Tuesday, 23 May 2023

The Meaning of Lion and Sun Flag/

 The Meaning of Lion and Sun Flag/ – House of Intellectual (wordpress.com)

Flags hold significant meaning as they represent a country’s core values, history, current state, and future direction. They also reflect the political culture of a nation and its type of state and sovereignty. An excellent example of this is Iran’s Lion and Sun flag, which embodies all these important aspects that make up a nation’s flag.

This paper will delve into the significance of the flag as a symbol of patriotism, the reasons behind Khomeini’s decision to abolish the Lion and Sun flag, and the implications of raising Iran’s Lion and Sun flag.

In times of war, armies wear their flag on their uniforms to differentiate themselves from the enemy. Additionally, each army raises their country’s flag in their military camp for safety, security, protection, and to uphold their country’s honour. The matter of the flag is of great importance and should not be taken lightly. During combat, each soldier is responsible for carrying a flag. If a soldier is wounded or killed and the flag falls, it is the duty of another soldier to pick it up and raise it again. It is unacceptable for soldiers to show indifference towards their country’s flag.

I require computer skills to include a documentary that can support my argument. 

The documentary depicts the Gettysburg War, where soldiers are seen falling and others picking up the flag from the ground. In the opening scene of the first “Pirates of the Caribbean” film, you can see a shipwreck and the United Kingdom’s flag floating in the water. This represents the pirates’ defeat of the British Naval in a battle.

Let’s look at how Rome has always been proud of its national identity and has a rich history to back it up. One example of this is the movie “The Eagle,” which follows the journey of a young Roman officer who attempts to recover his father’s lost Roman eagle standard in Caledonia. The plot is based on the disappearance of the Ninth Spanish Legion in Britain. It is said that historically, this legion disappeared in Northern Britain.

In the context of the Vietnam War, the US military successfully defeated and captured the camps of the North Vietnamese forces. However, during the process of taking down the North Vietnamese flag, the soldiers discovered that it had been rigged with a booby trap. This serves as a reminder of the importance of the flag and the importance of persevering in its defense.

In 1979, Khomeini returned to Iran and replaced the Lion and Sun emblem on the flag with the word of Allah. The emblem’s lion symbolized courage and royalty, and the word of Allah had nothing to do with Iran. Thus, Khomeini defeated 2500 years of monarchy and established a new era according to his way of leading the country toward an anarchy system.

Some people, such as @AlinejadMassih and Hamed Esmaeilion @esmaeilion, are suggesting that Iranians avoid displaying Iran’s Lion and Sun flag. They are promoting using colourful flags that do not feature the Lion and Sun emblem. 

The Lion and Sun flag is a symbol that unifies all ethnic groups in Iran and is a source of national pride for Iranians. However, there are concerns that @AlinejadMassih and Hamed Esmaeilion @esmaeilion, without doubt, promote disunity among Iranians by opposing the flag.

To sum up, Iran’s Lion and Sun flag represents the country’s rich history, from its birthplace in Persopolis to its current time. Unfortunately, some individuals, like @AlinejadMassih and Hamed Esmaeilion @esmaeilion, aim to create division among Iranians by attacking this flag, a national pride symbol. It’s crucial to recognize that not holding Iran’s Lion and Sun flag but instead holding a different one is a sign of defeat and submission to Khomeini’s will.

I proudly display my Lion and Sun flag on all my belongings, including my briefcase, and anywhere I can.

I express support for Iran, its constitutional monarchy, the Pahlavi Dynasty, and Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi as the rightful heir to the Peacock Throne. Long may they thrive.

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