Friday, 7 August 2020

I am proud to be Iranian

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I am proud to be Iranian; I am pleased to be born in Iran's ancient land of history, religion, arts and culture, and science.  These historical milestone achievements make me proud of being Iranian. 

I am proud Iranian its founder is Cyrus the Great, who liberated Jewish from the captivity of Babylon, Greek called Him the lawgiver. Cyrus the Great proclaimed the First Human Rights as it was unknown universal law to humankind. His Achaemenid Empire lasted more than 200 years.

I am proud Iranian with the way Iranians from the land of noble stood against Alexander the Great from Macedonia.

I am proud Iranian as the Parthian Empire provided safety and security to Iranians against Pax Romana so that Iranians could live freely. This dynasty lasted 400 years.

I am proud Iranian as the Sasanian Empire cultivated a safe and secure climate for all religions in Iran to flourish. This dynasty lasted 400 years.

I am proud of Mithra's faith; it is the Zoroastrian Angelic Divinity of the covenant, Light and Oath, Mithra, an authoritative figure on the all-seeing protector of truth and the guardian of cattle, the harvest, and the waters.

I am proud Iranian as the monotheistic Zoroastrian faith teaches three fundamental principles of walking in the path of Ahura Mazda. Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds. These three principles are reverberating in all the faith groups that they came after the Zoroastrian faith.

I am proud Iranian who stand by justice and never lies because liars are enemy of God.

I am proud Iranian for how Iranians transformed and inspired Iran's post Arab invasion of Iran in the 7th Century.

I am proud Iranian for how Iranians' post-Mongol invasion of Iran used arts and culture to integrate Iran's invaders in the mainstream culture. Iran's culture is about accepting outsiders as insiders of the mainstream society.

I am proud Iranian as Iran produced academic scholars who laid the foundation of modern science like Abu Ali Sina, Abu Rayhan Biruni, Omar Khayam, and many more academic scholars who improved humankind's quality of life.

I am proud Iranian as Ferdowsi preserved Iran's national identity in his book "King of Kings," so we would not forget who we are as one nation and where we are moving forward as one nation.

I am proud Iranian as the nation of Iran is a mosaic society of many diverse ethnic individuals and religious groups.  This diversity allows Iran to grow and expand beyond human imagination. 

I am proud of Iran's tricolor flag of Green, White, and Red for having an ancient symbol in the middle of the flag. The Lion in the flag reminds me of my courage that I will not feel fear or fearing death; I will remain steadfast in the just cause. The Sun reminds me of my Zoroastrian faith, and I will follow the path of Ahura Mazda, which is appearing in the middle of the flag like Sun as Ahura Mazda will always prevail against injustice. Sword reminds me of Ahura Mazda's Justice, which Shall be Swift and Just.

I am proud Iranian as Iran's Red Lion Society shall be a source of relief for those individuals who are seeking protection and refugee from disaster. 

I am proud Iranian for having the opportunity to live in Iran when King of Kings Mohammad Reza Pahlavi governed Iran with prudence, intelligence, and wisdom. He abolished the feudal system in Iran so that Iran can move toward modernity and progress. 

From time to time, every person, every household, every nation will face a setback. As Iran's history teaches us, Iran is like a Phoenix; it will reflourish one more time as will come forward and fly the sky. Thus, I am always proud of being Iranian.

What you are about to read, it is protected with the Copyright. If you want to use a piece, please give me credit. 

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