Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Wise Political Leader

 During the Cold War, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was the head of state of Iran. It was a complicated time to govern a nation. Iran's security threatens from two sides. One, Russia, located in the northern part of Iran, the Russian Red Army did not contemplate to capture Iranian territory anymore. The Red Army remained behind its national border. Last, Iraq was located on the west of Iran; Iraq received military support and political ideology support from Russia to attack Iran. Iran welcomed Iraq's military confrontation. However, Iraq stepped down from its ambitious plan to conquer Iran.

In 1979, Jimmy Carter installed Khomeini in power in Iran with the British Broadcasting Corporation's assistance. Khomeini began to wage holy war against Iraq and the neighboring nations. His foreign policy failed after every step. 

In conclusion, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was a wise king who governed Iran without causing a single bullet to be fired from a soldier's assault rifle.  Plus, Iran's economy, science, and environment were making progress. However, the theocratic regime that inherited Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi's modern nation turned into stone age. Thus, this is the reason Iranians are chanting Long Live the King and not because of nostalgia. 

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