Sunday, 30 August 2020
Saturday, 29 August 2020
Friday, 28 August 2020
I want peace for Iran
I want peace for Iran. I want peace in the Middle East and the whole world. I do not wish to witness endless war and destruction of nature and humanity. I do not want to see any human being in a state of pain and suffering.
I do not believe the conventional wisdom of a group has an exceptional approach to the way of life and has no merit being imposed against others' will.
I am talking about peace; it is my natural right to speak about peace; it is my birthright to have happiness and joy in my life as I want to share those qualities with others.
I want peace so that those scarce resources are allocated toward economic prosperity and building all nations worldwide.
I want peace so that those resources are contributing to a sustainable and stable future for the next generation to inherit a bountiful and meaningful life.
I want peace means others are not against me. It means we are part of one family.
Talking about peace does not pose a threat to the national security of a country.
I want peace means solidarity among us. There is an absence of political ideology.
I want peace does not make me a civil activist.
I want peace does not make me a political activist.
Copyright © 2020 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH
All Rights Reserved
Sunday, 23 August 2020
Statistic Canada's Survey 2020
Recently, I completed an online Statistic Canada's survey. I found two problems with the survey.
The number one problem that I came across, the survey used the quantitative method to probe social alienation in society. The survey should use a qualitative approach to explore why people feel alienated in the community. Therefore, people can illustrate the reason for feeling a disconnect with the rest of the community.
The last problem that I encountered the questionnaires are blaming ethnic individuals for not integrating into mainstream society. The questionnaires are not asking what the barriers for ethnic individuals to integrate into society are?
Thursday, 20 August 2020
Escalation of Economic Crisis for Islamic Republic of Iran
Recently, the United States of America (USA) defeated at the United Nations Security Council to disallow the Islamic Republic of Iran to purchase weapons. It caused the USA to re-evaluate its economic sanction against the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The USA is going to impose harsher economic sanctions against the regime in Iran. It is essential to understand that the US is using economic sanctions as an instrument to wage war against the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this situation, the US is not firing one bullet at the Iranian regime, and not one US soldier is putting her/his lives on harm's way. In the meantime, Iranians are paying a high price for these economic sanctions.
Currently, poverty is on the rise in Iran as the middle class is shrinking. People no longer can afford to pay rents, and they are renting spaces on someone's roof. Poverty is spreading like cancer in every facet of society. Businesses from every sector are shutting down because business owners cannot afford to pay their staff and have no financial resources or recourse to buy new products for their customers. So far, customers' purchase power is lacking confidence at the time of economic crisis. The COVID-19 is causing a more economic downturn as there is a lack of interest in people to enjoy daily activities.
In conclusion, the USA imposed economic sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran, and Iranians feel financial hardship. Suppose the US develops another economic sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran. In that case, the Iranian middle class may disappear altogether and creates a petite bourgeoisie class, as Karl Marx talks about.
Saturday, 15 August 2020
Carleton criminologists end student internships with police, prisons
Society is “moving away from the idea that we can lock someone in a cage to deal with a social problem,” Prof. McClelland said. “When you have people of colour disproportionately targeted by police, you have people disproportionately ending up in these institutions – so it’s no longer tenable for us to partner with them.”
Scheer marks final day in House of Commons as Conservative party leader
Mr. Scheer says the communist nations collapsed during cold-war due to the capitalist system, which has the nature of laissez-faire. Mr. Scheer's point of view has no merit because the communist countries collapsed for several factors, such as the armed race.
Saturday, 8 August 2020
Friday, 7 August 2020
من به ایرانی بودن افتخار می کنم
آنچه می خواهید بخوانید ، با کپی رایت محافظت می شود. اگر می خواهید از یک قطعه استفاده کنید ، لطفاً اعتبار خود را به من بدهید. من به ایرانی بودن افتخار می کنم؛ خوشحالم که در سرزمین باستانی تاریخ ، دین ، هنر و فرهنگ و علم به دنیا آمده ام. این دستاوردهای تاریخی عطف باعث می شود که من ایرانی باشم. من افتخار می کنم که بنیانگذار آن کوروش کبیر است که یهودی را از اسارت بابل آزاد کرد ، یونانی او را قانونگذار خواند. کوروش کبیر اولین حقوق بشر را اعلام کرد زیرا قانون جهانی ناشناخته ای برای بشر است. امپراتوری هخامنشی او بیش از 200 سال به طول انجامید. من به ایرانیان افتخار می کنم که طرز ایستادن ایرانیان از سرزمین نجیب در برابر اسکندر بزرگ از مقدونیه. من به ایران افتخار می کنم زیرا امپراتوری اشکانیان در برابر Pax Romana برای ایرانیان امنیت و امنیت فراهم کردند تا ایرانیان بتوانند آزادانه زندگی کنند. این سلسله 400 سال به طول انجامید. من به عنوان ایرانی افتخار می کنم که امپراتوری ساسانی یک فضای امن و مطمئن را برای شکوفایی همه ادیان در ایران ایجاد کرده است. این سلسله 400 سال به طول انجامید. من به ایمان میترا افتخار می کنم؛ میترا ، یک الهی فرشتگان زرتشتی از میثاق ، نور و سوگند ، شخصیتی معتبر در محافظ دیدنی حقیقت و نگهبان گاو ، برداشت و آب است. من به عنوان یکتایی دین زرتشتی به سه اصل اساسی قدم زدن در مسیر اهورامزدا می آموزم که ایرانی هستم. افکار خوب ، سخنان خوب ، کارهای خوب. این سه اصل در همه گروه های ایمانی که پس از ایمان زرتشت به وجود آمده اند ، بازگو می شود. من ایرانی مغرور هستم که در برابر عدالت ایستاده ام و هرگز دروغ نمی گویم زیرا دروغگو دشمن خداست. من به خاطر چگونگی تحولات و الهام بخشیدن به ایرانیان پس از اعراب از ایران پس از اعراب به ایران در قرن هفتم ، افتخار می کنم. من به دلیل چگونگی حمله ایرانیان پس از مغول به ایران از هنر و فرهنگ برای ادغام مهاجمان ایران در فرهنگ اصلی استفاده می کنم. فرهنگ ایران در مورد پذیرش افراد خارجی به عنوان خودی جامعه اصلی است. من ایرانی هستم که ایرانیان دانشمندان دانشگاهی را تولید کردند که پایه و اساس علوم نوین مانند ابوعلی سینا ، ابوریحان بیرونی ، عمر خیام و بسیاری دیگر از محققان دانشگاهی را ارتقاء بخشیدند که کیفیت زندگی بشر را بهبود بخشیدند. من ایرانی هستم که فردوسی در کتاب "پادشاهان پادشاه" هویت ملی ایران را حفظ کرده است ، بنابراین ما فراموش نمی کنیم که ما به عنوان یک ملت هستیم و به عنوان یک ملت در حال پیشرفت هستیم. من به ایران افتخار می کنم که ملت ایران جامعه موزائیکی از افراد و اقوام مذهبی متنوع است. این تنوع به ایران اجازه می دهد تا فراتر از تصورات بشری رشد و گسترش یابد. من به خاطر داشتن یک نماد باستانی در وسط پرچم به پرچم سه رنگ ایران ، سبز ، سفید و قرمز افتخار می کنم. شیر در پرچم ، شهامت خود را به من یادآوری می کند که از ترس و ترس از مرگ احساس نمی کنم. من در راه عادل ثابت قدم خواهم ماند. خورشید ایمان زرتشتی مرا یادآوری می کند و من راه اهورامزدا را دنبال می کنم که در وسط پرچم مانند خورشید ظاهر می شود زیرا اهورامزدا همیشه در برابر بی عدالتی غلبه می کند. شمشیر مرا به یاد عدالت اهورامزدا می اندازد ، که باید سریع و عادلانه باشد. من به عنوان ایرانی افتخار می کنم که انجمن شیرهای سرخ ایران برای افرادی که به دنبال حفاظت و پناهندگی از فاجعه هستند ، امدادی خواهد بود. من به ایرانی بودن افتخار می کنم که فرصتی برای زندگی در ایران داشتم که پادشاه پادشاهان محمدرضا پهلوی با احتیاط ، شعور و خرد با ایران اداره می شد. وی سیستم فئودالی را در ایران لغو کرد تا ایران بتواند به سمت مدرنیته و پیشرفت پیش برود. هر از چند گاهی ، هر فرد ، هر خانواده ، هر ملتی با مشکل روبرو می شود. همانطور که تاریخ ایران به ما می آموزد ، ایران مانند ققنوس است. این یک بار دیگر خواهد شد که جلو خواهد آمد و به آسمان پرواز خواهد کرد. بنابراین ، من همیشه به ایرانی بودن خود افتخار می کنم. آنچه می خواهید بخوانید ، با کپی رایت محافظت می شود. اگر می خواهید از یک قطعه استفاده کنید ، لطفاً اعتبار خود را به من بدهید.
I am proud to be Iranian
What you are about to read, it is protected with the Copyright. If you want to use a piece, please give me credit.
I am proud to be Iranian; I am pleased to be born in Iran's ancient land of history, religion, arts and culture, and science. These historical milestone achievements make me proud of being Iranian.
I am proud Iranian its founder is Cyrus the Great, who liberated Jewish from the captivity of Babylon, Greek called Him the lawgiver. Cyrus the Great proclaimed the First Human Rights as it was unknown universal law to humankind. His Achaemenid Empire lasted more than 200 years.
I am proud Iranian with the way Iranians from the land of noble stood against Alexander the Great from Macedonia.
I am proud Iranian as the Parthian Empire provided safety and security to Iranians against Pax Romana so that Iranians could live freely. This dynasty lasted 400 years.
I am proud Iranian as the Sasanian Empire cultivated a safe and secure climate for all religions in Iran to flourish. This dynasty lasted 400 years.
I am proud of Mithra's faith; it is the Zoroastrian Angelic Divinity of the covenant, Light and Oath, Mithra, an authoritative figure on the all-seeing protector of truth and the guardian of cattle, the harvest, and the waters.
I am proud Iranian as the monotheistic Zoroastrian faith teaches three fundamental principles of walking in the path of Ahura Mazda. Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds. These three principles are reverberating in all the faith groups that they came after the Zoroastrian faith.
I am proud Iranian who stand by justice and never lies because liars are enemy of God.
I am proud Iranian for how Iranians transformed and inspired Iran's post Arab invasion of Iran in the 7th Century.
I am proud Iranian for how Iranians' post-Mongol invasion of Iran used arts and culture to integrate Iran's invaders in the mainstream culture. Iran's culture is about accepting outsiders as insiders of the mainstream society.
I am proud Iranian as Iran produced academic scholars who laid the foundation of modern science like Abu Ali Sina, Abu Rayhan Biruni, Omar Khayam, and many more academic scholars who improved humankind's quality of life.
I am proud Iranian as Ferdowsi preserved Iran's national identity in his book "King of Kings," so we would not forget who we are as one nation and where we are moving forward as one nation.
I am proud Iranian as the nation of Iran is a mosaic society of many diverse ethnic individuals and religious groups. This diversity allows Iran to grow and expand beyond human imagination.
I am proud of Iran's tricolor flag of Green, White, and Red for having an ancient symbol in the middle of the flag. The Lion in the flag reminds me of my courage that I will not feel fear or fearing death; I will remain steadfast in the just cause. The Sun reminds me of my Zoroastrian faith, and I will follow the path of Ahura Mazda, which is appearing in the middle of the flag like Sun as Ahura Mazda will always prevail against injustice. Sword reminds me of Ahura Mazda's Justice, which Shall be Swift and Just.
I am proud Iranian as Iran's Red Lion Society shall be a source of relief for those individuals who are seeking protection and refugee from disaster.
I am proud Iranian for having the opportunity to live in Iran when King of Kings Mohammad Reza Pahlavi governed Iran with prudence, intelligence, and wisdom. He abolished the feudal system in Iran so that Iran can move toward modernity and progress.
From time to time, every person, every household, every nation will face a setback. As Iran's history teaches us, Iran is like a Phoenix; it will reflourish one more time as will come forward and fly the sky. Thus, I am always proud of being Iranian.
What you are about to read, it is protected with the Copyright. If you want to use a piece, please give me credit.
Medusa is the Mullah’s Turban
A Persian expression conveys a strong message about the role of mullahs in Iranian society: if a person lifts a mullah's beard, it rev...
Poverty is widespread in Iran. The suicide rate is on the rise, with no interest to decline in Iran. Children commit suicide, too, because...
On Friday, January 29th, 2021, Houshang Amir Ahmadi (Ph.D.) appeared at Mr. Alireza Meybodi's program to discuss his theory of having ...
Book Review of “The Memoirs of Nasrollah Tavakoli, The First Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army after the Islamic Revolution,” published b...