Saturday, 25 March 2023

Incorporating S.W.O.T. Strategy Into “Woman, Life, Freedom” Uprising


The University of Victoria admitted me to the Diploma in Public Administration Program, and I accomplished it (2008-2010). I enrolled in a Project Management course and learned the strategy of S.W.O.T. I used the system to overcome racism, gain employment and make the next move in my miserable life in Canada.

I am using my capital knowledge to illustrate what we need to do to liberate Iran from the tyranny of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Otherwise, Iranians can march out of their homes and shout their voices as loud as possible. They will fail to do regime change. After all, they fail to comprehend the concept of the Art of War because they do not know themselves and do not know their enemy.


Islamic Republic of Iran=IRI


  1. Crown Prince, Heir to Peacock Throne, Reza Pahlavi (@PahlaviReza)
  2. Masih Alinejad (@AlinejadMasih)
  3. Hamed Esmaeilion (@esmaeilion)
  4. Golshifteh Farahani (@Golshifteh)
  5. Nazanin Boniadi (@NazaninBoniadi)
  6. Abdullah Mohtadi (@AbdullahMohtadi)
  7. Shirin Ebadi (#ShirinEbadi)
  8. Bernard-Henri Lévy (@BHL)
  9. George Soros (@georgesoros)

Defining Concept:

What does revolution mean? According to author Terrence Bell’s “Political Ideology and the Democratic Ideal” page 11, revolution refers to a return to an earlier condition. Like the earth’s revolution around the sun, a political revolution going back to a starting point.

In this case, the notion of the revolution can be defined in light of war where citizens of Iran deemed the Islamic Republic of Iran an illegitimate state when, during the 2021 presidential election, a large majority of the Iranian population did not vote for any presidential candidates. Ebrahim Raisi was selected for the president’s office but needed more consent and the people’s will to govern Iran. 

Military Strategy:

Rule number one: The biggest mistake in combat is when the superior force underestimates the inferior army’s strength, losing the battle, a recipe for disaster. 

Rule number two: “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself, but not the enemy, for every victory gained, you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

Rule number three: In 2007, I realized I was surrounded by white Canadians who murdered the First Nations to exploit their lands by kidnapping African individuals to profit from them. It was the moment that I understood I was a special soldier behind the enemy line, live or die. The same rule applies to those individuals who are engaged in an uprising in Iran, s/he will die or stay alive until the Islamic Republic of Iran collapse.


Regime change by removing the Islamic Republic of Iran and allowing people to decide on a type of state during a national referendum, whether a republic or a constitutional monarchy system.

Snap Shot of Post the 1979 Revolution:

The Pahlavi Dynasty collapsed due to The Guadeloupe Conference, a meeting in Guadeloupe from January 4th to January 7th, 1979, involving leaders of four Western powers: the United States, the United Kingdom, France and West Germany. They allowed the revolutionary forces to bring down the Pahlavi Dynasty.

Khomeini established the Islamic Republic of Iran after the collapse of the Pahlavi Dynasty. The other actors from the left side of the political spectrum and the religious-nationalist factions did not want an Islamic state. Khomeini’s security forces began to push the left-wing and national religious factions underground.

Securing the Religious Kingdom:

Phase One:

The religious, left-wing and religious-nationalist factions agreed that the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces remained loyal to Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi with the possibility of a coup to return the King to Iran. Thus, the religious, left-wing and religious-nationalist factions decided to purge the top-ranking military officers as Khomeini issued a ministerial decree to execute top-brass military officers. 

As a result, some officers decided to save Iran from the tyranny of the Islamic Republic of Iran by forming an underground group name “Saving Iran’s Great Uprising.” It was a military coup exposed in the public domain before 18 Tir-Iran’s calendar, or July 10th, 1980. 

The Islamic Republic of Iran is a totalitarian regime and created Revolutionary Guard Corps against Iranian Armed Forces to prevent a further threat from the Revolutionary Guard Corps or Iranian Armed Forces against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Phase Two:

Elimination of all sources of threat to the Islamic Republic of Iran as a state, including the left-wing and religious-nationalist factions.

Phase Three:

The war between Iran and Iraq broke out and dragged on for eight years, from 1980 to 1988, to create a smoke screen for their incompetency as the leaders of Iran.

Phase Four:

Suppression of voice of liberty by introducing the notion of reform. The Islamic Republic of Iran’s actors, like Mohammad Khatami, selected to the president’s office who promised to reform Iran’s domestic and foreign policies from an ultra-conservative approach to more pragmatic ways of approaching domestic and foreign policies.  

The Islamic Republic of Iran’s security forces identified university students and individuals who disliked the ultra-conservative policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran and attacked them. The regime killed some of them, some faced prison times, and some escaped Iran and took refuge in western countries.

Phase Five:

The 2016 Cyrus the Great Revolt was a pro-monarchy Iranian protest at the Tomb of Cyrus the Great on Cyrus the Great Day, which inaugurated a series of ongoing demonstrations and increasing calls for regime change.

The protest was triggered by rising pro-Monarchy sentiment, governmental corruption and opposition to Islamic rule. It took place on Cyrus the Great Day, at the tomb of Cyrus the Great, to celebrate Persia’s pre-Islamic glory. Cyrus the Great Day, which began in the early 2000s as an invented tradition on the internet and social networking websites, observed by Iranian nationalists and monarchists and democrats to pay homage to Iran’s pre-Islamic history, had by the mid-2010s become an unofficial holiday in Iran, being known amongst Iranians as “Cyrus the Great Day” as early as ten years prior (2006) to the protest, as well as an increasingly popular and explicitly anti-government occasion.

Phase Six:

Public protests took place in several cities in Iran beginning on December 28th, 2017 and continued into early 2018. The first protest took place in Mashhad, Iran’s second-largest city by population, and initially focused on the economic policies of the country’s government; as protests spread throughout the country, their scope expanded to include political opposition to the theocratic regime of Iran and its longtime Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei. The Iranian public showcased their fury in the protests with many chants aimed at the regime and its leadership. According to The Washington Post, protesters’ chants and attacks on government buildings upended a system with little tolerance for dissent. Some demonstrators even shouted “Death to the dictator!”—referring to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei—and asked security forces to join them.

Phase Seven:

The 2018–2019 Iranian general strikes and protests took place across Iran from early 2018 until mid-2019 against the country’s economic situation and the Iranian government as part of the broader Iranian Democracy Movement.

Phase Eight:

In 2020, the Islamic Republic of Iran launched several rockets at the U.S. Armed Forces in Iraq. It caused infrastructure damage, and no person sustained any form of injury. The U.S. contemplated a military strike against the regime in Iran by killing Qasem Soliemani. The Islamic Republic of Iran wanted to avoid the war with the U.S. and shot down #PS752. 

Phase Nine:

In 2022, the security forces killed Mahsa Amini because she did not observe the compulsory hijab laws. 

Phase nine introduced the below players as a marriage of convenience. 

  1. Crown Prince, Heir to Peacock Throne, Reza Pahlavi (@PahlaviReza)
  2. Masih Alinejad (@AlinejadMasih)
  3. Hamed Esmaeilion (@esmaeilion)
  4. Golshifteh Farahani (@Golshifteh)
  5. Nazanin Boniadi (@NazaninBoniadi)
  6. Abdullah Mohtadi (@AbdullahMohtadi)
  7. Shirin Ebadi (#ShirinEbadi)
  8. Bernard-Henri Lévy (@BHL)
  9. George Soros (@georgesoros)

The above entities are waiting for phase ten of the upheaval in Iran.

The S.O.W.T. system has two parts. One part examines and discusses the internal factors, such as strengths (helpful) and weaknesses (harmful); the last part discusses the external factors, such as opportunities (helpful) and threats (harmful). 

Internal Factors:

Strengths (helpful)

  1. Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi is pivotal in bringing the IRI down with the blood and sweat of Iranians. 
  2. Crown Prince Pahlavi’s vision for Iran’s future is without foreign nations’ military intervention.
  3. Crown Prince Pahlavi is a prominent figure among international dignitaries.
  4. Crown Prince Pahlavi does not have a political ideology.
  5. Crown Prince Pahlavi does not advocate for a constitutional monarchy.
  6. Crown Prince Pahlavi supports a republic political apparatus. 
  7. Class consciousness. I am using Karl Marx’s concept to understand the dynamic of revolution. Iranians are united against the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Islamic Republic of Iran used ethnicity as a significant factor to divide Iranians and cause ethnic tension among them. However, Mahsa Amini was a Kurdish girl who travelled to Tehran for a visit when the moral agents apprehended her and caused her death while in their custody. All Iranians from different parts of Iran revolted against the establishment. 

Weaknesses (harmful)

The below individuals failed the security clearance, which is vital in being trusted by people and forming a coalition. It is not a coalition; it is a convenience of marriage. Simply put, each person desires to be here and not a conviction. 

Masih Alinejad (@AlinejadMasih)

  1. Ms. Alinejad worked for Mohammad Khatami and advocated for a reform movement in Iran. As it turned out, the reform movement did not intend to shift from ultra-conservative domestic and foreign policies to pragmatic ones.
  2. Ms. Alinejad left Iran, and it needed to be clarified what her income source was. She claims to work for Voice of America. However, she has a luxurious lifestyle.
  3. Ms. Alinejad associates with the Iranian separatist for Kurdistan, Mr. Abdullah Mohtadi (@AbdullahMohtadi).
  4. Ms. Alinejad gave two public speeches besides other speeches, and each time, she called Iran the root cause of all problems and must be destroyed.
  5. Ms. Alinejad posted on her Twitter account that she came from an impoverished and ultra-conservative family, and now she poses for pictures with high-profile individuals.
  6. Ms. Alinejad is a compulsive liar. She claimed when she met the president of France, Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron). She asked the president to acknowledge the “Woman, Life, Freedom” revolution in Iran, and he did. However, Ladan Boroumand (@LadiKhanom) refuted Alinejad’s claim.
  7. Ms. Alinejad has a close relationship with Bernard-Henri Lévy (@BHL), who works on a private project for Iran. Bernard-Henri Lévy (@BHL) is a warlord posing a threat to the safety and security of Iran and other nations.

Hamed Esmaeilion (@esmaeilion)

  1. He is a dentist and has no background in social science or any activity prior shot down of #PS752. After the PS752 was shot down, his wife and daughter were killed.
  2. His action was inspired by hate and anger toward Iran.
  3. He regularly travelled to Iran, and the social injustice did not bother him.
  4. It is well-known that individuals like him travelled to Iran and teased Iranians with their Canadian passports.
  5. Notably, he was part of the IRI and wore the IRI’s flag as a shirt.
  6. Cleric Abolghasem Eghbalian’s daughter Parisa married Esmaeilion.
  7. Esmaeilion rejected Iran’s Lion and Sun flag like Khomeini when Khomeini arrived in Iran; he ordered removing the Lion and Sun emblem from the flag because it symbolized revolt. It is a direct assault on Iran’s national identity and cultural heritage.
  8. Esmaeilion lacks credibility because he is a compulsive liar, as people claimed he wanted to become a candidate for the future presidential election. He denied it and called himself a coordinator. However, he plays a role in what appears to bring the regime down!
  9. Esmaeilion secretly assisted surviving families of the PS752 with close ties with the IRI to immigrate to Canada.
  10. Esmaeilion was crucial in arranging for Maryam Rajavi, the head of MEK, to appear at the Parliament of Canada and speak with federal politicians. The content of the discussion remained private and confidential. Iranians dislike MEK for two reasons. One, MEK is another version of the IRI with a touch of Marxism. Last, during Iran and Iraq War, it sided with Iraq and attacked at Iranian Armed Forces and killed Iranian soldiers.
  11. Campaign of misinformation that Iran’s Armed Forces brought down the PS752. However, the Revolutionary Guard Corps brought down the PS752. He knows Iranians have respect for Iran’s Armed Forces, and Iranians despised the Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Golshifteh Farahani (@Golshifteh)

  1. Ms. Farahani is born into a communist family who has no loyalty to Iran’s cultural heritage. She persistently put down Iran’s cultural heritage like the Islamic Republic of Iran.
  2. She advocates for the self-autonomy of Kurdistan. The idea of Kurdistan as a country will cause a security threat to Syria and Turkey. Thus, they will use maximum forces to maintain the national integrity of their countries.
  3. She has a close relationship with Bernard-Henri Lévy (@BHL).
  4. She is also a porn star.

Nazanin Boniadi (@NazaninBoniadi)

  1. She is an obscure character. She has no social science academic background or any activity toward the liberation of Iran.
  2. She has more question marks on herself.

Abdullah Mohtadi (@AbdullahMohtadi)

  1. Mr. Mohtadi is a Kurdish Peshmarg. Peshmarg means someone who embraces death. In 2015, some Kurdish fighters wanted to meet federal politicians; I wrote a letter to the dignitaries that these Peshmarg were not different than Osama Bin Laden. Please do not say that you did not know. Canada stopped the meeting with the Kurds.
  2. He advocates for a federal system. I have written research papers about the federal system as a dysfunctional political system. In essence, Iran is not a young nation like Canada or US, where people are coming together to ally. Iran has existed as a nation-state since the dawn of history. 

Shirin Ebadi (#ShirinEbadi)

  1. Ms. Ebadi worked for the reform project of the IRI to deceive Iranians that the IRI would stop its ultra-conservative policies. 
  2. She also travelled the world and praised the IRI’s domestic and foreign policies.
  3. She used her position to enable her daughters to attend McGill University to complete their degree in communication.
  4. She is a communist and believes the revolution must continue like Karl Marx.

The below individuals are warlords.

  1. Bernard-Henri Lévy (@BHL)
  2. George Soros (@georgesoros)

In 1996, the US drafted a blueprint titled “A Clean Break, A New Strategy for Securing Realm.” This policy stipulates Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Saudi Arabia must be divided among their ethnic groups and cause tension among them to weaken them. As a result, Israel’s security would be maintained. Iraq and Syria are already in states of civil unrest.


Crown Prince Pahlavi thought that post the collapse of the IRI, he would use his reputation to bring the plurality of Iran toward one common cause of Iran. However, the other players are street-smart, and they will outmaneuver him. Someone like Nazanin Boniadi is hungry for power and does not care about anything. She had sex with a movie star to become a movie star.


  1. It is a reactionary system and not a pro-action.
  2. It promotes street movement and not a national uprising.
  3. Street movements are easily controlled and maintained by the police. It is like a ghetto because police can micro-manage it.
  4. One reason the US lost the war in Vietnam was that the US soldiers at one hill were captured and let go.
  5. The revolt actors and actresses are not targeting high-profile assets.

 External factors

Opportunities (helpful) 

  1. Iranians do not have external factors to assist them because they did not lay the foundation to build an uprising in Iran.
  2. Some politicians in the west sought to assist Iranians in overthrowing the IRI. There are two issues with them. One, they are elected to the office to represent the will of their constituency and not intercontinental affairs. Last, these actors are shifting their position occasionally and sometimes on different paths toward the liberation of Iran.

Threats (harmful)

  1. Iranians are relying on western countries to assist them in overthrowing the IRI.
  2. Iranians claim the economic sanctions are preventing them from sending financial aid to them. However, it goes back to the original part. Iranians failed to develop a network worldwide to send financial assistance to Iran to support victims of the IRI. 
  3. The IRI agents are posing as supporters of Iranians striving for the liberation of Iran to defuse their cause.
  4. The IRI has lobby groups around the world.
  5. The IRI has journalists in countries that publish articles favouring the IRI.

In conclusion, the IRI was different from what Iranians wanted since 1979. They wish to decide on a state, republic or constitutional monarchy system utilizing a referendum. The design of the Islamic Republic caused a power struggle between Iranians and the clerics in power. Iranians will not stop until the IRI collapse. Iranians are coming out of their homes and putting their lives in harm’s way to liberate Iran from the tyranny of the IRI. However, they cannot do this because they do not know their enemies and play in the hands of their enemies.

Copyright © 2023 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH  

All Rights Reserved

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