killed them to please their master that they call jin. It may sound unrealistic that the mullahs in Iran are seeking council from the hidden world. However, the facts are pointing in the direction of the mullah's demonology.

Copyright © 2021 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH

All Rights Reserved

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