Saturday 27 March 2021

How the Islamic Republic of Iran Will Collapse

During the Cold War, Pope John Paul II promoted western democracy and wanted the Soviet Union's foreign policy of communism expansion worldwide to stop. Pope John Paul's vision would become a reality when the Soviet Union would collapse. 

On December 21st, 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed. Therefore, Pope John Paul II's effort to stop the Soviet Union's foreign policy of making all nations around the world communist became a reality that he wanted.

During post-Cold War, a journalist asked Pope John Paul II. How did you know the Soviet Union will collapse? He replied to the reporter, not by referring to the Holy Bible to justify his comment. He used logical reasoning to illustrate his point to the reporter by saying that the Soviet Union system was decay from within. It was not a healthy system. It would collapse.

Today, Iranians are looking at the Islamic Republic of Iran as the demon they created in 1979 by coming out of their homes and chanting Death to America and Death to Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. The demons manifested themselves as the mullahs to Iranians. 

The mullahs formed their military factions under the Revolutionary Guards, Basij, and Plain Clothes agents' brand name to control the masses with Iron Fist. The demons' plans worked very well. The mullahs suppressed all the voices, and all those voices that they went to breathe the life of civil society, the monsters in Iran oppressed their voices in dungeons.

Iranians became restless and wanted to emancipate themselves from the chain of slavery and wanted to be free citizens of the world. The regime could not slaughter several million Iranians. The mullahs introduced their version of the Trojan Horse. Mohammad Khatami called the Reform Movement and caught the attention of Iranians. During election time, he had a landslide victory of voters to the president's office. He held a magic wand and began to wave his wand in the air and said abracadabra. Nothing happened. Iranians were hopeful that something else would happen to improve the quality of life of Iranians. Mullah Rohani began to give a glamourous speech about the great nation of Iran, and he would hold the magic wand and was bring Iranian dignities back to them. Iranians waited for him to do his magic wand, and it did not work. 

Iranians noticed day by day the mullahs sold Iran's natural resources to Russia, China, India, or anyone willing to give them cash in return for Iran's treasures. The mullahs called Iran a treasure box and did not allow anyone to get close to the treasure box because God appointed the mullahs to plunder Iran's wealth.

Now, Iranians reach the last breath of their life and want the mullahs to relinquish power and give the political power back to Iranians. The dynamic between Iranians and the mullahs is at the lowest point. Iranians do not want the mullahs, but mullahs wish to hold on the political power. 

History taught Iranians how Khomeini used all kinds of deception to deceive them that he was coming from God's right hand, and the 1979 Revolution was the divine intervention of God. Therefore, the mullahs will not step down as the political actors of Iran.

Iranians no longer hope for another Machiavellian Cunning Fox of the mullah to masquerade their pain and suffering during a mock debate on the national TV. Iranians are going to control their destiny by boycotting the 2021 election. 

Political philosopher Immanuel Kant states that legitimate governors are the ones who have the consent and will of their constituencies to govern them by the rule of voting since the mullahs will not have the majority vote of Iranians to form a government. The system will be declared an illegitimate system that does not have the consent and will of Iranians to govern them. The mullah system in Iran will collapse automatically. 

Iranians will contact the United Nations to have a national referendum to have a new system in Iran. However, the mullahs will not allow the United Nations to interfere in the domestic affairs of Iran.

The Revolutionary Forces in Iran will stand on guard to protect the mullahs from any form of a military uprising. Also, Iranians do not want to have a junta system. 

The demons in Iran begin to press hard on Iranians to the point that the class consciousness of poverty, loss of sovereignty, and human dignity begins to flourish among Iranians and will unite Iranians to save themselves from the demons controlling them. Iranians will rush out of their homes like in the last scene of the movie "V for Vendetta." It is a scene in that history will record the events to eternity. 

Copyright © 2021 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH

All Rights Reserved

Mullahs in Iran Worship Demons

It is not unique to the Islamic Republic of Iran to worship demons to gather intelligence and ghouls to accomplish their goals.

Queen Elizabeth I had John Dee as her advisor, who used black magic to gather intelligence for Queen Elizabeth I. On one occasion, Queen Elizabeth I wore a classic dress with eyes and ears on her dress as a design. The eyes and ears signified that she was listening and was watching people's actions and thoughts with the magic power of John Dee.

The mullahs in Iran are using the magic power of demons to maintain the regime in Iran and control the masses in Iran. It begins with the head of state of Iran, Ali Khameini gave the title of Sign of Allah or Ayatollah to himself. He considered himself equal to God. He appeared on Iran's national television and talked about the supernatural world of jin. Khameini stated that the world has principalities, and a jin rules each principality. The natural conclusion made from his speech about the jin that Khameini had the jin as his privy council to rule Iran.

The theological schools teach people not to talk to the hidden world because people did not know who was talking to them. The voice or apprehension maybe an evil character.

The way evil is seeking to rule the world; the entity identifies a weak soul, who would follow the order of the evil entity. The vulnerable soul offers hers/his services to the entity in return for wealth and treasure f this world.

The evil entity will provide factual statements to the weak soul like Khameini to remain in power. Plus, the evil entity gives the wealth and treasure of the world to Khameini. Khameini's eyes are blinded with power and glory and would do anything to remain in power at cost. The evil entity asks the weak soul like Khameini to shed people's blood, torture people and burn them alive. The evil entity enjoys seeing people are suffering and in pain. Notably, the evil entity can see people are suffering during torture and are being burned alive. The evil entity is unlike humans being in that humans can be at one place at one time. The evil entity does not have humans limitations and can be anywhere more than one time and one place.

Aleister Crowley practiced the art of black magic and called himself the Beast 666. He burned living creatures alive and engaged in all kinds of rituals to be close to the Darkside. Mr. Crowley was welcome during World War Two to interview Rudolf Hess to know how much Hess knew about demons. Therefore, demonology is part of politics.

Hitler's World War Two strategy was on the premise of black magic to conquer the world.

The US President Benjamin Harrison and many distinguished scholars attended the Hellfire Club, where they burn alive cats to access the hidden world.

I am preserving the above parallel reasoning with the contemporary situation in Iran that how Khameini is acting in the best interest of evil which is real.

I am very confident that many people ask themselves Mr. Navid Afkari was a young man with so many dreams. Afkari did not commit a crime, but the regime in Iran tortured him to his death. Afkari has two other brothers in prison under trumpet charges and conviction. While their mother is crying for her children's release from prison. Why? Khameini provides nourishment to the entity to be happy by observing the pain and suffering of people so Khameini can remain in power in Iran.

I am very confident that many people ask themselves the mullahs burn the Cinema Rex of Abadon and burn the passengers of the PS 752 flight. Why? Because the evil entity seeks pleasure in human pain and suffering and burning is the best way for the evil to have optimal pleasure.

In conclusion, the Islamic Republic of Iran's history is full of pain and suffering of innocent individuals that had nothing to do with any crime. The mullahs killed them to please their master that they call jin. It may sound unrealistic that the mullahs in Iran are seeking council from the hidden world. However, the facts are pointing in the direction of the mullah's demonology.

Copyright © 2021 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH

All Rights Reserved

Sunday 14 March 2021

Rambod Javan and Politics of Tension in Canada


I escaped Iran because the 1979 Revolution caused a seismic shifted in Iran's politics. Iran at the time of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was moving toward the epoch of Cyrus the Great. However, the 1979 Revolution shoved Iran toward the dark-ages where superstitious ideas took over the scientific fields like medicine, astronomy, mathematics and social science like economics.

The revolutionary forces began to reveal true identity to people that they were ruthless individuals. They had no mercy, honour, and lack of reasoning. They did not have emotional intelligence. They were holding swords in their hands as the blood of innocent individuals leaked from the blade of their swords.

The revolutionary forces were proud of their bloodbath and deemed their behaviour to be divine. The above experiences left countless individuals with shock and awe. The strength of shock and awe overwhelmed numerous Iranians that they could not endure pain and suffering who accepted the self-imposed exile with no prospect of returning to Iran.

The diaspora found new countries as their adopted homes and wanted to live in a state of tranquillity. They did not want to see an innocent person dragged in the street and faced barbaric punishment.

The diaspora heard a warning from Khomeini that he will export his revolution to the rest of the world. Iranian diaspora did not want to relive the 1979 Revolution one more time.

The regime in Iran began to deploy its Trojan Horses around the world. Each Trojan Horse selected a nation to plant the seed of the 1979 Revolution. They are working and are having families in their new countries like Rambod Javan.

Rambod Javan is a revolutionary person. He is the essential element of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who immigrated to Canada with his wife. They have a son who was born in Canada. Mr. Javan and his wife are in Canada not intending to make a new life for themselves but to pioneer the 1979 Revolution in Canada. Iranians lived in Canada and experienced the 1979 Revolution, and fled Iran for a better life in Canada; they are afraid of Javan. They knew Javan had a hateful heart; he was full of anger and resentment toward Western ideas and culture. He shouted death to America, death to the west. Then why was he in Canada?

Canadian politicians from all sides of the political spectrum saw Iranians in the diaspora in a state of panic. Iranians did not feel indifferent about politics; the stagnant of Canadian politics received a handsome action from the diaspora community. Iranians made campaign contributions and took part in political life.

Canadian politicians from different political factions enjoy seen Iranians are panicking. They call politicians to stop allowing individuals like Javan to come to Canada because Canada is becoming unsafe for them to live. Politicians do not care; it is about the tension in society, enabling them to elect to office. Politicians legislate laws to allow individuals like Javan or mullah Rafsanjani to come to Canada and make Canada their homes. Politicians have an attitude of I do not care. It is all about the well-being of politicians.

Copyright © 2021 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH
All Rights Reserved

Spin Doctors Negar Mortavazi and Peyman Maadi


Define the Term Spin Doctor?

"a spokesperson employed to give a favourable interpretation of events to the media, especially on behalf of a political party."1

"In public relations and politics, spin is a form of propaganda, achieved through knowingly providing a biased interpretation of an event or campaigning to influence public opinion about some organization or public figure. While traditional public relations and advertising may manage their presentation of facts, "spin" often implies the use of disingenuous, deceptive, and manipulative tactics."2

Personality of a Spin Doctor:

"One adaptive trait common to all animals is nervous systems and sensations – feelings. Freud noticed that feelings are internal representations of what organisms must respond to well in order to survive. Sex and nutrition taste good. To lust for them is good for biological reproductive success.

But not always. Freud noticed that too. What you lust for is sometimes at odds with what’s good for you. With feelings, our striving to fit our reality gets some competition. We want to survive but we also want to feel good. They aren’t always the same thing or else an opioid addiction would be the secret to survival.

And then there’s us humans. We evolved another internal representation of our external reality: language and with it, concepts and the technology to spread our ideas. Ideas can make us more realistic but also less realistic especially since they’re riding atop our emotions. We want to be realistic, but even more, we want to feel realistic. The feeling is easier had through self-confidence and self-promotion than through careful attempts to fit our reality.

What do you get when you cross life’s responsiveness to reality with an animal’s feelings and with a human’s capacity to conceptualize? You get a rhetorical animal, a creature that tries to persuade itself and others of concepts that play on our feelings regardless of how realistic they are.
Humans are doubly detachable from reality, both by emotions and by language, which combined, make us the rhetorical creatures we are, creatures easily besotted by confirmation bias: The tendency to embrace what affirms and deflect what disaffirms.

Confirmation bias is the most likely cause of our species’ extinction, people and cults convinced by their own rhetoric, unpersuadable to face and adapt to reality.

Rhetoric is defined variously. It sometimes just means communication. Here I’m focused on it as spin –appealing to our appetites for emotional confirmation. As such, it’s like a few other practices: Politics as distinct from statecraft, and romance in all its forms, attempts to promote some ideas and demote other ideas by playing on our feelings."3

Politics and Tension in Society:

Why do people vote during election time? Due to the tension in society, politicians are capitalizing on those tension issues to convince voters to vote for them because their political platform will solve all the stresses in society.

Politicians create tensions in society by cutting back on social programs or expanding some programs that are unnecessary for society's growth.

Today, Negar Mortavazi and Peyman Maadi are playing the role of the spin doctor. Ms. Mortavazi and Mr. Maadi have ideas on their minds to legitimize the Islamic Republic of Iran's human rights violations inside Iran and normalize the Islamic Republic of Iran's asymmetrical warfare.

Consequently, Iranians are experiencing human rights violations in Iran, and they witness how the regime in Iran is wasting resources rather than allocating those funds toward the growth of Iran. The mullahs are buying guns and bullets to fight the US.

In the US, politicians like Joe Biden need voters to vote for them. They are pursuing a policy of tension in society. Mr. Biden allows Ms. Mortazavi to appear close to him during election time. Iranians in the diaspora become concerned about their safety and security. They are making campaign contributions during election time to prevent another episode of the 1979 Revolution in the US.

In the primary time, Ms. Mortazavi is power-hungry and has a huge ego; she loves the tension and dynamic of power that she can control and give direction about the public opinion. She pays public relations (PR) agency to depict her as a superstar. The PR agency gets the cash and makes her a megastar of all times to shine in a dark galaxy for everyone to mesmerize. How is it possible she is an inspirational person? How did Forbes magazine selected and give her such a lofty image? The public relations agency needs money and will do the magic. Please check amazon or Chapter and Indigo for self-publishing books. Their agencies are receiving hardcore cash, and the books are becoming best-sellers or authors of the month.

Regarding Mr. Maadi, kindly pay close attention to the person is interviewing. The interviewer is a woman; at first, she is smiling as Maadi is talking. She received a message and could hear the sound of receiving a message. She looked at the screen of her computer; her facial expression changed. She was biting her lips and wanted to end the interview.

In conclusion, Iranians in the diaspora are looking at Mortavazi and Maadi as Trojan Horses in the US who want to export Khomeini's revolution in the US. Iranians are panicking and are saying, "We got to do something. We do not want another revolution in the US." They are making campaign contributions to the politicians and are taking part in stagnant US politics.

In reality, US politicians are collaborating with the mullahs in Iran because the US politicians are making the US unsafe for everyone.

Copyright © 2021 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH
All Rights Reserved

1Oxford-Google. 14 March 2021

2Safire, W. (1996, December 22). The spinner spun. Retrieved March 14, 2021, from

3Sherman, J. (2020, March 16). The spin doctor's hippocratic oath. Retrieved March 14, 2021, from

Thursday 11 March 2021

Saying no to the Islamic Republic of Iran

The Islamic Republic of Iran selected Friday, June 08th, 2021, as a day of the election. In this upcoming election, candidates are running for the president's office have received the approval of the head of state, Khameini. The candidates are not coming from the heart of society. Therefore, Iranians will not elect who will be elected to the president's office. Already, Khameini elected who will be elected to the president's office. 

A grassroots movement has begun in Iran as Iranians are saying no to the Islamic Republic of Iran. 

Twenty-two questions came to my mind why do Iranians are boycotting this upcoming election?

  1. Did the Islamic Republic of Iran execute your loved one?
  2. Did the Islamic Republic of Iran torture you or your loved one?
  3. Did the Islamic Republic of Iran torment you or your loved one in the street due to sumptuary laws? 
  4. Did the Islamic Republic of Iran cause you, your loved one, or you know someone to go to Iran, and the Iraq War, who never came back home or they sustain a permeant injury? Because the war finished in 1982, Saddam Hussien wanted peace with Iran, and Saudi Arabia and Kuwait were going to pay for all the expenses to Iran and Iraq. However, the mullahs dragged the war for eight years and did not provide logistics and training to the soldiers to go to war. Also, the Revolutionary Guards acted as the fifth column. 
  5. Did the Islamic Republic of Iran use child soldiers?
  6. Did the Islamic Republic of Iran use human waves to clear landmines during combat?
  7. Did you leave Iran because of the Islamic Republic of Iran's having domestic policy of repression?
  8. Did you fear your life in Iran and outside of Iran because of the Islamic Republic of Iran?
  9. Do you believe the Islamic Republic of Iran occupying Iran with fear, fraud and force?
  10. Did the Islamic Republic of Iran burn your loved one alive like Cinema Rex?
  11. Did the Islamic Republic of Iran degrade the integrity and value of Iranian women?
  12. Did the Islamic Republic of Iran caused Iran's economy to collapse?
  13. Did the Islamic Republic of Iran make you hungry? 
  14. Did the Islamic Republic of Iran plunder Iran's wealth?
  15. Did you sell human organs to pay your bills?
  16. Did the Islamic Republic of Iran make child labour legitimate?
  17. Do you see people are going to the garbage bins to salvage food for themselves?
  18. Does the Islamic Republic of Iran safeguard and protect the environment? The mullahs are burning Iran's forests to build mansions for themselves. 
  19. Does the Islamic Republic of Iran safeguard and protect animals? The mullahs are killing environmental activities and animal activists. 
  20. Does the Islamic Republic of Iran defend the national sovereignty of Iran? The mullahs handover Iran's key to Russia, China, and India so far. We do not know what else they had done.
  21. Do you want the mullahs to export their revolution to the rest of the world?
  22. Were you persecute due to your belief system or sexual orientation? 

In conclusion, let's hold each other's hands wherever we are, whoever we are, and whatever we think. One united voice, one flag, Lion and Sun flag against the Islamic Republic of Iran's totalitarian regime. Enough is enough. 

Copyright © 2021 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH

All Rights Reserved

Medusa is the Mullah's Turban

A Persian expression conveys a strong message of the mullahs' role in Iranian society; if a person lifts a mullah's beard, under the beard says Made in England. This statement reverberates in Iranian political culture from the time of the Safavid Dynasty to the present time.

Wishing Iranians acted prudently in the 70s and not naively followed Khomeini Hindi Made in England. If Iranians acted wisely, Iran would be a developed nation now. However, Iranians did not act wisely and, as always, allowed England to play a trick with Iranians.

England played countless dirty tricks with Iran and Iranians to take away land from Iran and handed it over to Russia during "The Great Game." Plus, no Iranian should ever forget how military strike of England and Russia during World War Two against Iran, while Iran declared itself a neutral state and did not want to participate in World War Two.

England pursued a foreign policy of destroying Iran to the 70s when the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) provided Khomeini's platform to foment chaos and anarchy in Iran. BBC knew Khomeini was a criminal. 

Khomeini's criminal record was going back to 1963 when Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi executed the White Revolution in Iran with the consent of the parliament to modernize Iran. Khomeini did not like the White Revolution because Iran was moving toward the epoch of the Cyrus the Great. Khomeini wanted Iranians to remain in dark-ages as the mullahs made all decisions for them. According to the mullah's doctrine, which is superstitious and dogmatic, it was essential to understand a puzzling question that how many angels were dancing at the tip of a pin? 

Therefore, the British Broadcasting Corporation and other foreign political actors knew well that Khomeini had no peaceful plan for Iran. Otherwise, they would not assist him in instigating the 1979 Revolution in Iran.

I could hear Khomeini on the BBC radio; he encouraged Iranians to set on public fire properties, attack the soldiers randomly, attack at the military bases to destroy the army. He asked people to attack women and children whose husbands were military officers, kill SAVAK agents. He called for vandalism and torching Iran. Iranians followed him because the BBC said that Khomeini appeared on the moon. Iranians came out of their homes at night and looked at the moon. They clearly stated that they saw Khomeini's image on the moon. Iranians did not ask themselves this question. Mohammad claimed to be the prophet of Allah; he never performed a miracle. How was it possible Khomeini performed a miracle in this magnitude as his image appeared on the moon? Because the King spoke English, French and German. People said Khomeini spoke five languages. 

People thought of Khomeini as a divine being and Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi as a tyrant. They were encouraged to sacrifice themselves for Khomeini's elusive social justice that he promised them. 

The US President Jimmy Carter was the willing participant in the destruction of Iran. People called Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi the puppet of the US and wanted the King to descend from the Peacock Throne. Jimmy Carter's voice broadcasted from the BBC that he supported the King to remain in power in Iran. Iranians would become enraged when they heard on the radio that US President Jimmy Carter sided with the King. People would come out of their homes and chanted Death to the King. Later on, Jimmy Carter played his dirty trick with Iranians that the King failed to uphold human rights. Once again, Iranians could not control their emotions and became emotional and would come out of their homes to torch anything around them.

On January 17th, 1979, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi did not want to hold on to power at the cost of his people's blood. He left Iran with no prospect of coming back to Iran.

The Jimmy Carter Administration began to paint Khomeini as a divine being that he was sitting on the right-hand side of God. "On February 08th, 1979, Andrew Young, the chief United States delegate to the United Nations, praised Islam yesterday as "a vibrant cultural force in today's world" and said that Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Iranian Islamic leader, would eventually be hailed as "a saint."

Mr. Young, going considerably further in his views than has the Carter Administration, declared that it would be "impossible to have a fundamentalist Islamic state" in Iran because "too much Western idealism has infiltrated that movement."

"Islam is a vibrant cultural force in today's world and not something that died with the Middle Ages," the delegate paid in an hourlong meeting with the New York Forum, a group of New York City reporters at the City University Graduate Center. He said that Islam had been "revitalized with young people with Western educations" and added, "I don't think the Ayatollah realizes the force he is in control of." 1

England and the US covered Khomeini's turban with divine make-up. Iranians could not see the snakes under Khomeini's turban. On February 01st, 1979, Khomeini returned to Iran and when an American reporter asked him," how do you feel about returning to Iran after fifteen years of exile?" Khomeini replied, "nothing."

Khomeini did not remove the turban right away. He went to the Refah school and hid from the public view. He asked for General Mehdi Rahimi, General Nasiri, General Naji, and General Khosrowdad. Khomeini removed his turban and showed the snakes on his head to the above military Generals. Khomeini took their lives to ensure his longevity as a statesman of Persia that he had no feeling for it.

Iranians were busy cheering with their newfound divine Khomeini. Khomeini was preoccupied with killing Iranians. Iranians thought by being silent; everything will go away.

The western nations were busy depicting Khomeini as a beloved divine man of the year on January 07th, 1980. The TIME magazine published Khomeini's picture on the cover of its magazine and called him "Man of the Year." Still, the US propaganda machine was supporting Khomeini's snakehead.

Khomeini enjoyed his role as the stateman of Persia. He was walking around without any shame of having snakes on his head. Khomeini killed anyone. He killed Iranians in prisons because they did not share his views. Those Iranians who did not want to oppose Khomeini went to Iran and Iraq War, and they died. Khomeini started Iran and Iraq war because he wanted to export his revolution to the world. He asked Iraqi Shia Muslims to revolt against Saddam Hussein. Khomeini's preconceived plan did not go so well. Saddam Hussein nullified the 1975 Algeria's accord and launched a massive military attack on Iran. Khomeini said many times to Iranians to go to war and die for Islam.

Eventually, Khomeini concluded he could not defeat Saddam Hussien; he accepted the peace treaty with Saddam Hussein. Khomeini was not a humble man; he felt humiliated in front of the world that he could not win the war against Iraq without the support of foreign actors. Khomeini passed his snake turban to mullah Ali Khameini. He attached those snakes to his head. He began to kill anyone who stood in his way. 

In conclusion, it is clear and evident that strong Iran poses a threat to western nations. The western countries have a policy of making sure the Medusa in Iran will remain in power so Iran would remain a weak nation as the young people are killed in Iran or flee Iran for a better life outside of Iran.  

The Medusa story needs a hero to save Iran and Iranians from relentless slaughter. Perseus will not rescue Iranians because he is waiting for Iranians to step forward to become the hero of their destiny.  


Young Praises Islam as 'Vibrant' And Calls the Ayatollah 'a Saint' - The New York Times (

Copyright © 2021 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH

All Rights Reserved

Monday 8 March 2021

Book Review of Mr. John Yarker published “The Old Charges Ancient and Primitive Rite of Freemasonry.”

 Mr. John Yarker published "The Old Charges Ancient and Primitive Rite of Freemasonry." The date of publishing this book is unknown. 

This book has thirty-three chapters. The chapters are not interrelated. The main theme of the book is that God is real, and God is "THE SUBLIME ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE."

People from outside of Freemasonry say that the letter "G" in the middle of the Freemasonry symbol means Agnostic or Gnostic. 

Agnostic means a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena. A person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.

Gnostic means, Gnosticism is a collection of religious ideas and systems which originated in the first century AD among early Christian and Jewish sects. These various groups emphasized personal spiritual knowledge over the church's orthodox teachings, traditions, and authority.

Mr. Yarker says the letter G in the middle of the symbol of Freemasonry means "the letter G in the center, the meaning of which s thus exolained:-Glory, Grandeur and Gomel: from which we understand by-Glory, God; by Grandeur, the man who may be great by Perfection; and Gomerl is a Hebrew word, which signifies thanks to God for His supreme power. It is the first word that Adam spoke on discovering the adorable Eve." Page 11-12.  

"Our ancient Hebrew brethren recognized twelve mysterious or cabalistic names by which they expressed the attribute of Deity, namely, three names of three names of three letters each, Jod, Jao, and Jah; three names of five letters each, Eliah, Joheb and Jobel; three names of seven letters each, Shaddai, Adonaih and Jakinai; and three names of nine letters each, Jahbulaum, Elehannan and Yod-he-vo-he. These letters being combined give the numerical signs and are thus explained;3 ' 3=9; 3 ' 5= 15; 3 ' 7 = 21; 3' 9=27.

Then adding 9, 15, 21 and 27 the amount is 72, being the number of the Sanhedrim of Jerusalem...the true pronunciation of the name of God was revealed to Enoch and that he engraved the letters composing that name on a triangular plate of gold. The name was represented by four Hebrew consonants and the vowel sounds of his language being represented by points placed above the consonants composing the mysterious word at different ages received different pronunciations...After the death of Enoch the Ineffable Name was pronounced by Mathuselah, Lamech, and Noah, JUHA (Ye-haw), three ages, Reu, Serug, Nahor, Terah, Abraham, Isaac and Judah, JOVA, (Yo-waw), seven ages. Shem, Araphaxad, Salah, Eber, Peleg and Hezron, JEVA (Ye-waw) five ages. Hezron and Ram, JEVO, (Yay-wo), Aminadab and Nahasson, JEVAH, (Ye-way), Salom, Obed and Boaz, JOHE, (Yo-hay) and by Jesse and David, JEHOVAH (Ye-ho-waw), in all (Yo-hay) and by Jesse and David, JEHOVAH (Yeho-waw), in all nine ages." Page 21.

"The Magi studied every department of nature with attention, with a view to arrive at a knowledge of its essence. The immensity of the aerial fluid filled those fires, which they regarded as so many small Suns and afterwards as Stars. The power of the atmosphere upon all things and the harmony of the organic laws, caused them to admire the wonders of nature; and sharpened their energies to inquire and to discover the vivifying principle, the soul of the Universe. "Page 52.

Mr. Yarker admired the theosophy school of thoughts because the theosophy, associated with their monism, believes that God is utterly transcendent and impersonal, that creation is the product of spiritual emanations from God. Humans are sparks of the divine trapped in the material world who desire to return to their spiritual home.

Mr. Yarker was born on April 17, 1833, and died on March 20, 1913. He did not see how theosophy contributed to Hitler's belief that there was superhuman. 

Book Review of "The Memoirs of Nasrollah Tavakoli, The First Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army after the Islamic Revolution," published by Ibex Publishers Inc., in 2014 by Peyman Adl Dousti Hagh

  Book Review of “The Memoirs of Nasrollah Tavakoli, The First Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army after the Islamic Revolution,” published b...