Monday 21 May 2018

Mr. Jordan Peterson caught the attention of the news because he believes Bill C-16 which is advocating individuals rights to their preferred choice of pronouns, it cannot be exercised because individuals are born male or female. Thus, there is one way of life, and that is the traditional view about gender. A person is born male or female, and there is no alternative view about gender. Mr. Peterson did not shy away from his beliefs and began to speak loudly in the public domain.  He invited to several shows, and the hosts asked him questions about his political views, he denies them. For example, Mr. Peterson appeared at "Nightly News with Lester Holt," and the host asked Peterson, were you a radical right wing? Peterson denied that he was a radical right wing. He replied to the question that it was a silly question because there was no evidence to support Mr. Holt's claim. When the host asked him about his political view. Peterson asserted that he had no political view. Mr. Holt said that your fans were the radical right wing. Mr. Peterson began to reinvent the whole notion of fan that those individuals subscribed to his YouTube channel were not fans. According to Mr. Peterson Rock stars had fans, he had individuals that they were listening to him carefully due to the complexity of the issues that he was discussing with his audiences. Thus, they were not just fans.  At some point, he talked with BBC the title of the segment of the show was "Who is Jordan Peterson?" He said that when he was in the talk shows, he always talked about politics, and he was not talking politics.

Therefore, Dr. Peterson, who had a Ph.D. in clinical psychology to illustrates to him that he was a radical right wing. He denied that he spoke politics, but he did speak politics.

Point One:

Mr. Peterson always was using the concept of no evidence to run away from reality by saying there was no evidence to support a claim that he made a political statement. In the academic arena, it was easy to tell a P.h.D candidate there was no evidence so they would study more. However, in real life, there were pieces of evidence that he spoke politics when he stepped in the realm of politics and rejected Bill C-16. He took a stand against the Canadian parliament. Now, he did not want to stand-up for his cause and wanted to run away as if the real world was a playground for him. Mr. Peterson was not worthy of a person to listen to his views when he did not want to stand by his conviction.

Point Two:

Mr. Peterson was a radical right wing. Just look at his YouTube channel and could see him decorated his YouTube channel with the name of God, and gave an impression of being a church by displaying color image at the corner of his YouTube channel. Therefore, Mr. Peterson was running away from his own identity that who he was as a person. He was not worthy of watching him or following him.
All in all, Mr. Peterson was unable to reach to himself and to understand who he was as a person and was not in a position to tell others they were male or female. Mr. Peterson knew how to dress well for his conservative photo shoots, but he had no idea that who he was as a person. Mr. Peterson was a man who did not stand by his political views and used every scape goals to run away from reality. It would be beneficial for him to continue his work in the area of the cartoons where he would be able to engage the younger audiences that they were interested about simple ideas and did not involve in taking a stand by an idea. He was not a man of honor; he was a man who only wanted to play. Let him play in the playland where he was comfortable to expresses his view with his friends.

Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson is a man, who is stuck in the past times and cannot accept the fact that it is time to move forward with current times. He does not answer questions during his interview and like children he defines rules outside of the reality. He is a waste of time.

Sunday 20 May 2018

Why We do not Protest Anymore

Looking at Canada and US 60s and 70s social movements, they filled with colorful moments that how the social activists would use every occasion to step outside of their comfort zone and challenge the establishment. The activists created an era of open dialogue among people. Anyone with any idea could express them and challenge those who were in power position. However, the current climate has changed. There is an absence of freedom of expression. People cannot express themselves anymore. If anyone speaks about a value which is not reflecting the conventional wisdom of society, s/he will persecute for her/his views. Therefore, people are becoming more reclusive than inclusive.  It creates two extreme factions that they do not talk to each other, and they fight with each other.  There is a religious faction and a secular faction. There is also the government that stands outside the boxing ring and does whatever it wants because people are no longer united. People are fighting with each other over petite issues and missing the big picture.

The scope of the paper is about the government that how it can get away with anything. If people want to speak about an issue which is causing difficulty for them, the hammer time begins. The police come in the picture and apprehend people for criminal charges like obstruction of justice, resisting an arrest or assaulting an officer. Plus, the cops disregard the constitutional rights of people.

The result of not allowing the public to exercise their constitutional rights, it will enable the power elite to do whatever they want because they know the government that they elected to office will provide them with resources to crush the discontent voices. For example, the Hydro One has a long history of having high profile individuals that they are the member of board directors and they give themselves raises at expenses of people who cannot afford them.

Therefore, if anyone feels that Canada and US are a democracy, think again. Canada and US are not a democracy. A handful of individuals runs Canada and US. If anyone wants to express a view, s/he will be put behind a bar and will face a criminal charge. And now, if anyone charged with a criminal offense, s/he must pay for those charges. It is better to stay home and not utter one word because they are coming. Plus with no prospect of employment. 

Saturday 19 May 2018

The American Way of Life

On Thursday, May 17th, 2018 Mr. Aaron Schlossberg came in contact with a man who was speaking Spanish with several individuals at an establishment. Mr. Schlossberg did not like the individuals in the establishment were speaking Spanish. He decided to approach the individuals aggressively to stop them from speaking  Spanish because they lived in the US, and they must speak English. The following day, Mr. Schlossberg appeared on other social media video clips that Mr. Schlossberg approached public in the street in a hostile manner. Therefore, he could not control his inner emotions and allowed his feelings to monitor and give direction to him.
Mr. Schlossberg was an attorney and the governing body of lawyers in the New York currently revoked his license to practice law until he will clear the air.

I was watching the "Gang of New York" movie, and there was a character with the name of Bill the Butcher, who did not like newcomers. He berated the newcomers for not being able to speak the English language. He called himself a native and believed he was above the others. I began to interrelate the above movie to the incident of Mr. Schlossberg who berated several individuals in an establishment who did not speak English. Furthermore, Mr. Schlossberg was not an isolated incident Mr. Donlad Trump was the same way, too. He made comments that they were derogatory toward minority groups in the US.

I began to think about Mr. George Bush Jr., who claimed that the terrorist entities attacked at the US because of the way of life of America.

Therefore, the American way of life was a central theme for the Americans, and it reverberated throughout the US history that everyone must speak English, and adopted the American lifestyle. 

The US had not changed, it had remained at its infancy stage. It needed to open the door of dialogue with each other and discuss the past mistakes and removes barriers among each other. However, currently, the individuals that they placed in the governing body to govern, they used a heavy hand to administer. It did not solve problems. In fact, it contributed to political turmoil in the US as during election times someone like Mr. Trump would stir emotions and would get elected to an office and began to abuse the system. It was time to talk with each other and not slap each other in the face.

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Arms Race

When American scientists developed an atomic bomb, they shared their formula with Russia so the US would not become sole superpower, and would create a balance among powerful nations. The American scientists action deemed as treason, but it prevented the US dominate the world because there was the countermeasure which was Russia. The globe experienced relative peace, and duration of wars among nations short lived. However, after the collapsed of communist ideology, the US began to invade other countries and contributing to the global chaos. Recently, it came to light that Russia is developing more advanced weapons, and it signed for another arms race. It is a good idea because the US will stop its military strike at other nations, and the world will be in a state of peace again.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Trump vs Cleric in Iran

In a surprise moment, Trump nullified the agreement between Iran and the western nations which allowed the cleric's in Iran to pursue civilian nuclear proliferation. The whole idea is to look at the situation on a grand scale and not what it is unfolding before the naked eyes.

The US lost the war in Syria to Russia, and the cleric's in Iran. Now, the US war machine must continue its profit-making by opening a new channel of war. Now, the cleric's are posing threat to the US and Israel. Thus, the US has a prerogative right to wage war against the regime in Iran.

Israel claims that it possesses the dossiers that the regime in Iran is developing nuclear bombs. It is difficult to believe such a high volume of hardcopy documents traveled from Iran to Israel. It is unfathomed to believe Israeli spies took documents from a highly classified environment and shipped them to Israel.

In conclusion, Mr. Trump's claim that the regime in Iran is developing atomic bombs, may not be accurate. Mr. Trump is using Israel intelligent to support another war cause. However, the integrity of the Israel intelligent is questionable. What is certain here that future of Iran is bleak.

Iran and Israel Relation

Iran and Israel relation will not lead to war because the regime in Iran knows well that it will bring its demise at once. Iran continued the war with Iraq for eight years because it tried to keep Iranian youth and military preoccupied with war in order to build their autonomy of control over people.

Iran a Century of Peace

It is a fact that Iran/Persia for the past century did not wage war against other nations because it was governed by wise rulers. However, the current establishment does not govern Iran with consent and will of people. Plus, it has a belligerent attitude toward other nations.

Mr. Trump Negated Contract from Nuclear Iran

Mr. Trump negated from a binding contract with the regime in Iran that took over a decade for European nations and Obama Administration to bring the system of Iran in an agreement with the international community about its nuclear proliferation. Mr. Trump has a point here when a regime is chanting Death to America and Death to Israel are not welcoming messages to the Western nations. It is time to be cautious that when a country is developing nuclear facilities, it may take a step forward and creates atomic bombs and deliver the message of death to them. Therefore, the US and Israel security are in peril.

Mr.Trump took spearhead approach toward North Korea that if North Korea begins to continue to threaten South Korea with a military threat, the US will obliterate North Korea with its army. It worked, and North Korea took a pragmatic approach to resolve its difference with South Korea. Mr. Trump is approaching the regime in Iran over the nuclear proliferation the same way it dealt with North Korea. However, it will not work because of the European nations, China, Russia, and the United Nations are supporting the regime in Iran. Hence, the system in Iran will remain steadfast to its nuclear proliferation plan.

The real loser is the regime in Iran because, after 1979 Revolution, the supporter of the system attacked at the US embassy and took embassy staff as hostages. It gave the ground to the former US president not to give F-14 to the regime in Iran and did not return the money to Iran for the F-14. Now, Boeing received $17 B from the regime in Iran to make airplanes for the regime. In light of recent development, the above corporate nullified the contract because of the US president Mr. Trump negated Iran's nuclear proliferation and is imposing an economic sanction against Iran. One aspect of the economic embargo would be, not to give the airplanes to Iran. It is a sad state of affair for Iranians and Americans. 

Saturday 5 May 2018

City of Toronto and Bylaws

When I lived in Toronto at times of Barbara Hall and Mel Lastman as mayor of Toronto, I felt the same way as others did. I thought that the system overloaded the streets with bylaws to generate revenue for the City.

1. Residences cannot park their cars at night without permits.  Residencies were already paying property taxes. Why should they pay for the permits?
2. The city of Toronto has too many parking enforcers that they walk around the city and issue tickets to people.
3. Playing mind games with people. I remember that Bloor St., E., and W., and Yonge Street signs would change all the times for left-hand change. Notably, when we repeat one action several times, our mind goes on pilot motion and begin to repeat the same act over and over. Therefore, there are always police officers who are standing at the corner and issuing tickets to people.
4. In one case that I was involved. I was driving on Bloor Street East., and there was one street before Yonge. The sign always said that a driver could make a right-hand turn. Thus,  I turned. However, there was a time limit for making a right-hand turn. And the City covered that sign during a specific timeframe. Therefore, police stopped me and issued me a ticket. How did I feel at that time? I did not feel good whatsoever. Here, the Mike Harris government declared war against poor people like me that we could not afford to pay our rents and now I had to work harder. We do not make over $100, 000.00 CDN a year. We work hard for our monies.
5. I decided to take the matter before the judicial system. It was in this moment that the judges began to complain to the media that the City issued too many tickets. The judges decided to dismiss the infractions, and the above violation of mine did not see daylight in the court.
6. Last, the City of Toronto regulated so many no right-hand turn and police officers are waiting at the corner of the streets and issuing tickets to people.
Therefore, the City of Toronto is using police to generate revenue for its budget.

Book Review of "The Memoirs of Nasrollah Tavakoli, The First Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army after the Islamic Revolution," published by Ibex Publishers Inc., in 2014 by Peyman Adl Dousti Hagh

  Book Review of “The Memoirs of Nasrollah Tavakoli, The First Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army after the Islamic Revolution,” published b...