Sunday, 17 September 2017

Canada is Responsible for Its Sovereignty

John Ivison: ‘U.S. policy is not to defend Canada’ in the event of a missile attack, general says
North Korea has been testing nuclear bombs, and the intention is to destroy Japan and South Korea. Therefore, the nations are the world are concern about their security, too. Today, it is North Korea, and tomorrow it is another country waging war against another country.Canada is also concern about its security and does not want another nation drops a nuclear bomb in Canada.

Canada relies on the US to defend its sovereignty. There is this understanding that if a country attacks Canada, the US will deploy its arm to push back the invading army. Such a mentality is a problem for Canada. If a country invades Canada and the US push the aggressor out of Canada, the US would not withdraw its army from Canada. Particularly, the US forces land in the oil-rich of Alberta.

The bottom line, Canada is responsible for its security and cannot rely on other nations to defend it. The other countries have their problems. Especially, the US is spending over $700 billion annually on its military; it has caused the financial burden on the US economy. It is possible that the US may reduce its military budget and allocate those funds toward other programs.

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