Thursday, 15 October 2020

Wake-Up Iranians

Recently, Ph.D., medical doctor Rahim Rahmanzadeh wrote a letter to Ayatollah (Sign of God) Ali Khameini because Dr. Rahmanzedeh predicts the theocratic regime Iran will collapse in some near future. He is asking the head of Iran, Ali Khameini, to relinquish power and retire from the world of politics. Dr. Rahmanzedeh invites other Iranians in high society to join in his cause to convince cleric Khameini to step down from power. Let's examine how Iran's regime will collapse and why Iranians need to rely on themselves and not anyone else.

There are two reasons for the regime in Iran to collapse. The primary reason is the collapse of Iran's economy. The economic nature of the regime in Iran is an oligarchy system. The power elite in plunder Iran's wealth. Therefore, Iran's national economy is empty. Currently, poverty is on the rise in Iran.  There is nothing that can stop the train derailment of the regime in Iran.  It is a foregone conclusion. Iran's society is composed of two classes. There is no middle class. A class that has nothing, a class has everything. The class has nothing, and more members of society join the class. The rest of society has everything made of a handful of loyal servants of the 1979 Revolution in Iran.  These individuals in Iran are living a luxury life style. This deluxe segment of society comprises the cleric class, the Revolutionary Guards class, the Paramilitary factions like Basij, and the plainclothes individuals. 

The ancillary reason for Iran's regime will collapse because of Mr. Trump's economic sanctions against Iran's system are causing financial hardship on Iranians. 

The US Presidential Election of 2020 caused hope and dreams for Iranians in exile to have a lifetime chance to bring the regime in Iran down. 

 In this presidential election, it has two front runners—Mr. Joe Bidden and incumbent President Mr. Trump.  Mr. Bidden promises that if he gets elected to the president's office, he will lift the economic sanctions against Iran's cleric regime. Mr. Trump's action plan against Iran's regime is clear, more economic sanctions against Iran's ruler until the regime in Iran collapses in the hands of Iranians. 

Iranians in exile do not want to see Mr. Bidden during the upcoming election will be elected to the president's office because Iran's cleric regime will remain in power.  Iranians in exile want to see Mr. Trump will be elected to the president's office for the second time. Iranians are going through old news and are gathering information about Mr. Bidden's relation with Ms. Hillary that how they knew about the cleric's involvement in the Middle East to form terrorist entities or Mr. Bidden's son had a connection with a Ukrainian corporation. 

Iranians are also hoping for a high society like Pheroz Naderi to cast their votes during this upcoming election to Mr. Trump. However, he said he would be voting for Mr. Bidden. Iranians are also hoping Anousheh Ansari or others will vote for Mr. Trump. 

Iranians need to wake-up. They do not need to hope and dream that someone will come and save the day by the bell. Iran will be saved because of Navid Afkari. Iran will be saved because of Pouya Bakhtiari. Iranians need to understand when Jimmy Carter brought Mohammad Reza Shah's Pahlavi down; the economic system was performing optimally. Today's the economy of Iran collapsed because the cleric in Iran plundered Iran's wealth. 

In conclusion, let's not hope someone can move their magic wand for a miracle to happen in Iran. Iranians must determine Iran's future. The theocratic regime in Iran will collapse because it is Iranians wills. We do not need high society or a US president to help us to bring peace to Iran. We must hold each other's hands to bring peace to Iran.  

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