Sunday, 17 September 2017

Islamophobia in Canada

In the 1970s, the eastern people began to immigrate to the western nations, and the eastern people brought their cultural values to the western nations. One aspect of the cultural value is the religion, and since the western countries were predominately Christian, the Islamic values did not go so well. The Muslim communities began to face discrimination in the western nations, and the notion of Islamophobia emerged as a neologism to define the current state of fear among the western individuals that they deemed Islam as a threat to their existence.

Runnymede Trust published a report with the title of ‘Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All‘ that the Muslim communities were facing bigotry in their communities. There is also a claim that since the incident of 9/11 the intensity of prejudice against the Muslim communities has increased.

The Canadian government decided to legislate Motion of 103 to allow Muslim communities to live in Canada as a free person. It seems like a good idea, but there is a problem with this policy because the government is trying to police people’s thought and no one can police people’s thought. Therefore, the notion of Islamophobia remains at heart and mind of people and will clandestinely practice the Islamophobia. The Motion 103 does not help anyone but perpetuate anger and animosity among people.

The solution for Islamophobia is to allow everyone to speak their minds, and engage one another in making the air clear that where people want to meet with Islam. It is not up to a lobby group or a political party that how they want to govern their society. It is up to people to govern their society. Let people decide for themselves and not the hidden hand of lobby groups.

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