Sunday, 23 April 2023

Crown Prince @PahlaviReza, a Pragmatic Leader, Cannot Work with Vigilantes to Liberate Iran from the Tyranny of the Islamic Republic of Iran

 Since the inception of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI)in 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s domestic policy marched toward a failed state and human rights violations became the hallmark of its identity.

The 1979 Revolution in Iran resulted from Iranians’ wishful thinking, which believed Khomeini’s promise of living in the candy land by revolting against the Pahlavi Dynasty. 

Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi did not like the 1979 Revolution because the Islamic Republic of Iran developed domestic ad foreign policies to move Iran toward the dark ages and destroyed Pahlavi’s policies of moving Iran toward the Gate of Civilization. However, Crown Prince Pahlavi remains loyal to the bright future of Iran by listening to the Iranians and what they want Him to do.

When the “Woman, Life, Freedom” uprising needed a pivotal figure to coordinate people inside and outside Iran, Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi allowed some actors and actresses to step on the colosseum of politics to shape the future of Iran. Individuals like Hamed Esmaeilion

@esmaeilion, or Masih Alinejad @AlinejadMasih wanted to be crucial in confronting the IRI’s policies. Hamed Esmaeilion @esmaeilion, or Masih Alinejad @AlinejadMasih lacked integrity and credibility. They have a dark history of travelling to Iran or working with the IRI in their short-term projects to prevent Iranians from toppling the regime in Iran.

@esmaeilion, Masih Alinejad @AlinejadMasih and Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi formed a “Unity Council” as a countermeasure against the IRI’s human rights violation. The council should have allowed other individuals to become members of the council. However, @esmaeilion, Masih Alinejad @AlinejadMasih wanted to monopolize their ideas in the council meeting and decision-making process and could not allow others who did not share their values to become part of the council. Automatically, Crown Prince stepped outside the council without breaking his ties with the council and took an informal trip to visit Israel to commemorate the Holocaust.  

Crown Prince Pahlavi and His wife Yasmin Pahlavi received a warm reception from the people of Israel and Israeli dignitaries. Like his father and grandfather, Crown Prince Pahlavi rejuvenated Iran’s and Israel’s relationship and reminded them that the Iranians and Israelis have a deep history. The visit also assisted Israel not to implement “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm.” While Crown Prince Pahlavi was visiting Israel, @esmaeilion went rogue and released a letter that he no longer was part of the Unity Council and accused Crown Prince Pahlavi of making unilateral decisions. 

All in all, Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi wanted everyone to be involved in the liberation of Iran so the power and glory to spread throughout Iran equally. The reality is that Masih Alinejad and @esmaeilion are vigilantes. They did not know the art of politics. They wanted to make names for themselves and care less about the liberty of Iran. Crown Prince Pahlavi needs to focus on issues of Iran; not side shows like Masih Alinejad and @esmaeilion, who will fade away from people’s memories.

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