Friday, 23 October 2020

Iranians to Boycott the Upcoming Olympic Games

Recently, Ms.Masih Alinejad launched a campaign to boycott the upcoming Olympics in light of Navid Afkari's death in the hands of the theocratic regime in Iran. Ms. Masih Alinejad's vision for a united front against the Islamic Republic of Iran requires understanding about Iran's free future. One group of athletics felt the campaign did not support their dreams of attending an international event. The last group thought it was the right way to confront the brutality of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The athletics should take a lesson from the Government of Canada for boycotting the 2022 Winter Olympics

One group of athletics did not support Ms. Alinjad's cause because they invested time and money to reach the pinnacle point of physical fitness. Now, in a moment to drop everything, walk away from their dreams and aspirations. This group did not find Ms. Alinjad's campaign fair to them and wanted to attend the upcoming Olympics.

The last group came with solidarity with Navid Afkari, who was killed and tortured in the clerics' hands under flagrant and unfounded criminal charges. This group did not want to ignore the regime's systemic use of brute forces against Iranians so that the cleric could remain in power.

On Tuesday, October 22nd, 2020, The Globe and Mail published an article about Uyghurs' predicament under the Ironclad of the Communist Party of China. Canada's Government has no tie with Uyghurs and is planning to boycott the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.1 Canadian athletics do not receive any funds to prepare themselves for the Olympic Games. They invest their hard-earned money and time away from the enjoyment of life to prepare themselves for the Olympic Games.

In conclusion, the first group is right when it says time and money invested to reach the optimal fitness point. It is hard to walk away from an opportunity that may never come back. However, their action will cause Iran's regime to remain in power and kill more innocent individuals like Navid Afkari, Pouya Bakhtiari, Nader Mokhtari, and many other individuals whose life curtails in cold blood. Does anyone want to hold the flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the Olympic Games, which tainted in the blood of innocent peoples? It is a rhetoric question, and the answer is no.

The only time peace will come to Iran is when Iranians become selfless and understand more meaningful goals and honor. It is about becoming one voice. One united voice against Iran's theocratic regime, which is holding a sword and murdering people in cold blood without faith or mercy so that individual's like Navid Afkari can fulfill their dreams and not taking their dreams to grave.

For once, we can see Canada as a leading example for boycotting the 2022 Winter Olympic Games for Uyghurs that they have no connection with Canadians.

The case of boycotting the Olympic Games is about justice, and let justice prevail.



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