Monday, 25 September 2017

Cyrus the Great and Justin Trudeau

Cyrus the Great received revelation from God to emancipate Jews from the tyranny of Nabonidus, who was the king of Babylon. Cyrus the Great also provided financial resources to the Jews to move from Babylon to their promise land Jerusalem to build their temple and worship their God. And Cyrus the Great drafted the first Human Rights Declaration which is now on display in the British Museum.

Now, there is Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, whose act have resemblance to Cyrus the Great. PM Trudeau is appearing at different religious ceremonies, and worshiping God with them. It is truly amazing to see that one man is showing high respect to other faith groups. He is reducing religious friction in Canada and helping Canadians to respect one another and put their differences aside and think about future of Canada.

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